Minutes of the Southrop Parish Council meeting held at 7.30pm on Thursday 26th June 2014 at 6.30pm in The Village Hall


Councillors: Chairman Beccle, Cllr. Guest, Cllr. Jones and The Clerk

Members of the public: Bob Gowland, Sandie Gowland and Sally Parris

1.  Co-option of a new Councillor. Decision: Co-option of Bob Gowland.

2.  Apologies for absence. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr. Hibbert, Cty. Cllr. Ray Theodoulou and District Cllr. Carole Topple.

3.  Declaration of interest in items on the agenda. Cllr. Gowland in item

4.  To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 1st May 2014. The minutes were approved and signed off by The Chairman.

5.  Open Public Session

6.  Finance

a.  To approve the current financial statement. Council approved the financial statement.

b.  To approve the expenditure since the last meeting. Council approved the following financial expenditure.

i. £302.23 Council Insurance

ii. £652.38 Jubilee Close Insurance

iii.£97.00 Iain Selkirk

c.  To sign off cheques and cheque book transaction record. The Chairman signed off the cheque transaction record in the cheque book.

7.  Planning

a.  New applications received since the last meeting.

i.  14/01579/FULBee Furlong Barn , Saltway , Southrop, Gloucestershire. Conversion of a redundant agricultural building to provide a single residential unit and associated works including internal and external alterations. Chairman Beccle advised that Southrop Parish Council has submitted an objection.

b.  Permissions granted, refusals and currently undetermined applications carried over from the last meeting.

i.  14/01799/TCONRTubbs Cottage, Lechlade Road, Southrop, GL7 3PF. 1 x Sycamore - reduce crown by 2m all over leaving a crown spread of 9m. Decision: No objection (County)

ii.  14/00675/FULKeble House, The Farriers, Southrop, GL7 3RL. Single storey extension. Decision: Application permit

iii.  14/02242/TCONR 5 Wadham Close, Southrop, GL7 3NR. Conifer – remove. Decision:No objection (County)

iv.  14/00607/COMPLY Greys Court, Southrop, GL7 3NU.
Change of use of land from agricultural to domestic and erection of double garage and store to replace existing outbuilding - compliance with conditions 6 (samples), 7 (panel) and 10 (details). Decision:Application Permit

v.  14/01330/LBC The Swan, Southrop, GL7 3NU. Replacement of first floor windows and dormer window (front elevation). Decision:Application Permit

vi.  14/01444/FUL Wychwood House , Wadham Close, Southrop, GL7 3NR. Proposed conversion from office use into a single private dwelling to include provision of new drive and garage, and infilling of car port with natural stone. New dry stone wall around the front boundary. Decision:Application Permit

8.  Trees to the side of The Forge. Chairman Beccle advised that The Clerk has spoken to Mrs Hansard who does not consider the trees to be dangerous. Both The Clerk and Chairman Beccle have had a site meeting with a representative from Gloucestershire Highways who advised that whilst he could see the grounds for concern he was unable to help. Thereafter Chairman Beccle had a site meeting with a tree surgeon who agreed something needed doing to make the trees safe and quoted a figure of £5,000 for the relevant work. A letter therefore needs to be written to Mrs Hansard confirming that it is the opinion of Southrop Parish Council that the work needs carrying out. However, if that is unsuccessful there is very little else SPC can do and the matter will have to be dealt with privately by the residents of The Farriers that are affected by the situation.

9.  WW1 commemoration funding. Chairman Beccle confirmed that this payment has been authorized by CDC.

10.  Maintenance of village verges. The Clerk advised that she had asked Roy Benfield to ensure that all the verges were maintained throughout the summer.

11.Potholes. The Clerk confirmed that the most recent potholes have now been dealt with.

11.  Rural Local Council sounding board. Chairman Beccle confirmed that this matter is ongoing.

12.  The audit. The Clerk advised that the audit figures had been done, these were approved and Chairman Beccle signed the necessary paperwork.

13.  Dog fouling. Chairman Beccle wishes to raise awareness in this regard and it was decided that all Councillors will have a think about how to achieve this and come back to Chairman Beccle with their ideas.

14.  Date of the next meeting. It was decided that the next meeting will take place on Wednesday 3rd September 2014.

15.  Close. There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.10pm.