Dear Parents and Carers,


We would value your advice. As aparent(s)/carer(s) of younger children in the town, we would like to hear from you.You may be someone who has shown an interest in Dalbeattie Parish Church by either attending Church services- perhaps through another organisation or club (such as Beavers,Sea Cadets, Brownies etc)and/or having your child christened. If so, we are seeking your guidance and/or suggestions. We would be very grateful if you would take some time to read the following and then complete the questionnaire:


Sunday School stopped running in 2015 due to low numbers of children. In a bid to seek an alternative way to involve younger people, the previous Sunday School teachers, together with the Minister and Session Clerk, explored the idea of Messy Church. As this was considered to be quite a major commitment of time for the people involved on a weekday after school (which poses difficulties for volunteers who work full time,) the idea of Saturday Praise was explored instead.

Initially, we planned a weekly Saturday Praise service for all ages between 4.15 and 4.45. Due to low numbers, we then reduced the service to being delivered once monthly. We were delighted to have almost 20 people (the highest figure yet) at the December service but sadly in January we had none. As the service involves considerable effort and time from volunteers, we would like to find out your views before making a decision about how to proceed from here. We would be very grateful if you would tick the boxes below, as appropriate, and return the form to Preloved Charity shop or to Dalbeattie Community Initiative Office, addressed to 'Church Survey.' Your responses will help us plan for how best to involve younger people in the church and to help us keep this wonderful building, fully in use, in the town.



Part A: I would be interested in attending church with my child as follows. (Please number the bottom boxes in order of preference 1- 5, with 1 bring favourite and 5 being least preferred option.)

Sunday School every Sunday during usual Church time / Once a month Sunday School during usual Church time / Once a month Messy Church in late afternoon/ early evening after school / Family services once a month / Special family services on Sundays at key times in the year (e.g Easter, Harvest, Christmas)


1. If your preferred option was taken forward would you be more likely to attend church more often with your young person/people? (please circle answer)

Yes / No

2.Do you agree that young people need to be in the Church to keep it going?(please circle answer)

Yes / No

3. Do you have any other suggestions you would like to add:______


Thank you for taking time to complete this form.

Please return the form, by end of May 2017, to:

Church Survey, Dalbeattie Parish Church, c/o Preloved Shop or c/o Dalbeattie Community Initiative Office