General Data Protection Regulation

On 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect in the European Union and therefore across the United Kingdom. The GDPR will replace the Data Protection Act (DPA) and will bring in extended rights for individuals in respect of access to any data held about them. It will also place greater obligations on organisations which process personal data.

GDPR will apply to parish and town councils and there are significant, and therefore potentially time-consuming, enhancements to the control of, and means of access to, data. All councils will have to plan for how they will engage with GDPR.

ERNLLCA is offering six briefing events at various locations across our area. Interest in these sessions is likely to be high therefore, at present, we can only offer guarantee one place per council.

Please book your place by completing and returning this booking form to ERNLLCA.

There is no charge for these events.

Date / Time / Venue / Reference
Monday 19 February 2018 / 10.00am to 12 noon / Courtyard, Goole / A
Monday 19 February 2018 / 2.00pm to 4.00pm / Driffield Community Centre / B
Tuesday 20 February 2018 / 10.00am to 12 noon / Tickton Village Hall / C
Tuesday 20 February 2018 / 2.00pm to 4.00pm / Meridian Centre, Withernsea / D
Wednesday 21 February 2018 / 10.00am to 12 noon / The Angel Suite, Brigg / E
Wednesday 21 February 2018 / 2.00pm to 4.00pm / Grimsby Town Hall / F

East Riding and Northern Lincolnshire Local Councils Association

Suite 8, Waters Edge Business Centre, Maltkiln Road, Barton upon Humber, DN18 5JR

Tel: 01652 661617E-mail:


Name of Session / General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Name of Council
Name / Clerk/Deputy/Assistant/Councillor / Reference

Special requirements e.g. access:


If you require confirmation of your bookings, please enter your email addressin the box below:


Our expectations of delegates attending ERNLLCA events

As a holder of public office, councillors and clerks represent their local authority at any ERNLLCA event for which a place has been booked.

ERNLLCA requires that delegates make themselves aware of, and observe, the following which are conditions of attendance:

  • Delegates must sign the attendance sheet available at all events, this will be taken as the proof of attendance which will enable a certificate to be issued;
  • Delegates must show respect to one another at all times;
  • Delegates must show respect to those organising and delivering the event;
  • Delegates must abide by ERNLLCA policies in respect of the health and safety of those attending, organising and delivering the event;
  • Questions of the person(s) delivering the event are encouraged but they should be constructive and not framed in such a way to attack that person or others;
  • Delegates wishing to ask a question should indicate by raising their hand and should not cut across another person who may be speaking;
  • Delegates must not use this event to air personal differences with fellow councillors.

Where ERNLLCA reasonably believes that any of these expectations are not being met by a person or persons attending the event, the right is reserved to remove that person or persons from the room and report them to their council.

In the event that a place (or places) at the event has been booked and person or persons do not attend, the council in question will be informed of that non-attendance and the fee will still be due.

For ERNLLCA office use only

Booking Rec’d Place confirmed:

Venue Information

Courtyard, Goole

Located at the junction of Boothferry Road and Dunhill Road, the venue is opposite the Morrison Supermarket. There is free car-parking behind the Courtyard and on-street parking is available on Dunhill Road. Post Code DN14 6AE.

Driffield Community Centre

The Centre can be accessed from Mill Street. Turn right into West Garth House (opposite the builder’s merchants) and bear to the right. There is a car park in front of the Centre. Post Code YO25 6TR.

Tickton Village Hall

The hall is located on Main Street. There is some car-parking to the rear of the hall and on-street parking is available on Main Street. Post Code HU17 9RZ.

Meridian Centre, Withernsea

Located at the junction of Queen Street and Pier Road. There is a free car-park behind the Centre. Post code HU19 2HH.

Angel Suite, Brigg

The venue can be accessed from Elwes Street. Turn left at the traffic lights at the junction of Bigby Street and Elwes Street and then turn tight into the car park. Please note that there is only free parking for two hours. Post Code DN20 8LD.

Grimsby Town Hall

Located in Town Hall Square, there is limited parking on either side of Hall. The nearest public car park accessed from Abbey Walk which is just a few minutes distance from the Town Hall. The Hall Post Code is DN31 1HU. The Abbey Walk car park Post Code isDN31 1NB.