August 23, 2010 PeopleSoft Payroll Tax Update 10-D – Release 9

PeopleSoft Payroll for North AmericaTax Update 10-DTax Update Notes - Release 9

PeopleSoft Payroll’s Tax Update 10-D includes updates to U.S. tax and garnishment tables, COBOL program changes, and re-delivered SQRs for U.S. payroll reporting. These tax update notes include:

  • Instructions for updating your system’s tables and a summary of the table changes
  • A list of COBOL program changes
  • A summary of the SQRs delivered with this tax update
  • An appendix of object changes delivered with this tax update

For Release 9, the tax update package also includes the following documentation files:

UPD805004_INSTALL.htm / “PeopleSoft Application Update Installation Instructions”
Resolution_805004.xls / List of object changes delivered with Tax Update 10-D
UPD805004_CODECHANGES.rtf / PS Print Project Report for Release 9

You must follow the instructions in the UPDxxxxxx_INSTALL.htm document to apply the object changes listed in the Resolution_xxxxxx.xls spreadsheet before applying the COBOL changes, running the DataMover scripts, or using the SQRs delivered in this tax update. Before applying Tax Update 10-D, you must apply all previous tax updates.
Unless otherwise indicated by a specific posting date, Report IDs referenced in these tax update notes have not been posted to MyOracle Support.

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Updating Your Tables

Tax Update 10-D includes the following files for updating the tables in your PeopleSoft Payroll system.

File / Contents
/ U.S. tax table updates
/ Garnishment table updates
/ Database stamp
(There is no .dat file associated with this .dms file.)
(U.S. only)
/ 2009 Tax Form Definition Table entries
(Report ID 1996988000)

Both U.S. and Canadian customers should apply the garnishment, database stamp, and message catalog updates.

The DataMover script (.dms) files identify the input data file (.dat) as well as the output log message file. The directory where DataMover looks for the input data file and the log file is specified in your Configuration Manager.

Any new-insert DataMover entries in these tax update scripts which have key values matching rows already in your database will not be applied. This condition could occur if you have already added any of the new table entries included in this tax update script on your own, such as a tax change, which was posted to MyOracle Support.

Special Notes – North America

Access to Self-Service Paychecks for Visually Impaired Users

Payroll for North America delivers RTF templates for displaying the paychecks and advice forms as PDF documents in the self-service transaction. For customers that display the paychecks in PDF format, system modifications are provided with this tax update to improve accessibility for blind or visually impaired usersthat use assistive technologies to access information displayed on the screen.

Viewing Self-Service Paychecks in Normal Layout Mode

In normal layout mode for sighted users, the View Paycheck selection page displays a column titled “PDF File” to identify the paychecks that will be displayed in PDF format:

View Paycheck Selection Page in Normal Layout Mode

Following is an example of a paycheck displayed in PDF Format:

View of Paycheck in PDF Format in Normal Layout Mode

Viewing Self-Service Paychecks in Accessible Layout Mode

If the user’s “Personalizations” settings are set to use accessible layout mode, the system has been modified to bypass the ability to select a paycheck in PDF format. All paychecks for users in accessible layout mode will automaticallybe presented with paycheck information in non-PDF format for better compatibility with screen readers.

In accessible layout mode, the View Paycheck selection page will no longer display the “PDF File” column:

View Paycheck Selection Page in Accessible Layout Mode

Following is an example of a paycheck in non-PDF format in accessible layout mode. This is the same layout that is currently provided for historical non-PDF paychecksand will now be used for all paychecks that are presented in accessible layout mode.

Partial View of Paycheck in Non-PDF Format in Accessible Layout Mode

Payroll Administrator View of Self-Service Paychecks

The same modifications have been applied to the Review Self Service Paycheck component in the Produce Payroll menu. This component is used by payroll administrators to replicate the employees’ view of self-service paychecks.

Review Self Service Paycheck Component

(Report ID 1997269000)

XMLP PDF Bulk File Issue with PT 8.50.10

For customers on the PeopleTools Product Patch 8.50.10 running the XMLP versions of year-end forms or slips, the generated PDF bulk file contained only the last employeein the batch; records for the remainder of the employees were missing from the file.
This issue is resolved in PeopleTools 8.50.11. For more details, please use the following link to refer to the Patch Notes for Report ID 1954857000 (Save XMLP Global Properties page to enable new psxp_pdf_optimized property).

Special Notes – Preparing for U.S. Year End Reporting 2010

If 2010 will be your first year producing Form W-2 using PeopleSoft Payroll . . .
If 2010 will be your first year producing Form W-2 for U.S. employees using PeopleSoft Payroll, you must run the special script delivered with this Tax Update 10-D that will prepare your Tax Form Definition Tablefor 2010 year-end processing.
For Release 9 this Data Mover script is upd805004_04.dms.

Running this script will ensure that your Tax Form Definition Tableis current up through 2009 year-end changes and ready for upcoming 2010 year-end changes to be delivered in future tax updates.

If you produced Form W-2 for 2009 using PeopleSoft Payroll . . .

Employers who completed year end processing and produced Form W-2 for tax year 2009 using PeopleSoft Payroll should not run the DataMover script upd805004_04.dms.

(Report ID 1996988000)

Ordering W-2 Forms for Tax Year 2010

RR Donnelly has updated their website with information on year-end tax forms for 2010:

In preparing to order W-2 forms for tax year 2010, employers should consider the following issues:

Employers who will be reporting W-2 data to any state where their state Employer Identification Number (EIN) is greater than 13 characters in length should not order Form ID LSR02A (the “four-corner” format which prints four W-2s per page at the four corners of the page). W-2 Form ID LSR02A does not provide sufficient space in box 15 to print State EINs that exceed 13 characters.
States that are currently known to issue Employer Identification Numbers that exceed 13 characters include Kansas, Utah, and Wisconsin. Employers who are considering ordering W-2 Form ID LSR02A should first review all of their state EINs to confirm that none of them exceed 13 characters in length.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Employers who report W-2 data to New Jersey should be aware that, because of the unusually large number of data items that New Jersey requires to be separately printed on Form W-2, there is a very high incidence of data overflow that results in the printing of a second New Jersey W-2 form for each employee with New Jersey reportable data. With the new requirement in tax year 2009 to print the amount deducted for New Jersey Family Leave Insurance (in addition to the amounts deducted for disability insurance and the various components of the New Jersey unemployment insurance program), the problem of data overflow for New Jersey W-2 reporting affected even more employees.
To avoid running short of W-2 forms, in determining the quantity of forms to order, it is suggested that employers anticipate that two forms will be needed for each instance of an employee with W-2 data to be reported to New Jersey.

Special Notes – U.S.

U.S. Savings Bonds Processing to be Discontinued in Tax Update 10-E

As indicated in the documentation delivered with Tax Update 10-C, the U.S. Department of the Treasury is terminating the issuance of paper U.S. savings bonds through the traditional payroll savings bond purchase program.
Employers must complete the termination of their existing bond purchase programs and the refunding of any remaining funds to employees before applying Tax Update 10-E, which is scheduled for delivery on Monday, October 25, 2010.
With the application of Tax Update 10-E, the following pages will no longer be viewable or accessible via the menu navigation:

U.S. Savings Bond Table
(Set Up HRMS/Product Related/Payroll for North America/Deductions/U.S. Savings Bond Table)
U.S. Savings Bond Report (PAY706.SQR run control)
(Set Up HRMS/Product Related/Payroll for North America/Deduction Table Reports/U.S. Savings Bond)
Bond Purchase Report (PAY016A.SQR run control)
(Payroll for North America/Payroll Processing USA/Pay Period Reports/Bond-Federal Reserve)
Bond Purchase Report (FGPY011A.SQR run control)
(Payroll for North America/Payroll Processing USF/Pay Period Reports/Bond Purchase)
Bond Purchase Report – Federal Reserve (PAY016B.SQR run control)
(Payroll for North America/Payroll Processing USA/Pay Period Reports/Bond-Federal Reserve)
Federal Bond Reserve File(FGPY011B.SQR run control)
(Payroll for North America/Payroll Processing USF/Pay Period Reports/ Bond-Federal Reserve)
Bond Purchase Suspensions (PAY058.SQR run control)
(Payroll for North America/Payroll Processing USA/Pay Period Reports/Bond Purchase Suspensions)
Bond Purchase Suspensions (PAY058.SQR run control)
(Payroll for North America/Payroll Processing USF/Pay Period Reports/Bond Purchase Suspensions)
U.S. Savings Bond Specification
(Payroll for North America/Employee Pay Data USA/Deductions/Purchase U.S. Savings Bonds)
U.S. Savings Bond Specification
(Payroll for North America/Employee Pay Data USF/Deductions/Purchase U.S. Savings Bonds)

With the application of Tax Update 10-E, the following pages will continue to be accessible via the menu navigation and viewable in read-only mode for historical purposes:

U.S. Savings Bond Activity
(Payroll for North America/Employee Pay Data USA/Deductions/Review U.S. Savings Bonds)
U.S. Savings Bond Activity
(Payroll for North America/Employee Pay Data USF/Deductions/Review U.S. Savings Bonds)

Detailed information on the termination of the savings bonds payroll purchase program is available on the Federal Reserve Bank Services website:

Included is: “Checklist: Discontinuing Your Paper Payroll Savings Plan”

Employees will still have the opportunity to purchase savings bonds by authorizing a deduction/net-pay allocation via automated bank-transfer through the TreasuryDirect program. More information is available on the TreasuryDirect website:

Request Direct Deposit Page

Tax Update 10-D modifies the Request Direct Deposit page to hide the Prenotification Required checkbox and the Prenote Date and Prenote Status fields when the International ACH Bank Account checkbox is selected. See the entry for DDP001.SQR in the later section of this document U.S. SQRs Delivered with Tax Update 10-D – Other SQRsfor additional information on related changes made to program DDP001.SQR.

Request Direct Deposit page BEFORE Tax Update 10-D with International ACH Bank checkbox = Not SelectedThe Prenotification Required checkbox and the Prenote Date and Prenote Status fields are visible.

Request Direct Deposit page BEFORE Tax Update 10-D with
International ACH Bank checkbox = Selected
The Prenotification Required checkbox and the Prenote Date and Prenote Status fields are visible.

Request Direct Deposit page AFTER Tax Update 10-D with International ACH Bank checkbox = Not SelectedThe Prenotification Required checkbox and the Prenote Date and Prenote Status fields are visible (no change).

Request Direct Deposit page AFTER Tax Update 10-D with International ACH Bank checkbox = SelectedPrenotification Required checkbox, Prenote Date, and Prenote Status fields are notvisible.

(Report ID 1989751000)State Quarterly Wage Reporting – Utah

Tax Update 10-D modifies the run control page for Utah quarterly wage reporting as shown below in conjunction with the conversion of TAX810UT.SQR (which reported data in the old SSA TIB-1 format) to TAX860UT.SQR, which creates a file to report data electronically in the current SSA EFW2 format. See the entry for TAX860UT.SQR in the later section of this documentU.S. SQRs Delivered with Tax Update 10-D – Quarterly Reporting SQRsfor a description of the changes to the run control page illustrated below.
Utah run control page BEFORE Tax Update 10-D:

Utah run control page AFTER Tax Update 10-D:

(Report ID 1868770000)

U.S. Changes

Federal / State Tax Table
State / Effective Date of Table Entry
/ Table Update Description
(U.S. Federal)
/ 03/19/2010
/ The table entry dated 03/19/2010 which was originally delivered in Tax Update 10-C is redelivered in this tax update. As delivered in Tax Update 10-C, this table entry was missing all of the values which should appear in the fields on the NRA Adjustment page.
(Report ID 1995641000 posted to MyOracle Support by 20 June 2010)
CT / 01/02/2010 / The revision of Connecticut Circular CT which became effective January 1, 2010, included unannounced changes to the exemptions and personal tax credit amounts used in the withholding calculation for employees claiming Single (Withholding Code F) on Line 1 of Form CT-W4. These changes were not included in the previously delivered table entry dated 01/01/2010.
These changes for Withholding Code F are included in a new table entry delivered in this tax update which is dated 01/02/2010,in order to preserve the earlier 01/01/2010 table entry for audit history purposes.

(Report ID 1992344000 posted to MyOracle Support by 15 June 2010)

Note: The New York City withholding tax changes for high earners and the supplemental withholding rate increase to 4.75% (previously 4.0%) effective 9/1/2010 were published too late for delivery in Tax Update 10-D; they will be posted to MyOracle Support as well as delivered in Tax Update 10-E.
(Report ID 2010580000)

Local Tax Table
State / Locality / Locality Name / OLD Rate/Amt / NEW Rate/Amt / Eff Date
PA / I022493C
/ Glen Osborne Boro
(Report ID 1996392000) / Locality Name =
Osborne Boro
/ Locality Name =
Glen Osborne Boro / Correcting entry
Local Tax Table – Pennsylvania Earned Income Tax

Tax Update 10-D includes updates to PennsylvaniaLocal Earned Income Tax entries in the Local Tax Table based on data downloaded from the “Real-time Register” on the website maintained by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Table updates are delivered for Local Tax Table entries for local Earned Income Taxes for which withholding tax rates do not match the current information downloaded from the “Real-time Register” on the website. All updates to Pennsylvania entries in the Local Tax Table delivered in this tax update are effective-dated 01/01/2010.
These Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax rate changes downloaded from the Real-time Register on Pennsylvania website are documented separately in these files delivered with this tax update:
PA10DEIT.docWord document
PA10DEIT.xlsExcel spreadsheet