September 18, 2007


Website For UofT Clerkship Electives Catalogue: (also includes Elective Proposal forms)
Director, Electives:

Dr. Mara Goldstein e-mail:

Electives Officer for U of T Students in Clerkship:

Eva Lagan e-mail:
Tel: 416.978.0416
Fax: 416.978.4194

0T9 Electives Student Representative:
Shauna Tsuchiya

Only APPROVED & EVALUATED Electives will be transcripted
Year 3 (Phase I Clerkship) Electives appear on your transcript and Medical Student Performance Record that are sent to CaRMS

Approval/Registration Process – Done BEFORE Elective Begins

For electives done within UofT, an Elective Proposal Form signed by both student and supervisor/designate must be submitted to the Electives Office at least 6 weeks before the elective begins. Electives may be chosen from the UofT Catalogue or they may be Non-Catalogue electives. All Non-Catalogue electives MUST be approved by the Electives Office, or they will not be credited towards your transcript. A CV of your intended supervisor may be requested.

Students must also adhere to the insurance, safety & security, and liability requirements of the faculty of medicine. This applies especially for electives outside of Canada.
Students choosing to do electives through other universities must adhere to their registration and fee requirements. A confirmation letter from the school may serve in lieu of a proposal form as long as all the relevant information regarding subject, location, supervisor, and contact information is present.
If any of the above are not adhered to, this will be considered a breach of Professionalism, resulting in the elective not being credited on your transcript.

Clinical /Research /Investigative Electives

·  Students are required to complete a 6-week elective block in Phase I Clerkship (two 6-week blocks in Phase II Clerkship).

·  You may subdivide the 6 weeks into shorter time periods with the requirement that no time period is less than 2 weeks and that the various time periods add up to 6 weeks in total.

·  Consideration will also be given to a longitudinal split between two experiences; for example, spending mornings in one elective setting, and afternoons in another.

·  Research electives are a full 6 weeks in length. Investigative electives are less than 6 weeks. There are NO Reading electives

Elective Attendance

·  Expected to complete a minimum eight hour day, and may be required to work weekends and/or be on-call.

·  Travel time: Only a reasonable time is allowed as travel time to and from distant electives.

·  Extenuating circumstances must be approved by the Electives Office

Cancelling A Proposed Elective

·  Students who wish to cancel a proposed elective, are responsible for notifying the supervisor in writing, if requested, regarding any cancellations. If you know in advance that you may cancel an elective, please give ample notice and, if possible, discuss the possibility of a cancellation well in advance. If you are cancelling an elective at another medical school, please adhere to their cancellation policy.

·  The Electives Officer must also be informed of each cancellation and given a copy of each letter, if applicable.

Method of Evaluation

·  Electives are evaluated on the same basis as core clerkship blocks, with identical expectations, standards and procedures.

·  The student is responsible for ensuring that a complete evaluation is received by the Electives Office as soon as possible after the elective has been completed (e.g. 6 weeks). Signatures of BOTH supervisor and student are required.

·  Program Evaluation by students is also a requirement in order to complete the elective.