Present:Maggie Hepburn (ACVO) Laurence Alfred (Camphill School) Sarah Elliot (Barnardos) Clare Hyslop (Barnardos) Louise Forbes (Aberlour) Emma Cameron (The Spark) Gette Cobban (Home Start) Freya Rossvol (Children 1st) Jenny Mannion-Krase (Sacro) Claire Lawrence (Aberlour) Gillian Findlay (Aberlour) Anna Garden (VSA) Vicky McKenzie (Action for Children)
Apologies: Tom Starrs (Archway) Vicky McKenzie (Action for Children) Brian Webb(Shmu) Lindsey Jessiman (Families Outside) Gillian Laird (Aberlour) Amy Anderson (Pamis)
Scribe:Maggie Hepburn ACVO
Agenda Point / Minute / Action Point / Who/When
- Welcome
- Laurence welcomes everyone to the meeting, Chair and Cristina and Maggie would take a Minute as Claire Conroy was not present.
Apologies /
- Apologies were read out and are noted above.
- Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Minutes from the previous meeting were available and are correct.
- Matters Arising
- Matters arising:
Maggie said that there was a good Third Sector response for participating and sharing information about their services and this information was forwarded to Eleanor Sheppard, Inclusion Manager. / Maggie to follow this up next year when the training will run again.
- Request for information for the GIRFEC group – issues for the Third Sector around information sharing.
Regarding the Third Sector information sharing, Laurence asked everyone to provide examples of their way of sharing information.
Most national organisations have their own system set up.
The next meeting of the GIRFEC group is on the 1st November. / MH to follow up with an email about information sharing.
- Reclaiming Social Work progress update – opportunity to share feedback from the event at Transition Extreme on the 18th August.
The two proposed tenders, Intensive support and family support have been merged, and it was raised by the group that this is potentially because of the complications around TUPE.
The event was split into separate tables looking at aspects of Intensive support, and the feedback from those Forum members present was that the view was positive or negative depending on whose table you were sitting at.
The point was raised about the creativity of the Third Sector to draw in other funds as part of any service provision around the RSW Model.
It was also raised by the group that there needs to be more work done on identifying the potential gaps in service provision in the future
The group were asked whether it was realistic for Third sector providers to meet up and further discuss possible collaborative working arrangements. It was agreed that Maggie could put round an email after the next session on the 29th September asking TS providers to get in touch.
Bernadette Oxley (Head of Service, Children’s Social Work) has been invited to our next Forum meeting. / Maggie to check whether this was still the case as the invitation was accepted many months ago. / In time to send potential question to Bernadette prior to the meeting.
- Updates from the Integrated Children’s services Outcome Groups
(i)Safe group/ Child Protection Committee – Beverley Hart and Sarah Elliot – .
Beverley shared with the group that “one of the tasks for the Child Protection Committee Serious Case Review sub group is to identify who will be the deputy rep from each of the agencies, so please can we ask the wider group for a willing volunteer; meetings are planned for 6 monthly when things are fully set up, and then when and as required for Initial Case Reviews and Significant Case Reviews; there will be a rolling chair, each agency taking a year – with the 3rd sector representative being Chairperson in year 5. Meetings will be more frequent whilst developing the local protocol.”The group confirmed that Anna Garden from VSA would like to be the deputy chair for the CPC SCR sub group.
(ii) Responsible group – Jenny Mannion - Krass – verbal report:
This group is undergoing a review as part of the wider Integrated Children’s Services governance structure.
The group is redeveloping the Youth Justice Strategy.
Nurtured Outcome group: Gette Cobban has sent in a report – embedded here.
(iii)Achieving Outcome group: No report available.
Healthy and Active Outcome group: No report available as Maggie did not attend last meeting due to other commitment. Minutes from that meeting embedded here.
(iv)Respected and Included Outcome group: This group is undergoing a review as part of the wider Integrated Children’s Services governance structure. This is planned for 2nd November. The group was discussing the input the Third sector could have into Anti-bullying week, and Maggie will follow this up with a question to the sector about ideas/ good practice examples. Minutes from that meeting embedded here.
(v)Mental health Improvement group (Children and Young people): report from Emma Cameron embedded here.
She also talked about the Life Changes Trust Individual grants Funding which is schedule to be live next week.
ACVO is holding budget for 3 years in partnership with the City Council and the work around the development of the Champion’s Board.
The funding has two criteria:
- It will improve your life.
- It will improve your future.
Youth with a support worker, up to £500 for 14 to 25 years old.
7th November Conference Youth Engagement. Asking for representation.
Laurence Alfred mentioned the new Aberdeenshire Youth and Children Forum meeting in Inverurie was well attended.
- Date of next meeting
Suggestions for the meeting to be hosted at Primrosehill