Northamptonshire Biodiversity Action Plan; Partner Action Responsibilities

Daventry District Council

General Action Plan / Action / Action Code / Co-lead Partners / Support Partners
Advisory and Advocacy / Each Local Authority to ensure that landowners of 10 Local Wildlife Sites (on average) in their district receive management advice and implement it each year. / NOR_AAA_CA_A3 / ·  The Wildlife Trust
Data, Monitoring and Evidence / Ensure that all Local Wildlife Sites in each district are surveyed every 5 years. / NOR_DME_SU_A2 / ·  The Wildlife Trust
As part of the LWS survey process allow time and resources for management advice to be provided to the landowner (in order to report on NI 197). / NOR_DME_CA_A3 / ·  The Wildlife Trust
Planning and Policy / Refuse Planning Applications that are received that show potential to damage or destroy one of these sites, unless biodiversity grain greater than that which will be lost can be ensured. / NOR_PAP_PL_A1 / ·  WNDC
·  NNDC / ·  The Wildlife Trust
·  Natural England
Monitor the change in number and area of sites of nature conservation value on an annual basis. / NOR_PAP_PL_A2 / ·  JPUs / ·  The Wildlife Trust
Engage Environmental Consultees in the production of Conditions/Section 106 agreements that aim to deliver biodiversity gain. / NOR_PAP_PL_A3 / ·  WNDC
·  NNDC / ·  The Wildlife Trust
·  Natural England
Habitat / Action / Action Code / Co-lead Partners / Support Partners
Ancient/ Species Rich Hedgerows / Through section 106 agreements/new developments ensure that all species-rich hedgerows are maintained and 40 km newly created. / NOR_HDG_FI_A1 / ·  Developers
·  All Local Authorities / ·  The Wildlife Trust
·  Natural England
Lowland Dry Acid Grassland / Through section 106 agreements/new developments ensure that 8.5 ha of semi-improved or neglected grassland within an acid grassland target area is restored to LWS acid grassland standard. / NOR_LAG_HC_A6 / ·  Developers
·  South Northants Council
·  Northampton Borough Council
·  WNDC / ·  The Wildlife Trust
Create 4 ha of LWS standard acid grassland through section 106 agreements/new developments from arable land or improved grassland sites by 2015. / NOR_LAG_HC_A9 / ·  Local Authorities
·  South Northants Council
·  Northampton Borough Council
·  WNDC / ·  The Wildlife Trust
Ponds / Through section 106 agreements/new developments ensure that ponds of LWS standard are created, restored or enhanced wherever appropriate. / NOR_PND_HC_A3 / ·  Developers
·  All Local Authorities
·  NNDC / ·  The Wildlife Trust
·  Natural England
Traditional Orchards / Encourage communities to highlight the biodiversity value of orchards in Parish Plans. / NOR_TOR_CA_A7 / ·  NACRE
·  All Local Authorities
Traditional Orchards / Where appropriate apply Tree Preservation Orders to safeguard orchard trees. / NOR_TOR_SP_A8 / ·  All Local Authorities
Wet Woodland / Create 2 ha of wet woodland through conditions on planning applications by 2015. / NOR_WWO_HC_A6 / ·  Developers
·  All Local Authorities
·  NNDC / ·  The Wildlife Trust
Species / Action / Action Code / Co-lead Partners / Support Partners
Otter / Install safety improvements such as high-level culverts or ledges at the sites identified in action A2. / NOR_OTT_HS_A3 / ·  All Local Authorities
·  Highways Agency / ·  Environment Agency
Otter / Ensure that new infrastructure developments incorporate the needs of otters, e.g. passes under new roads. These measures should be implemented on all river catchments in anticipation of the otter population expanding. / NOR_OTT_HS_A4 / ·  All Local Authorities
·  NNDC / ·  Environment Agency
·  Natural England