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GENEVA, 27 - 31 JANUARY 2003 / Delayed Contribution
Document RAG03-1/43-E
22 January 2003
English only
Director, Radiocommunication Bureau
Implementation of the Operational Plan for the year 2002




1, 2, 3Introduction and structure...... 2


4World Radiocommunication Conference...... 2

5Radiocommunication Assembly...... 2

6Regional Radiocommunication Conference, RRC-04/05...... 2

7Radio Regulations Board...... 3

8Radiocommunication Advisory Group...... 3

9Study Group Meetings...... 3

10Seminars...... 5

11Publications...... 5

12Activities related to space services...... 6

13Treatment of notices and other submissions related to terrestrial services...... 8

14Other ITU-R activities...... 12

15Computer support and software development...... 12

16Farewell message from the former Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau...14

17Concluding remarks by the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau...... 14

Implementation of the Operational Plan for the year 2002


1, 2, 3Introduction and structure

This information document presents the results of the implementation of the 2002-2003 operational plan, for the year 2002. This document uses mainly the same paragraph numbering as for the basic document it refers to, i.e. the operational plan for 2002-2003 for the Radiocommunication Sector.

For economy purposes, and so as to cope with the financial reductions decided by the 2002 Plenipotentiary Conference, this document is provided in English only, as an information document.


4World Radiocommunication Conference

The Bureau continued with the coordination of ITU preparations for WRC-03, which included participation in the work of the relevant ITU-R study groups, in meetings of regional telecommunication organizations (e.g. CEPT, APT, CITEL), and in meetings of international organizations (e.g. IMO COMSAR, IMO MSC). In addition, the Bureau continued with the organization of monitoring programmes in response to Resolutions 207(Rev.WRC-2000) and350(WRC-2000) and with processing of monitoring observations. The Bureau also prepared statutory reports to CPM-02/WRC-03, notably:

•The initial review of the Resolutions and Recommendations from previous WRCs and WARCs was completed and the related report was submitted to RAG-02 for consideration and advice, as stipulated in Resolution 95(Rev.WRC-2000) and to the Special Committee (for its meeting in July 2002). The updated version of the document, which includes the advice from SC and CVC, was submitted to CPM-02, which considered the subject matter, together with other contributions, and drafted an appropriate section in this respect .

•The preliminary report concerning the experiences in the application of the radio regulatory procedures was completed and submitted initially to the Special Committee and thereafter to CPM-02 (as updated version), for early consideration by administrations, as advised by WRC-2000, RAG01 and RAG02.

Performance indicator: Satisfactory (all activities initiated in time). The staff resources used were within the forecasts indicated in the Operational Plan.

5Radiocommunication Assembly

Preparations for RA-03 have involved the dispatch of an announcement letter containing information on contributions and a proposed committee structure, the dispatch of invitation letters to the membership, and the development and agreement of a detailed work-plan for BR/SGD.

6Regional Radiocommunication Conference, RRC-04/05

6.1Description of the activity

A Regional Radiocommunication Conference concerning the introduction of digital broadcasting in the VHF/UHF bands, in Region 1 (west of 170° East) and in some parts of Region 3, will be held in 2004 and 2005, and its first session is scheduled for May 2004. The first session of the RRC is expected to produce a report to the second session on the possible technical basis for the work of the second session of the RRC, as well as on the elements related to the conduct of planning exercises prior to the second session of the RRC.

In 2002, there were several developments, which resulted, inter alia, in the enlargement of the planning area for the Regional Radiocommunication Conference concerning the introduction of digital broadcasting in the VHF/UHF (RRC-04/05). In the reporting period, staff of the Bureau was involved in various kind of preparatory activities related to the RRC-04/05, such as: support to and participation in the activities of TG/8 including preparation of submissions to TG6/8, participation in the meetings of the regional organizations (CEPT, EBU), preparation of input documents for C2002 and other inputs for the General Secretariat in response to Resolution 1180 from C-2001, etc.

Performance indicator: Satisfactory (all activities initiated in time). The staff resources used were within the forecasts indicated in the Operational Plan.

7Radio Regulations Board

The Bureau has continued to provide support for the RRB, including the timely preparation of documents for its consideration and in implementing its decisions. A consolidated volume of the Rules of Procedure for 2002 has been published to incorporate all Rules approved by the Board as a result of its review of Rules of Procedure following the decisions of WRC-2000. A complete list of the new or modified Rules of Procedure considered by the Board is contained in DocumentRRB02/328, which can be found at

Performance indicator:Satisfactory (all requirements and objectives were met within established deadlines). The staff resources used were within the forecasts indicated in the Operational Plan.

8Radiocommunication Advisory Group

The Bureau provided the necessary support to the tenth RAG meeting (25 February1 March 2002), including the preparation of the related input. The conclusions from the RAG-2002 meeting were scrutinized and appropriate follow-up activities were initiated and carried out (e.g. submission of document to the Council group on the Strategic Plan, establishment of arrangements for the newly created correspondence groups, etc.).

In addition, preparatory activities for the eleventh RAG meeting were initiated (2731January2003), including the preparation of the related input documents.

Performance indicator: Satisfactory (timely response to all RAG-related activities; satisfaction has been expressed by Member States and Sector Members). The staff resources used were within the forecasts indicated in the Operational Plan.

9Study Group Meetings

The Study Group Department (SGD) supports the work of the seven Radiocommunication Study Groups, the Special Committee on Regulatory/Procedural Matters (SC), the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV), the Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM) and meetings of the Study Group Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen (CVC). In addition, it contributes to meetings of RAG and subsequently responds to advice offered by RAG concerning Study Group activities. At the end of each study period, it is responsible for organizing the Radiocommunication Assembly.

9.1Results and accomplishments (period 1 January-31 December 2002)

•Number of meetings (SG, WP, TG, JRG): 84Number of meeting days: 400

•Number of documents processed: 5850Number of pages processed: 63404

•Number of Recommendations approved: 102

•Number of Handbooks finalized: 7

•Number of Reports finalized: 4

•Draft CPM report finalized (> 480 pages)and dispatched by target date

•Report from SC to CPM02-2 finalized (> 100 pages) and dispatched by target date

•Preparation for CPM02-2 and production of final Report (approximately 650 pages, in three languages for last day of CPM)

9.2Support activities

Support to and liaison with ITU-T and ITU-D, and their respective Bureaux

Participation in respective Study Group meetings, advisory groups, WTDC-02, and in ITU-D groups concerning ITU-D Resolution 9, ITU-D working methods, and study topics of mutual interest to ITU-R and ITU-D.

Liaison with other organizations

Agreement signed with ETSI (under Resolution ITU-R 9); participation in activities of ABU, EBU, URSI.

Organization of seminars and workshops (including presentations at such events) on ITU-R Study Group activities

Topics on which events held during period: ITS, PPDR, IMT-2000 (joint activity with ITU-T), Satellites in IP and Multimedia (joint with ITU-T).

9.3Performance indicators

Satisfaction expressed by the membership for the following achievements within SGD:

•over 99% of documentation posted on website within 24 hours of receipt in Bureau;

•temporary documents made available on website during the course of a meeting;

•as far as practicable, preliminary annexes to Chairmen's Reports posted on website within two weeks after concerned meetings (if full report not yet available);

•as far as practicable, liaison statements processed within one week after meetings and made available as contributions to the recipient groups concerned;

•100% of "Revision 1" versions of draft Recommendations in English prepared within two weeks after the respective Study Group meeting; NOTE - serious delays (from two to six months) encountered with French and Spanish versions due to translation delays;

•over 95% of blue document versions of draft Recommendations prepared within one month following adoption;

•increased use of e-mail correspondence groups (or rapporteur groups) to progress specialized areas of work; (number of such groups currently active is approximately 90);

•increased use of RLANs by delegates during meetings;

•increased use of projection facilities during meetings to allow drafting text in real time;

•rapid response by Counsellors to frequent queries concerning technical and administrative issues linked with Study Group texts and activities.


The Bureau organized the biennial BR Seminar (Geneva, 1115 November 2002), as well as the Regional Seminar for the CIS (St. Petersburg, 15 July 2002). In the biennial BR Seminar, which was attended by some 300 participants, emphasis was given to practical workshops dealing with BR regulatory procedures and software.

Performance indicator: Satisfactory (timely response to all seminar-related activities). The staff resources used were within the forecasts indicated in the Operational Plan.



During 2002, 98 Recommendations were approved by the ITU-R Study Groups and were edited by BR and published on the ITU website, as were four Reports (2026 to 2029), four Handbooks in three languages (F, E, S - paper, CD-ROM, web) and three Handbooks in English only (F and S due to appear in 2003). Eight fascicles of supplements to the 2000 series volumes of ITU-R Recommendations were produced during the year. A full collection of ITU-R Recommendations on CD-ROM was published in March and September. Also published were the new edition of the Radio Regulations, which entered into force on 1 January 2002 (E, F, S - paper, CD-ROM, web), and the new full version of the Rules of Procedure and the 2002 edition of the Handbook for the maritime mobile and maritime mobile-satellite services (E, F, S - paper, CD-ROM, web).

11.2Regulatory publications (including publication of service documents)

In 2002, the preparation of the regulatory publications followed the standard pattern, as foreseen in the Operational Plan, notably:

•The 2001 edition of the RR, incorporating the partial revision of the RR as decided by WRC2000, was published in early 2002, using a revised numbering scheme as decided by WRC2000.

•The consolidated version of the Rules of Procedure (edition of 2002), compliant with the 2001 edition of the Radio Regulations, has been published in August 2002.

•The BR International Frequency Information Circular (BRIFIC) has been published regularly, with no delay, every two weeks, and the concerned website was updated on a regular basis. Sample versions of BRIFIC (Terrestrial services) on DVD-ROM have been prepared and submitted to some administrations for initial testing.

•The 18th edition of List of Coast Stations (List IV) was published in April 2002, as well as the subsequent bi-annual supplement (in November 2002).

•The 42nd edition of List of ship stations (List V) was published in July 2002 in the same formats as the previous edition (paper and CDROM), as well as the related quarterly supplements (in February, April, September and December 2002). The necessary consultation with the administrations, as to the possible change of the format in presentation of the 43rd edition (due out in 2003) was initiated (Circular letter CM/12 of 28May 2002).

•List of Radiodetermination and Special Service Stations (List VI): the 4th supplement to the 14th edition of the List was published in June 2002, and all the necessary work for the 15thedition (due in early 2003) has been completed.

•List of Call-signs of Maritime mobile Stations (List VIIA): Supplements Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6 to the 20th edition of the List were published in January, April, July and October 2002, respectively.

•List of Monitoring Stations (List VIII): The 9th edition has been introduced in the electronic bookshop of the Union thus supplementing the paper edition of the List.

•Optional Provision: following the standard consultation procedure (initiated by Circular letter CR/174 of 3 January 2002), the relevant information concerning administrations' position regarding transborder communications of amateur stations was published as annex to the Operational Bulletin No. 767 (1 July 2002).

Performance indicator: satisfactory (all activities initiated and/or completed according to preestablished schedules). The staff resources used were within the forecasts indicated in the Operational Plan.

12Activities related to space services

During 2002, the space service activities of the Bureau concentrated on:

•processing of space notices;

•support for the RRB and preparation of draft Rules of Procedures;

•assistance to administrations in completing regulatory requirements (Articles 9 and 11);

•assistance to Study Groups, SC and CPM;

•administration of cost recovery for processing of space notice.

12.1Processing of space notices

The 2002-2003 Operational Plan for the ITU-R Sector included estimates of the numbers of new notices expected to be received and the expected rate of processing of these notices over the period of the Plan. It was noted also that continuing improvements in software and internal procedures plus additional resources (approved by Council 2001) were expected to facilitate an increase in the rate of processing of the notices.

The overall situation has noticeably improved over the period to September 2002 as a result of the above mentioned factors together with the application of new Rules of Procedure approved by the RRB for the receivability of notices, modified examination under Nos. 9.35 and 9.36 and examination procedures under Appendix 30B. Statistics on the improved situation are updated monthly on the web at

In summary the situation in each of the categories of space notices for the period 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2002 is as follows:

Advance Publication Information

Receipts / Published / Backlog / Treatment delay (weeks)
Estimated / Actual
420 / 487 / 384 / 0 / 7
NOTE - The time taken for processing is within the provisions of No. 9.2B

a)Coordination Requests

Receipts / Published / Backlog / Treatment delay (weeks)
Estimated / Actual
470 / 208 / 728 / 890 / 129
1)The level of receipts has reduced significantly compared with the estimate in the 2002/3 Operational Plan. In addition, the Bureau has received recently a number of cancellations of notices (both complete and part networks).
2)The rate of processing continues to improve. In addition to the statistics noted above (based on published notices), since July the numbers of notices examined and approved, but not yet published, has increased to an average of over 100 per month.
3)By end 2002 the backlog has reduced to around 890 with a treatment delay of less than 129 weeks. If these trends continue, the current backlog will be eliminated in 2004 (subject to available resources).

b)Notifications for recording in the Master Register

Space Stations / Receipts / Published / Backlog / Treatment delay
Estimated / Actual / 159 / 172 / 49
170 / 158
Earth Stations / Receipts / Published / Backlog / Treatment delay
Estimated / Actual / 337 / 116 / 67
280 / 186
NOTE - As a result of the application of No. 11.44.1 of the Radio Regulations, some networks have been cancelled by administrations and the Bureau has informed relevant administrations that it will no longer take into account frequency assignments in respect of a further 69 satellite networks.

c)Submissions under Appendices 30 and 30A (Articles 4 and 5)

Received / Treated / Earliest date of receipt / Backlog / Treatment delay
22 / 115 / 20/4/1998 / 230 / 241
NOTE - Processing of these submissions has been significantly affected by the action required of the Bureau to implement Resolution 533 (Rev. WRC-2000) and Resolution 53 (Rev. WRC-2000).

d)Submissions under Appendix 30B

Received / Treated / Earliest date of receipt / Backlog / Treatment delay
2 / 5 / 18/9/2000 / 42 / 115
NOTE - The rate of treatment is expected to improve following approval by the RRB of new Rules of Procedure relating to:
•periods of notice and response by administrations; and
•simultaneous treatment of multiple consecutive submissions from the same administration.

Performance indicator: Satisfactory. The achievements are consistent with original objectives with the exception of submission processed under Appendices 30 and 30A (for the reasons indicated in d) above). The staff resources used were within the forecasts indicated in the Operational Plan.

12.2Cost recovery for processing space notices

Actual expected invoicing for recovery charges for 2002 are likely to be below the original estimates in the Operational Plan for 2002.

Details are:

Forecasts for 2002- CHF 8.3m

Invoiced to date:

Up-front charge - 1.5m

Publication - 1.8m 3.3m

Remainder of 2002 (estimate)2.2m


12.3Reasons for the difference

1)The original estimates were based on an expected average of 40 new notices per month. Actual average during 2002 has been 17 per month.

2)Forecast receipts for BSS plan publications was 2.7m (CHF) but there has been zero (current publications have not reached the billable receipt date of 7/11/98).

3)The Bureau has received an appreciable number of requests for cancellation of networks prior to the date of publication (no cost recovery charges even though most of the work has been done).

Performance indicator: Receipts have been below estimates (for the reasons indicated in 12.3above). The staff resources used were within the forecasts indicated in the Operational Plan.

13Treatment of notices and other submissions related to terrestrial services

13.1General observations

In 2002, the Bureau continued to process notices pertaining to terrestrial services under various arrangements:

•using those TerRaSys tools that have been brought into production (notably the tools for processing submissions to BC and BT notices in the VHF and UHF bands);

•using the provisional tools that have been developed by BR/TSD (for some categories of FXM notices and for some types of examinations);

•using local plan management systems and similar equivalents outside TerRaSys (such arrangements are used in the context of the AP26, GE75 and RJ81 Plans, as well as in the context of HF broadcasting under Article 12 of the RR);

•using semi-automated or manual procedures (such arrangement is used in the context of the Article 9 submissions, for some type of examinations under Article 11 of the RR, as well as under AP25 and GE85-MM Plans).

13.2Details concerning various groups of terrestrial related activities

13.2.1Coordination requests pertaining to terrestrial services

In 2002, some ten requests have been received, which is considerably lower than the expected input (100 requests). All these requests were treated in the statutory period, using a semi-automated procedure, outside TerRaSys. No backlog existed at the end of the reporting period.

Performance indicator: satisfactory. All coordination requests were treated in the statutory period. The resources used were proportional to the forecasts indicated in the Operational Plan (having in mind the actual volume of notices).