International Nubian Breeders Association Scholarship

In Memory of Karen Senn and Vivian Proctor


To provide the opportunity for qualified ADGA members to attend an ADGA Judges Training Conference or ADGA Linear Appraisal Training.


Expenses that this scholarship will cover:

Cost of fees and travel expenses related to attending and participating in either an ADGA-sanctioned Judges Training Conference, or expenses related to attending a Linear Appraisal workshop.

Payment will be made by check.

For judging candidates, any funds not spent on training conference fees can be used to pay expenses (travel, meals, hotel, etc.).

For linear appraisal candidates, funds can be spent on expenses related to attending a linear appraisal refresher session, including travel, meals, hotel, etc.

Applicant must be:

  1. A paid member of the American Dairy Goat Association (applicant may be a youth or regular member or part of a family or joint membership) for the year the scholarship is awarded; and either
  1. A first-time candidate or apprentice judge taking ADGA’s Judges Training Program with the expectation of becoming a licensed apprentice ADGA Judge; or

A linear appraisal trainee candidate approved to attend a Linear Appraisal workshop at that level with the expectation of becoming a Linear Appraiser.

The Karen Senn and Vivian Proctor Memorial Scholarships are not available to currently licensed ADGA Judges with judging at levels above that of apprentice, or currently licensed ADGA Linear Appraisers.


Applications must be postmarked by August 10, 2016 and mailed to:

INBA Scholarship Fund

ADGA/Helen Staver Foundation

P.O. Box 865

Spindale, NC 28160

Applications will be sent to a special board of judges to be individually scored. Winners will be notified at the earliest time possible. All applicants will receivea letter informing them of the final results.


Karen Senn and Vivian Proctor Memorial Scholarship

In the amount of $500

First Name / Enter first name / Last Name / Enter last name
Address / Enter mailing address
City / Enter city / State / Enter state / Zip / Enter zip code
Contact Phone / Enter phone # / Email / Enter email address
ADGA I.D.# / Enter ADGA I.D. #
ADGA judging license? / Yes/No / If so, number of years held? / Enter years / Is it current? / Choose an option
Number of years as an ADGA member / Enter number of years
Number of years involved with dairy goats / Enter number of years
Number of dairy goats owned by applicant / Enter number / Breeds / List breeds
Do you show your dairy goats? / Yes/No If yes, how many shows do you exhibit your dairy goats each year?
Do you participate in the Linear Appraisal Program? / Yes/No If yes, how often are your dairy goats appraised?
List your outstanding achievements with dairy goats / List achievements
Describe your reason for wanting to become an ADGA Licensed Judge or ADGA Linear Appraiser. Include any previous experience judging dairy goats or other species of animals and list the species and level of judging experience. / Enter information here

I have read the requirements pertaining to the International Nubian Breeders Association Scholarship and I verify that all of the information I have provided herein is accurate and true.

Enter date


SignatureDate of Application