Ponomareva Angelina, SM-17042
Ekaterinburg - it city in which I was born, so I would like to tell you about it.
7 August 1723 is the official day of the birth of Ekaterinburg. The builders of the town worked in extremely hard conditions led by talented Russian mining experts: general Genin and capitan Tatishchev.
A great contribution to the further development of the town was made by Malakhov, the prominent Urals architect. The cityhas changed its name several times in its history: Ekaterinburg – Sverdlovsk- Ekaterinburg, but it was the centre not only of the Urals but the country as well.
Ekaterinburg is a theatrical centre. There are many theatres:
Theatre of the young spectator, Theatre of dolls, Opera House, which was built in 1912.
And also many cinemas and palaces of culture and variety shows.
The UralsGeologicalMuseum is a real treasure-house of the UralsMountains. It enjoys truly a great popularity because it contains very rich collection of rare minerals and precious stones, which can not be found anywhere.
Ekaterinburg is a sport centre of the country. There are 20 stadiums, many sports-grounds. Our beautiful nature in winter provides opportunities for winter sports that is why they are the most popular.
Ekaterinburg is also a city of students. There are more than 15 institutions of higher education, a lot of colleges, private and state schools. The biggest and the most famous is the UralsStateTechnicalUniversity.
UPI was founded on October 19 in 1920 on the basis of the Urals Industrial Institute. There are many faculties: metallurgical, mechanical, chemical, physical, engineering, radio engineering and silicate technology faculty.
I study at silicate technology faculty the first year, but have already found good friends and I believe, that all we shall successfully hand over the first session and we shall end UPI.