May05, Wednesday
1200 – 2100Arrivalandregistrationoftheexhibitors, accommodation and exhibition stands arrangement.
May 06, Thursday
1100 – 1150Press-conferenceontheoccasionofthe First specialized fair-exhibition „CHILDRENSWORLD-2010”opening.
Venue: conference-hall of the SportPalace “Ukraine”
1200 – 1230Ceremonial opening of the First specialized fair-exhibition „CHILDRENSWORLD-2010”
1230 – 1300Entertainmentshowfor children and teen-agers„Kadryky”
Venue: scene ofSportPalace “Ukraine”
1300 – 1330Presentationofmodelcollectionofexclusivegarments and accessoriesfor girls „Springinluxurious fulfillment” from „GigisApparel” and «Rachel On The Flower»(USA)
Organizer: Company "THINKERBELL" (Kyiv)
Venue:scene ofSportPalace “Ukraine”
1330 – 1500 Master-classfor parents «You don’t know WHAT you’re missing...»
Organizer: Internationalchildren academy «FasTracKids» (Kyiv)
Lecturer: Maryna Romanenko, professional psychologist
Venue:conference-hall of the SportPalace “Ukraine”
1400 – 1500FUTUREANDACTIVEMOMS SCHOOL: Gymnasticsforpregnant
Organizer: Centerof modern choreography «Sirius» (Lviv)
Venue: «Childrenplayingroom»,SportPalace “Ukraine”
1500 – 1600Demonstrative exercisesof„BabyFit”
Organizer: Centerof modern choreography «Sirius» (Lviv)
Venue: «Childrenplayingroom», SportPalace “Ukraine”
1515 – 1600Linguisticcourse „Chinese forpreschool aged”
Organizer: FirstinUkraineUkrainian -speaking courseofChineseauthors -Yaroslav and Roksolan Derega (Lviv)
Venue:conference-hall of the SportPalace “Ukraine”
1600 - 1700Yogaschoolforchildren
Organizer: Lvivyogaschool «Greeting to the sun»
Venue: «Childrenplayingroom», SportPalace “Ukraine”
1700 - 1800OPENDANCESTUDIO: Ballroom dances
Organizer: Centerof modern choreography «Sirius» (Lviv)
Venue:scene ofSportPalace “Ukraine”
1800 - 1900FUTUREANDACTIVEMOMS SCHOOL: Oriental dances
Organizer: Lvivyogaschool «Greeting to the sun »
Venue: «Childrenplayingroom», SportPalace “Ukraine”
2000 -2300Officialreceptionforexhibitors(on special invitations)
May 07, Friday
1000Beginning of the exhibition work
1200 – 1300Lecture-presentation «Conscious parentage– a pledge of happy baby born»
Organizer: Centerof consciousparentage«Sweet baby» (Lviv)
Lecturer: perinatal psychologist of the «Sweet baby» center
Venue: conference-hall of the SportPalace “Ukraine”
1315 – 1400Linguisticcourse „Chinese for preschool aged”
Organizer: FirstinUkraineUkrainian -speaking courseofChineseauthors - Yaroslav and Roksolan Derega (Lviv)
Venue: conference-hall of the SportPalace “Ukraine”
1400 – 1430Demonstrationofmodelcollectionfor boys and girls «Child’s happiness» fromsewing factory „ER”
Organizer: Sewing factory„ER” (Lviv)
Venue: scene ofSportPalace “Ukraine”
1430 – 1500Demonstrationofmodelcollection„Missy” from „GOODS FOR BABIES” TM
Organizer: „GOODS FOR BABIES” TM (Lviv)
Venue: scene ofSportPalace “Ukraine”
1500 – 1600Demonstrative exercisesof„BabyFit”
Organizer: Centerof modern choreography «Sirius» (Lviv)
Venue: «Childrenplayingroom», SportPalace “Ukraine”
1600 - 1700Yogaschoolforchildren
Organizer: Lvivyogaschool «Greeting to the sun »
Venue: «Childrenplayingroom», SportPalace “Ukraine”
1700 - 1800OPENDANCESTUDIO: Hop-Hop
Organizer: Centerof modern choreography «Sirius» (Lviv)
Venue: scene ofSportPalace “Ukraine”
1800 - 1900FUTUREANDACTIVEMOMS SCHOOL: Oriental dances
Organizer: Lvivyogaschool «Greeting to the sun »
Venue: «Childrenplayingroom», SportPalace “Ukraine”
1900Exhibition closure
May 08, Saturday
1000Beginning of the exhibition work
1130 – 1200Winnersrewardingofthe “Bestexposition” contest
Venue: scene ofSportPalace “Ukraine”
1200 – 1300Lecture-presentation «Conscious parentage – a pledge of happy baby born »
Organizer: Centerof consciousparentage«Sweet baby» (Lviv)
Lecturer: perinatal psychologist of the «Sweet baby» center
Venue: conference-hall of the SportPalace “Ukraine”
1300 Face painting(Englishspeaking party)
Organiser: Language Club "Open World" (Lviv)
Location: Corner of children's entertainment, "Sports Palace" Ukraine "
1300 – 1330Presentationofmodelcollectionofexclusivegarments and accessoriesfor girls „Springinluxurious fulfillment” from „GigisApparel” and «Rachel On The Flower»(USA)
Organizer: Company "THINKERBELL" (Kyiv)
Venue: scene ofSportPalace “Ukraine”
1315 – 1400Linguisticcourse „Chinese for preschool aged”
Organizer: FirstinUkraineUkrainian -speaking courseofChineseauthors - Yaroslav and Roksolan Derega (Lviv)
Venue: conference-hall of the SportPalace “Ukraine”
1330 – 1400Presentationofmodelcollection„BabyBasic” by «KUBERA» TM:«DEVELOPING TASTE FROM THE CRADLE»
Organizer: „Kubera” company (Lviv)
Venue: scene ofSportPalace “Ukraine”
1400 – 1500Demonstration of slings collection by mothers and fathers
Organizer: Centerof consciousparentage«Sweet baby» (Lviv)
Venue: scene ofSportPalace “Ukraine”
1500 – 1600Demonstrative exercisesof„BabyFit”
Organizer: Centerof modern choreography «Sirius» (Lviv)
Venue: «Childrenplayingroom», SportPalace “Ukraine”
1600 - 1700OPENDANCESTUDIO: MTV-style
Organizer: Centerof modern choreography «Sirius» (Lviv)
Venue: scene ofSportPalace “Ukraine”
1700 - 1800Yogaschoolforchildren
Organizer: Lvivyogaschool «Greeting to the sun »
Venue: «Childrenplayingroom», SportPalace “Ukraine”
1800Exhibition closure
May 09, Sunday
1000Beginning of the exhibition work
1100 – 1130Openclassofuniquemethodofearlydevelopmentthrough the English study „HelenDeronEarly English” for 2-3,5 aged kids.
Organizer: „HelenDeronEarly English” „Lviv-Pivden’”TrainingCenter(Lviv)
Venue: «Childrenplayingroom», SportPalace “Ukraine”
1130 – 1200Openclassofuniquemethodofearlydevelopmentthrough the English study „HelenDeronEarly English” for 4-6 aged kids.
Organizer: „HelenDeronEarly English” „Lviv-Pivden’”TrainingCenter(Lviv)
Venue: «Childrenplayingroom», SportPalace “Ukraine”
1200 – 1245Linguisticcourse „Chinese for preschool aged”
Organizer: FirstinUkraineUkrainian -speaking courseofChineseauthors - Yaroslav and Roksolan Derega (Lviv)
Venue: conference-hall of the SportPalace “Ukraine”
1300 – 1330Circusperformance „Fairyworld”
Organizer: „Kazkovyi svit” company (Lviv)
Venue: scene ofSportPalace “Ukraine”
1330 – 1400PresentationofmodelcollectionofUkrainiannationalcostumesfor boys and girls from „BOMBA” TM
Organizer: „BOMBA” TM (Chernivtsi)
Venue: scene ofSportPalace “Ukraine”
1400 Face painting(Englishspeaking party)
Organiser: Language Club "Open World" (Lviv)
Location: Corner of children's entertainment, "Sports Palace" Ukraine "
1400 - 1500FUTUREANDACTIVEMOMS SCHOOL: Oriental dances
Organizer: Centerof modern choreography «Sirius» (Lviv)
Venue: «Childrenplayingroom», SportPalace “Ukraine”
1500 – 1600Demonstrative exercisesof„BabyFit”
Organizer: Centerof modern choreography «Sirius» (Lviv)
Venue: «Childrenplayingroom», SportPalace “Ukraine”
1600 - 1700Yogaschoolforchildren
Organizer: Lvivyogaschool «Greeting to the sun »
Venue: «Childrenplayingroom», SportPalace “Ukraine”
1800Exhibition closure
1800 - 2200 Disassembling of exposition displays and removal of the exhibits