
July 12, 2016

8:00 P.M. – Regular Board Meeting – At the Senior Center. Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order by Supervisor John Trowbridge.

Members Present: Grant Burgess, Bob Conely, Tracy Holbrook, Dick McPhail and John Trowbridge. Deputy: Gene Burgess, Bruce Potter and Katherine Wilson

Guest Present: Jim Ruby – County Commissioner, Thomas Lupo – Assessor, Dennis Wilkins.

Jim Ruby – County Commissioner – See Attached

Thomas Lupo – July 19, 2016, BOR meeting @ 9:00 a.m. Millage deduction 1.0000

Old Business

Master Plan: Started – Continue to work on.

Township Website – Loaded on Internet. Updates still coming.

Neighborhood watch signs. Update where needed to be completed.

Electrical Switch Hookup for power outage. Not completed yet.

Picnic Tables (3) - $200 each – end of July.

New Business

Motion by D. McPhail seconded by G. Burgess to approve the June minutes as presented. Approved.

Motion by G. Burgess seconded by D. McPhail to approve the July bills of $3,778.34. Approved.

Motion by D. McPhail seconded by B. Conely to accept the Treasurers Balance Sheet. Approved.

Motion by B. Conely seconded by G. Burgess to talk with “Fish & Wildlife” about phragmites control. Approved.

Nature Center – Enforcement Action – Arrange a meeting with the Sheriff dept. at N. C. to discuss.

Motion by D. McPhail seconded by G. Burgess to allow a tractor parade thru the Nature Center and use of the building, August 14, 2016. Approved.

Motion by D. McPhail seconded by G. Burgess to replace the culvert on Bailey Rd. ½ mile south of Marlette Rd. Township to get old tube in usable condition. 102” x 70’ at a cost of $12,966.80. Approved.

Motion by G. Burgess seconded by D. McPhail to replace the culvert on Montgomery Rd., 1280’ west of Isles Rd. 72” x 62’ @ $109.09 / ft. Approved.

Sr. Center rental agreement and grounds improvement. Update for next month.

F-65 annual report to Department of Treasury. Completed and submitted.

Motion by D. McPhail seconded by G. Burgess to: 1) Remove Bob’s name from the bank’s CD’s account. 2) Let the CD’s roll over. Approved.

Two letters were read regarding approval of MAEAP program for Gene Burgess farm and Flynn Twp. Nature Center.

Kim Bond: Wants to have a “Fund Raiser” for the Flint water issues. No permit was necessary.

Motion by D. McPhail seconded by T. Holbrook to adjourn.
