Historical Diary Entry

Due: ______

For this assignment, your task is to write a diary entry from the perspective of an historical figure of your choosing. This entry can encompass one day or a series of days. It can depict a significant event or just daily life. It cannot be based on an existing diary or diary entry. You will be assessed on the matching of the tone/ style to the personality of the figure and time period, the development of ideas through retelling of events and reflection, and the logical organization of ideas.

  1. Choose a figure/ research. Your historical figure must have died before 1960 to ensure you are researching a different time period. Use the questions to research as much about your figure as you can. Cite sources as you go, and be prepared to hand those questions in with the final draft.
  1. Practice the skills. You will be reading excerpts of other famous diaries to analyze an appropriate balance between retelling and reflection, what an appropriate tone would be for your figure and how to develop it, and what logical organization looks like. You will also be reading texts from your chosen time period to serve as examples of appropriate word choice. We will be discussing idioms and colloquialisms and how to effectively including them in writing.
  1. Rough Draft. This should be written after you’ve received feedback on your flashback with more consideration of spelling/ grammar/ editing/ rereading, etc.
  1. Feedback/Revising: Revise in groups, with a partner, with Mrs. Hepler, with whoever will read your work. Have specific skills you’d like feedback on and specific questions you’d like answered… and USE THE FEEDBACK.
  1. Final Draft. Should be read, reread, and perfect.

Historical Diary Entry

Content/ Development of Ideas / Entry does not include retelling of accurate events or includes retelling of inaccurate events. Entry includes no reflection. / Entry includes minimum retelling of somewhat accurate events and one example of reflection. / Entry includes consistent retelling of accurate events and several examples of reflection. / Entry includes consistent retelling of accurate events and for each is a correlating example of reflection and deep inner thoughts.
Style/ Tone / Entry shows no evidence of an attempt to match the style and tone to the personality of figure of the time period. / Entry shows some evidence of an attempt to match the style and tone to the personality of figure of the time period. / Style and tone mostly match the personality of the figure and the time period with only a few inconsistencies in word choice. / Style and tone match the personality of the figure and time period, including appropriate word choice, idioms, colloquialisms, and sentence structure.
Organization / Entry is difficult to follow due to lack of organization. / Entry includes moments that are unclear due to lack of organization. / Entry is organized chronologically with an attempt to transition smoothly from retelling to reflection. / Entry is organized mostly chronologically with examples of flash backs. Organization is controlled through effective transitions.
Spelling/ Grammar/ Overall Presentation / Spelling and grammar errors inhibit understanding frequently. / Spelling and grammar errors occasionally inhibit understanding. / Spelling and grammar errors rarely inhibit understanding. / Writing contains little to no spelling and grammar errors.

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