GeneseeValley Region PTA

New YorkState Congress of Parents and Teachers Inc.

- Branch of the National -


Each year Genesee Valley Region PTA honors an educator (classroom teacher, librarian, or counselor) who demonstrates excellence in education through his/her work with children and youth and is an active PTA unit member.

This award, established in 1986, is named for J. Ernest DuBois, a social studies teacher in the RochesterCitySchool District and an active and committed PTA leader.In 1984-85, he was chosen the Rochester City School District Teacher of the Year by his peers. Ernest retired in 1989, after teaching twenty-seven years; however, his commitment to PTA continued through 2002. Ernest has exemplified PTA and education in both his professional and volunteer lives as he has worked for all children and youth.

Ernest was a PTA unit president and council officer. He chaired many Genesee Valley District committees. In 1974 he was appointed District Director by the Executive (no space here) Committee of the New York State PTA and served through 1977.Ernest continued to serve New York State PTA as chair for Bylaws, Education, and Resolutions committees.He was elected to the New York State Executive Committee as Assistant Treasurer, Treasurer, and Vice-President. Ernest’s most recent appointment was as a Presidential Assignee for New York State PTA’s Board of Managers.

Past recipients include:

1986J Ernest DuBois, RochesterCitySchool District

1987Rose Serrano, RochesterCitySchool District

1991Betty Ann Dowel, David Crane, Rush-Henrietta

1992Nancy Kidd

1993Debbie Merritt

1999Mike Herman, RochesterCitySchool #1

1999-2000Sue Truelove, Matt Mazura

2001-2002Jean Hoffend, Diane Scheible, FairportSchool District

2002-2003Dolores Locklear, RochesterCitySchool District

2003-2004Linda Barclay. RochesterCitySchool District

2004 fallDiane McHale-Mix, Irondequoit

2005Debbie Maier, Ontario Primary

2006David John, Pittsford

2008Trisha Zuckerman,School #1, RochesterCity

2011Terri Ercole,Cobbles Elementary, Penfield

2012Sherrill Moon,Scribner Road PTA, Penfield

2013Sue Vadakin, Cobbles, Penfield

2014Kathi O’Leary, English Village, Greece

As you consider nominating an educator for this award, it is important that your nominee be:

  • an active educator (classroom teacher, librarian, or counselor) who works directly with/for students
  • an active PTA member who is serving (or has served at least one year of the last two years) on the unit’s Board as a committee member, committee chair, teacher representative, or elected officer.(The unit must be in good standing.)
  • an educator who has made a commitment to PTA.

GeneseeValley Region PTA

New YorkState Congress of Parents and Teachers Inc.

- Branch of the National -


Nominator ______Date ______

Phone ______E-Mail ______

Nominee ______PTA Unit ______

Current PTA Position ______

Past PTA Positions ______

Leadership Qualities:

Significant Contributions to PTA


Significant Contributions to the School


Send this completed application to GV Region PTA Awards Chair by October 21st to
r mailed to Jill Ehrlinger, 1539 Meadowbrook Ln, Farmington, NY14425.

A committee will select the award recipient and he/she will be honored at the PTA Partnership Dinner in the fall.


J_ Ernest_DuBois_Award_updated Application.docPrinted: 01-Aug-13