Present: The Mayor Cllr. Elaine Silverwood (in the Chair) Mrs Oades, P. Hardy, P.A.Hodgson, J. Cameron, K.Wright, K.Beckett, D.Armer, D.Murrey, M.McIver
- Apologies for absence: none received
- Declarations of interest: Members were reminded that in accordance with the Local Authorities Code of Conduct Act 2007 (part 2) Members Interests and Councils Standing Orders that any pecuniary or other interests should be declared. Cllr .Hardy declared an interest on all planning matters
- Policing in Kirkham: a police report on June activity had been circulated previously and reflected a down turnoff criminal activity in the town. Kirkham Club Day and Civic Sunday particularly went very well. A presentation by Chief Superintendant Richard Debicki ,Superintendant Bill McMahon. and Inspector Keith Ogle followed with an outline of Police budgetary planning in the future which could affect the front desk at Kirkham Police Station and/or staffing levels. Resolved that a public consultation exercise should take place at the Community Centre (on Monday August 1st at 6.30pm onwards).
- Ratification of the actions of the Leisure Committee held on July 5th 2011. Approved
- Approval of the Minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday June 6th2011: Approved
- Matters arising from those minutes: nil written response from the Director Community Services FBC re KTC letter expressing concerns play parks development. Nil response from Newcastle Brewery re the conditions at the St. George Hotel although it is understood there will be some developments shortly. The site has been cleared of refuse.
- Mayor’s announcements: the Mayor formally welcomed Councillors Wright, Armer, Beckett, Murrey and McIver to the council. The new town signage is now in place to encourage visitors to the town.
- Town Clerks announcements and correspondence:
- An invitation to a Public Consultation event at UPL Products Bradshaw Lane Greenhalgh. The clerk to check for further details. Noted
- Communication from the Haythornthwaite Trust – circulated re a presentation at the September meeting together with a FBC planning officer. Resolved that a 30 minute presentation on the proposals for the sports development at Wrea Green be heard.
- An email from a parent complaining re traffic and child safety issues at KGS has been referred to the Police and re referred to the parent to refer to KGS.
- A letter from Eastham Solicitors re accident on the Memorial Garden playground has been referred to FBC for action
- LCC Community Transport Review, LCC changes to working locality, LCC Lancashire Minerals and Waste Development Framework circulated and noted.
- Web page - the clerk to meet with the provider in the near future – new members asked to provide photographs for the web page.
- LCC 20mph zones in towns particularly in school areas proposed - distributed
- Parks and Open spaces:
- Response from FBC re observations Parks groups’ plans: verbally FBC responded that the railings, gates and any other changes will be subject to planning application and some changes to the proposals.The loss of three car parking spaces and the perceived hazard has been noted.
- Bedding displays: councillors expressed concern some bedding was not in place for Club Day. Noted
- Transfer of parks and open spaces: progress will continue with further meetings planned.
- Cllr. Oades spoke on the distributed report from the FOKP on future plans - distributed.
- Rural Splash update: Cllr. Oades reported a strong response at a recent presence on the Saturday Market.
- KWBG update: The Mayor reported on Kirkham Renaissance as the scheme draws to a successful close. The highways signage is in place with ‘brown’ signage for historic market town. There will be a strong press release on the completion of ‘Preslec’ the final business to benefit from the Renaissance scheme. Tourist Information Points will be installed at the Town End Gardens when redeveloped and the Memorial Gardens. The Mayor proposed a plaque in appreciation of the achievements of Cllr. Oades in instigating the FOKP and work on Kirkham in Bloom. Resolved. That the clerk further this with FBC
- Planning applications and other issues:
- 11/0239 land adjacent to West End Residential Park Blackpool Road. KTC observe subject to Highways recommendations and the countryside planning policy
- 11/0241 West End Residential Park amendment to layout. KTC – no specific observations
- 11/0330 Land to rear of 1 Whinfield Terrace proposed change of use.KTC observe subject to countryside planning policy.
- 11/0237 permission granted
- 11/0237 Ribby Hall Leisure Village multi games area. KTC observe insufficient information received for an observation to be made.
- Cudrilla Drilling: Cllr Hodgson spoke of the far reaching effects of what appears to be a modest work site ranging from reported earth tremors to potential water level contamination. Noted the clerk to write to FBC expressing concerns for the immediate area.
- Planning Guidance Proposal: resolved that :
1.Any applicant or representative of any applicant who submits an application that in the view of this council will have a significant effect on the area must, if requested by the Town Council attend a meeting of:
i. The Town Council to answer questions from elected members; and
ii .A Town Meeting, should one be duly called, to answer questions from all electors.
2. That any applicant who submits such an application that will have a significant effect on the area must, if requested by the Town Council, or a Town meeting, pay for the Council or Meeting to get an independent assessment carried out as to how the proposed development will affect the sustainability of the local communities.
13. Staffing:the Clerk reported on staffing issues and areas of concern. Noted the clerk to report back to the September meeting.
14. Finance report for June: approved.
15. Highways: repair carried out to the top of Preston Street within a day of reporting. Traffic on the A583 is subject to police radar checks. Bryning Fern Lane is attracting KGS parking causing issues with delivery to the Willows Club.
16. Date and time of next meeting: The date and time of the next meeting will be Tuesday September 6th 2011following a proposed presentation by the Haythornthwaite Trust at 7pm followed by Leisure Committee. Council Chamber Council Offices Moor Street Kirkham.
Town ClerkThe Mayor Cllr. Elaine Silverwood