204 Francis Street, Box 10, Drake, SK S0K 1H0

Phone: 363-2125 Fax: 363-2120 FM station 90.1 Website:

Pastor: Dan Graber Phone: 363-0011 cell: 360-7767

E-mail: or E-mail:

Pastor’s office hours: Tuesday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.-12:00 Noon

January 1, 2017

Epiphany Worship Service 11:00 a.m.

Come walk in the way of God’s holy heart


Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

Leader: Day has dawned! The light of Christ has come into the world.

People: We see God’s radiance in creation and in our lives. We rejoice in God’s boundless riches given for all. We worship and adore our Savior, Christ the Lord.

All: Come! Let us walk in the way of God’s heart!

The first Noel, the angel did say HWB #199

Come, Light of the world (Candle lighting – see Insert)


Epiphany reading: Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14

Infant holy, infant lowly HWB #206


Prayer of Confession:

Leader: Radiant God,

People: we yearn to walk in your way but often choose our own path of turmoil and pain. Save us, Lord, from the pride and foolishness of choosing our own course, that we may humbly and confidently follow your lead, through Jesus Christ, Amen.

Words of assurance:

Leader: Throughout the tumult of life, God holds you close in love. Rejoice, because God’s wisdom is your guide, God’s compassion is your strength. God’s love is your redemption.

ALL: Come, let us walk in the way of God’s heart!

To us a Child of hope is born HWB #189


New Testament readings: Matthew 2:1-12; Ephesians 3:1-12

Meditation: “God’s day of radiance is at hand”


We Three Kings (Insert)


Prayers of the People


Joy to the World HWB #318


Meditation – Dan Graber Worship Leader – Peter Nicholson

Song Leader – Gayle Warkentin Accompanist – Wes Epp & Phil Chamberlin

Sound – Peter Nicholson Ushers – Edith Fransen, Ken Friesen


Attendance – 45 Offering – $2725.00

Christmas Eve Attendance – 77

Christmas Eve Offering – $3000.00


Meditation – Dan Graber Worship Leader – Floyd Bartel


Wednesday, January 4

2:00 p.m. – Cheerful Mission Circle will meet in the church basement.

Thursday, January 5

2:30 p.m. – North Star service at Lanigan Lodge. Everyone welcome.


Monday, January 9

7:30 p.m. – Council of Boards meeting.

Monday, January 30

7:30 p.m. – North Star Annual meeting. Please have your reports handed in or emailed to the church office by January 13.


Sunday, January 8

2:30 p.m. – Lanigan Library is hosting a seminar that gives people information on how to prepare and organize information that will be necessary for your loved ones to access in case of sudden illness or death. The seminar is presented by the library as a community service, not a fund raiser and the gentleman sharing his information also does not do this for monetary gain. It is only a service for people. See poster for info.

Friday, January 13 & Saturday, January 14

RJCTournamentofMemories. Alumni, family friends should register by Jan. 6by email () for basketball and hockey.Hockey will consist of current students, young alumni and not so young alumni (figure out where you fit!) Your alumni bulletin "RJC CONNECT" will be in the mail soon (and is already on the RJC website)with more details. Questions: contact Denelda at306-221-2846.

Friday, January 20 & Saturday, January 21

RJC Winter Theatre. The Theatre Arts Class will present "After Hours" in the RJC Gym.The play is child appropriate and adult friendly! Fri., Jan. 20 @ 7:00 pm, & Sat., Jan.21 @ 2:00 pm.Tickets $10 (rush seating) and will go on sale in the new year. Call or email the office starting January 3 to reserve your tickets. (306-232-4222 or office

Friday, January 20 & Friday, January 27

The Academy of Discipleship Course, What have you to do with Peace? at The Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon. Register for this free course at or email . See the poster for more details.


Prayer Request: Bock Ki Kim and Sook Kyoung Park, MC Canada Witness Workers in South Korea, invite your prayers for during a time of great political unrest. President Park Guen-hye was impeached on Dec. 9, 2016 for abuse of power, corruption and scandal. Protestors are calling for Park Guen-hye’s removal from office. Bock Ki and Sook Kyoung have noticed some protestors carrying torches instead of candle lights. Traditionally, torches symbolize peasant revolution. Please pray that amidst the current political crises, Mennonite Church in South Korea may encourage helpful dialogue and non-violent action according to the way of Jesus Christ.

MC Canada Connects: Join the Future Directions conversation at, the transition website devoted to the ongoing change process of our area and national churches. New documents have recently been posted there.

The Mennonite Heritage Centre’s Facebook page is the place to visit for stories, event announcements, and quirky tidbits about our faith, culture, and family history: ‘Like’ us at

!Explore: A Theological Program for High School Youth resumes in 2017 with the Group Experience set for July 11–26. This Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary program gives students in 11th and 12th grades an opportunity to explore ministry, develop their leadership gifts and listen for God’s call.