Avening Parish Council Minutes Year 2013/14



THURSDAY, 18 APRIL 2013 AT 7.30 PM

PRESENT: Cllr M Williamson (Chairman), Cllr T Beardsell, Cllr J Catterall, Cllr D Conway, Cllr Mrs G Parsons (from 7.40 pm), Cllr J Parsons, Cllr Mrs L Reid, Cllr A Slater and Mrs C Braidwood (Clerk)

The Chairman apologised for his absence during the month and explained that this was due to his wife’s illness which is still unresolved. He also announced that he will be standing down as Chairman at the May meeting and not seeking re-election.

Action: / Public Question Time
Mr F Venning advised that 4 members of the History Group had met recently and are planning a repeat of last year’s History Day. The Group would like to use the Memorial Hall and requested support from the Council to cover hire fees for Saturday,12 October 2013. The Council agreed to consider the request at the next meeting. Mr Venning confirmed that the Avening History project is progressing well and is still collecting photographs.
42/13 / Police
Report About Crime And Anti Social Behaviour (Attached)
It was noted that the crime level in the Village has been reduced to zero.
Tetbury’s New Beat Manager (Attached)
43/13 / Apologies And Reasons For Absence
Cllr Mrs C Mitchell (Personal)
44/13 / Code of Conduct
44.1/13 / To Receive Declarations Of Interest in Items on the Agenda
44.2/13 / To Receive Updates to Members Register Interested (if appropriate)
45/13 / Matters Arising From The Minutes
Ruggers Wood
It was noted that the applicant has appealed.
46/13 / To Approve And Sign the Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday, 21 March 2013
The Minutes were unanimously agreed as a true and accurate record and were signed by the Chairman.
47/13 / Action Points For Review
Action: / Notice Board from Shop Wall
It was agreed that the old noticeboard needs to be refurbished and could then be rehung at the new shop at the Cross Inn. It was further agreed to ask Malcolm King to quote to carry out the work and for him to contact Cllr Conway direct.
48/13 / To Receive Progress Reports
Replacement of Bench at Rectory Lane
The letter from GLC & R Williams in response to the Clerk’s letter of complaint was noted. Cllr Mrs Parsons advised that she had been in contact with Cherington Forge and had agreed that the bench would be installed within 2 weeks. Cllr Beardsell wished it to be recorded that he had visited the Forge on 4 occasions and the Clerk had also made contact by telephone without achieving a successful outcome.
Action: / Wood Cladding of Bus Shelter
It was agreed to put this suggestion to the public at the Annual Parish meeting. It was also agreed that the Bus Shelter at MaysLane also needs refurbishing and that the details of the Grounds Maintenance contract should be checked.
Action: / Refurbishment of Notice Board at Nags Head
The Clerk advised that this was being carried out by Mr M King.
49/13 / District Councillor’s Reports
Cllr Parsons (District) drew Members attention to the Local Plan advice letter from CDC and advised that a consultation document will be circulated in May 2013. He also advised that CDC is challenging the Appeal decisionsrelating to residential development planning applications in Tetbury and suggested that there should be a debate on the possibility of infill development in Avening to ensure that the School and other facilities continue to be supported.
50/13 / Community Issues & Projects
50.1/13 / Traffic And Highways
Action: /
  • An email from Gloucestershire Highways (attached) was noted and the recommendations were agreed for a road safety scheme in the area of the junctions of Tetbury Hill, Star Lane, Hampton Hill and High Street. It was also agreed to request that the word ‘SLOW’ could be painted on the incoming approach on Hampton Hill as well as on Tetbury Hill.
  • Cllr Slater confirmed that he has been monitoring potholes and has an updated list to send to Highways.
  • It was noted that all of the major walls that had fallen during heavy rainfall and flooding have been repaired.

50.2/13 / Community Issues
Action: / Support for Avening Playing Field Association
As representatives were not available this was deferred to the next meeting.
Action: / Support for Memorial Hall
Cllr Parsons advised that the Management Group wish to install a Hearing Loop and were investigating the likely costs. It was agreed that the Council should discuss such issues with the Hall Management Committee and, in the meantime, to clarify the responsibilities for maintenance detailed in the lease.
Arrangements for Annual Parish Meeting – 23 May 2013
It was agreed to invite the Police and those involved with the Parish Plan as well as bringing up the issue of small wall falls and owners’ responsibilities.
51/13 / Finance
51.1/13 / Bank Reconciliation and Budget Status up to 31 March 2013
51.2/13 / Bills For Payment
It was RESOLVED to pay the following bills:
Braidwood - Locum Clerk 26 Jan 2013 – 21 February 2013 and Expenses £ 292.02
HMRC – Locum Clerk PAYE £ 53.80
51.3/13 / Donation Request from Citizens Advice Bureau
Since the last meeting it had been confirmed that Avening residents should use the Cirencester Bureau and it was RESOLVED to contribute £50.
52/13 / Planning
52.1/13 / New Planning Applications
52.2/13 / Applications Responded to Since Last Meeting
52.3/13 / Decision Notices Received
13/00393/FULHerons Mead, West End, Avening, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8NE
Variation of condition 5 of 12/01483/FUL to extend timescale for completion
Application Permitted 21 March 2013
52.4/13 / Planning Correspondence
CDC – Briefing Note – Local Plan for the Cotswolds
Stroud DC – Local Plan Policies Consultation
52.5/13 / CDC – Call for Sites – Defer to next meeting
This was deferred to the next meeting
53/13 / Correspondence Received
53.1/13 / List of Information Received in March
53.2/13 / Red Cross – Funded First Aid Course
53.3/13 / Any Other Urgent Correspondence Received Since Publication of the Agenda
Action: / PCC – Use of Notice board and lost photos
It was suggested that enquiries should be made of the History Group in relation to the missing photographs and that the PCC could use the Community noticeboard on the side wall of the Memorial Hall.
CDC – Cotswold Community Conversation – Social Care Reform at Moreton on 21 May from 6pm
53.4/13 / The next Meeting of Avening Parish Council will be the ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING to be held on Thursday, 16 May 2013 In Avening Memorial Hall at 7.30 pm.
All Are Welcome

There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 9.40 pm


Chairman16 May 2013