ITSC 2006 Items for consideration
Jim Isaak, V0 – Nov. 2, 2005
Challenges from ITSC report to the Board of Directors:
- Review input from Sections Congress and feedback on strategic planning activities to identify IT changes and initiatives.
- Expand service considerations to include: IM, Blogs, Wiki’s and other capabilities
- Develop a privacy policy proposal that can support a broader range of revenue streams, with transparency to assure member trust and acceptance
- Collaborate with Strategic Planning and other boards to develop a broad based vision of the professional environment of the future
- Develop policy proposals for expanded services where needed (virtual communities, etc.)
- Online Community/Collaboration Roadmap
- Online Collaboration Initiative engagement
- Web Development Phase II initiative engagement
- Participate in helping IEEE develop an overall coherent
From Sections Congress:
#2 – interactive seminars that provide CEU/PDH credits
#7 - Further develop interactive training toward specific volunteer functions.
#10 - Create IEEE Digital Video Library in 2007 - Provide web-based continuing education that captures presentations in conferences, societies, sections, and chapters and provides virtual speakers for other sections and society meetings.
B - The IEEE should continue to develop interactive internet based section management and communications capabilities in 2006. Such capabilities should include a web based calendar to Personal Information Manager Interface and adding Instant messenger ID’s to MyIEEE profiles.
F - . IEEE shall develop a presentation tool that entity leaders can use to develop presenter-configured training material for volunteers. This would be a presentation ‘generator’ that has selectable attributes that can be presenter-defined to meet specific operational unit needs.
From IOC:
Bd report item 1: -- Recommended that the ITSC work with the IEEE FinCom to develop workable assumptions for maintenance, consultants and labor expense for the 2007 IT Target Budget
Bd report item 10: -- As a result of a request from FinCom, a conference call was held between the current chairs of IOC and ITSC and the incoming chairs to determine roles in 2006, based on this discussion, IOC will continue to look at the financial side of IT while deferring all strategic elements to ITSC
IOC Actions:
Information Technology Related
- To determine what levels of service should be offered to IT’s customers and how to charge out said services (i.e. high, medium & low) (Service Provider Model). Begin to discuss at the June BoD series and finalized by the Nov BoD meeting. (Waselik)
- To give a report on the progress of the Architecture committee to converge on IT strategy across the IEEE; list projects and milestones; discuss the progress and roadblocks; list the goals and milestones. Begin to discuss at the June BoD meeting and finalized by the Nov BoD meeting. (Waselik)
- IT to provide an estimate of ongoing IT costs, especially maintenance, labor and Capital for 2007 and beyond. To be completed by the Nov BoD meeting. (Waselik)
- To provide the cost & metrics relative to Enterprise Architecture and new web initiative, including unifying search engines. Begin to discuss at the June BoD series and finalize at the Nov BoD meeting. (Waselik)
- Relative to IT strategy the IOC strongly recommends that a unified IT strategy be developed on the needs/use side to include new products and services as well as internal IEEE business needs. This is needed before a complete hardware and software strategy can be developed by ITSC. It is recommended that IEEE Strategic Planning Committee working with ITSC take the lead on developing the unified needs/use IT strategy. (Strategic Planning Cmte/ITSC/IOC)
- To work with the ITSC relative to 2007 IT budget assumptions especially in relation to maintenance, consultants and labor expense. To be completed by the Nov BoD meeting. (Waselik, Financial Planning)
Strategic Planning Opportunities: (IT related set)
- Enhance the global network and reach of IEEE to engage technology professionals worldwide.
- Easy access to cross-discipline information
- Increased opportunities in continuing education (distance learning, certification, etc.)
- Development of practical information (overviews, synthesized technical information from publications and conferences, etc.)
- Experiment with a society-like structure that addresses fields of interest arising from innovation that occurs at the intersection of technologies and adapts itself to changes in the technology landscape in real time.
- Provide an enhanced, comprehensive and integrated set of electronic tools to support increased productivity of IEEE members, customers, volunteers, staff and other stakeholders.
- Better partnering among operating units, improved internal integration of efforts, more collaborative work environment
- Better partnering with non-IEEE organizations ( i.e. sister societies, other professional societies, publishers, corporations and industry, conferences and tradeshows, international standards organizations)
Strategic Planning, 2006 Objectives (all)
- Evaluate alternative membership models that are affordable and attractive
- Position IEEE as a leader in Standards in the global marketplace
- Transform IEEE into a highly respected provider of continuing and professional education products, services and activities
- Protect IEEE’s high value IP products from threats derived from alternative publishing business models such as open access
- Make IEEE a highly visible force in global accreditation, certification, and competency demonstrations
- Evolve an IEEE-wide strategy in Asia with an initial focus on Mainland China
- Communicate the vision and reality of the profession to both members and nonmembers using a consistent, cohesive identity that recognizes our diversity, supports our position as the preeminent global technical, educational and scientific association, and emphasizes the overall value of the IEEE
- Leverage member expertise by utilizing IEEE Fellows as an elite group to develop engineering/scientific position papers that would be globally focused
- Evolve IEEE’s volunteer and staff organization and its governance processes in order to effectively and efficiently achieve our strategic objectives
From other sources
Sticky IT services – aliases (family and friends), flash communities, blogs, im, emerging technology community collaborations, member initiated low-overhead communities
Reduce time to publication, comment box (ticket tracking for complaints, problems, suggestions?), personalization of web interface and content citation (blogs, ..), appropriate privacy policy, Peer review search flags, “People who liked this also liked …”
From Computer Society:
Active requirements, business planning session for online communities (APQC consulting arrangement);
CS/SAB pilot of MS Sharepoint environment
From RAB
PhpBB implementation to support ?? (David Green, John Prohodsky)
Drupal from Region 1 (Al Reinhart, et al)
Web …
Online Collaboration