How to fill the template"List of previous projects and activities" and the CVs:
In accordance with the call for proposals COS-DCFB-2015-3-01 Statistics for Family Businesses, the following documents are required at the time of submission:
- Description of action (Technical Annex 1), including CVs (Europass format recommended)
- Budget template (Technical Annex 2)
- List of previous projects
- Declaration regarding the submission of ONE proposal only.
According to section "8.2. Operational capacity" of the call, documents 3 and 4 must also be submitted at the submission deadline, i.e. upload in the Participants Portal.
List of previous projects:
- 1st column: please indicate the organisation's acronym as used in the electronic submission tool.
- 2nd column: please indicate only the name of the funding programme through which you implemented projects in the past. You could also add the name of the particular project, if applicable. The range of programmes is wide: it could be an EU funded programme, a national or regional funds or any other relevant programme. Only activities in the field of this call are relevant. Please provide information to the point.
- 3rd column: please indicate the year(s) when the project mentioned in column 2 was implemented (including projects that have not been finalised yet).
- 4th column: This column is intended to give a basic understanding of who implemented which type of action and the responsibilities. Please provide a very short description (some lines) of the action you implemented and describe briefly the role of the organisation during the implementation phase (e.g. lead partner, consortium leader, subcontractor for service X, etc.). You could for instance indicate for how much budget you were responsible.
Please make sure that the CVs of all staff considered for the implementation of the project are included in one (1) single document. Please copy-paste the CVs at the end of the template "Technical Annex 1 – Description of the Action" according to the list of partners as presented in your proposals, i.e. start with the CVs of the proposal coordinator, then the 2nd partner, 3rd partner etc.
It is recommended to use the Europass CV template. However, others will be accepted.
Please convert ALL filled documents into PDF before upload (do not print and scan). The system will otherwise not accept the upload.