The next PNTF Board Meeting will be held on Monday, June 21, 2004 at The College Club, 505 Madison St. in downtown Seattle. Park free in the College Club garage. Enter the garage off 5th, south of Madison. Optional dinner is from 6 to 7 p.m. in the excellent College Club lounge. The meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. For those of you who would like to get the minutes by e-mail, please tell me your e-mail address, or send an e-mail to . If you no longer wish to receive this, please e-mail me or phone 206-433-8868 to be removed.

Minutes of the PNTF Meeting of May 17, 2004

In the absence of President Patti Petesch, Vice President Derrek Berkompas called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Arctic Room at the College Club. Also present were Neal Stoddard, Bob Springer, Tom Cotner, Scott McCoubrey, Carole Langenbach, Ken Weinbel, Doug Chandler, Darlene Hickman, Bill Roe, Doris Heritage, Darrin Prince, and Bob Langenbach. Since there was a new face in the crowd, everybody stated his/her name and connection to PNTF.


A.  Secretary: The minutes of the Special PNTF Board Meeting of March 17, 2004 were approved as published, and the minutes of the April 19 Board Meeting were also approved as published.

B.  Treasurer’s Report: Gwen Robertson was not present, but had faxed her report to the Secretary who distributed copies. One of the items was a tax preparation expense from Dewer, Meek and Ekrem, as Nancy Ekrem had met with Gwen, Carole and Bob L to assist PNTF in getting our 990 tax forms for 2003 completed. There will probably be additional expenses once Ms Ekrem has filed the forms with the IRS.

C.  President’s Report: Patti is ill, and did not submit a report.

D.  Vice President’s Report: Derrek Berkompas had no report.

E.  Office Manager’s Report: Carole Langenbach will contact Patti and express PNTF’s concern about her health. She was instructed to get flowers or a plant. {Secretary’s note: Patti is out of the hospital, and back part time at work. Best Wishes Patti}. Carole handed out some free samples of Lever soap and body wash that PNTF was sent from Talk Marketing. Janell Kaufman had submitted her report of 233 Youth, 98 Open, 194 Masters members, and 34 club memberships for 2004. She also reported that Darlene Hickman had rewritten Dr. Ken Foreman’s bio for the T&F hall of Fame and had submitted it prior to the deadline several weeks ago. Dr. James Fields had sent an e-mail to the Secretary volunteering to do the re-write after reading last month’s minutes, but at that point, the submittal deadline had already passed. Dr. Fields also volunteered to work with Patti Petesch and the Seattle Parks and Recreation Department on the proposed changes to West Seattle Stadium. Carole announced that PNTF had purchased, for $299, an HP6100 flat bed color printer/scanner/copier/fax and she LOVES it. Bob L was directed to donate the unneeded printer cable and A-B switch to a local school.

(Note: does anyone want our old thermal paper fax machine?)


A.  Web Page: Bob Springer reported that Paul Cook has gotten the Youth page up to date. Tom Cotner said he has submitted items for the Open page, and that Brad Barquist has had a page made for the Seattle International Meet, which will be put up on the Open page. Bob S and Carole are working on info for the Masters page. {Secretary’s note: The web site appears to be all up to date as of June 3rd) Bob S commented that they had some problems with Connect Express, as they updated their server, but didn’t update who had access for updates. This stopped Paul Cook from making changes until it got straightened out. Bob S and Bill R and Tom C then had a brief discussion about working with CNW to use their web host, Isomedia and its excess space. Bob and Bill will work it out with Paul Cook.

B.  Association Workshop: Carole L has volunteered to go to Phoenix with Patti and was directed to research airfares and report back.

III NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business.


A.  YOUTH: Doug Chandler announced the schedule: Association JO Meet on June 26-27 at the SW Complex, and JO Regional Meet on July 8-11, also at SW Complex. He is asking for help from officials. Bob S told him to use the officials group to e-mail officials, and would tell him how to use it. The JO Combined Meet is June 20 at West Seattle Stadium.

1.  Scott McCoubrey mentioned that there will be a Youth Camp on Orcas Island June 30-July 7. It will be at Camp Orcaila and has trail running as a subject, in addition to many other disciplines.

B.  OPEN: Tom Cotner said the Seattle International Meet will be Sunday June 20. Entries can be made on The schedule is on Most events favored by hot weather will be scheduled in the afternoon, and the distance events in the cooler evening. The Washington State Road Running Championships, were held with the Bloomsday 12 km race. Winners were Eric Tollefson and Lyuda Vasilyeva.

1. MUT: Scott McCoubrey announced that he has been appointed the US team manager for the World 100 km Championships to be held the 2nd week of September in Holland. The White River 50 mile will be July 31st. He hopes to combine a half marathon with it. He announced this year’s Cougar Mt. Trail Running Series.

C.  MASTERS: Ken Weinbel said that the Spring Fling on April 24th went well. Good food, good weather, a good meet. The attendance was down a bit from the previous several years. June 5th will be the Seattle Parks meet combined with the Greater Seattle Senior Games. July 24 will be the Seattle Masters Classic combined with the Frontrunners International. It will be at West Seattle Stadium. The Frontrunners will hold a 5 km Road Race on July 25th at Magnuson Park.

1.  Road Championships: Neal reported that the first championship will be Beat the Bridge 8 km on May 23rd.

D.  RACEWALK: Bev LaVeck was not present, but Darlene reported that there were 13 walkers at the April 24th Racewalk.


1.  PNTFOA: Neal Stoddard reported that the PNTFOA committee did not meet in May.

2.  Certification and Training: Darlene reported that Bill Hickman has sent in paperwork for 52 new officials who took the classes. Now PNTF has 231 officials certified for this Olympiad.

3.  High School and Club Development: Darrin Prince has returned from a tour in Korea, and has volunteered to head up this committee. He will get with Patti to set up his plans and program. He will have a report on the committee’s progress next meeting.


A.  USATF ASSOCIATIONS COMMITTEE: Bill Roe reported that USATF’s magazine Fast Forward has ads similar to a publication Athletes Only. USATF has contracted the production out and is saving $$$. He and Andy Martin attended the Road Runners Club of America convention at Lake Tahoe. Andy prepared a great package portraying the USATF benefits for each attendee. Coming up on October 2nd is the USATF Club Marathon Relay Championships. All entrants must be members of USATF Clubs and must be USATF members.

F.  USATF BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Bill Roe reported as of Dec 31, 2003, USATF had a positive net worth of $3700! They have finally paid off the huge debt they were saddled with after the 1996 Olympics. Income is up, and net worth is $3,000,000 as the US Olympic Committee has started to make the required payments to all Olympic sports. The Cross Country Fall Nationals will be held at Portland Meadows on the final Saturday of the USATF Annual Meeting. This requires some changes in scheduling. The opening session will be at 8 pm Wednesday evening, instead of Thursday morning. Bill wants all business finished by the committees by 5 p.m. Friday, so it can be looked at before the final general session. The USATF Junior Meet has been moved from Buffalo to Texas A&M, as Buffalo was not able to meet the commitments necessary for the meet.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Bob Langenbach

PNTF Secretary