Evidencing the impact of the PE and Sport Premium

Overview of Sports Premium Funding 2016/2017

Number of pupils and sport premium grant received
Total number of pupils on roll / 108 (Sept 2017)
Total number of pupils eligible for grant / 108
Amount of £8,000 received plus £5 per pupil 2016/17 / £8456
Funds carried forward from Year 2015/2016 / £6,286
Total amount available for 2016/2017
Less total expenditure for 2015/2016 / £14,742
Key Priority: PE – Improve the quality and teaching and learning and diversify the curriculum.
Actions and strategies / Impact and sustainable outcomes / Evidence
Professional Development
  • PE Co-ordinator to complete modules 5
/ Raise confidence and competence of PE co-ordinator and contribute to raising standards across the school both academically and behaviourally. Objectives to support the SDP. / Training attended and actions addressed in school.
Module 5 6th June 2017
  • New member of staff attended training for REAL PE.
/ Teacher to and understanding of the REAL PE scheme and to have the new resources to aid delivery. / Training attended 3rd November 2016
  • One member of staff to attend Active maths training
/ To make maths lessons more active to improve levels of activity across the curriculum / Training attended 2nd December 2016.HW disseminated training to all staff during an INSET on 3rd January
Maths of the Day resources bought and active maths happening in lessons.
  • Learning walks and lesson observations planned on monitoringtimetable
  • Training in staff meeting.
/ To support staff in quality of PE lessonsto ensure lessons are active and children are engaged and learning/showing progress. / Learning walk and lesson observation reports.
Learning walk – Nov 16th 2016
Lesson observation – 22nd March 2017
Staff meeting minutes.
  • To audit staff confidence in teaching PE.
/ Increased confidence and expertise in teaching all areas of PE . / Staff meeting minutes. Staff more confident about delivering gym.
  • To develop P.E. resources
/ Discuss with staff and resources they need. / Delivery note for equipment.
Achievement of pupils
PE assessment tool edited embedded.
To include a physical aspect to the tool / To improve the quality ofassessment in PE to inform
future planning/teaching / PE assessment tool.
Key priority: School Sport –Increase partition in extra- curricular physical activities.
  • Actions and strategies
/ Impact and sustainable outcomes / Evidence
Extra Curricular activity
  • Go active to run after school clubs for KS1 and KS2.
/ To increase opportunities for children to attended after school clubs and to raise the number of children attending / Registers
2014/2015 – attendance 50%
2015/2016 – attendance 38%
Autumn term 1 KS2 (street surfing) – attendance
Autumn term 1 KS1 (multiskills) – attendance
Spring term
  • Year 5 and 6 trained as playground leaders – leaders come over and train our leaders.
/ Greater activity levels at lunchtimes and more positive behaviour during these times / Playground leader booklets and better behaviour and lunchtimes.
  • To improve lunchtime resources
/ To purchase resources to ensure children have a wide range of quality resources to enable them to have more active playtimes.
  • KS2 trip to train and watch Exeter chiefs play8thOctober 2016
/ To inspire children to participate in sport. / Register of participants
16 children went of which 10 didn’t go last year.
To improve participation in sporting events / Cornish pirates community coach to run an after school club funded through sports premium to target children who have not yet taken part in any of the sporting activities offered. Children all played other schools at the Menehay and came joint 1st / Register (16 children)
Competitive School Sport: Increasing pupils’ participation in extra-curricular sport.
Actions and strategies / Impact and sustainable outcomes / Evidence
Competitive opportunities
To increase the number of pupils competing at inter - school level. / All classes completing small inter-school competitions in different parts of PE lessons. (100% of children in years 1-6 have taken part in a variety of small sided games against their peers) / Teachers planning/lesson observations an learning walks
G & T / To raise the profile of PE and school sport and to extended able pupil’s knowledge of sport and nutrition. / Participation tracker (2 year 6 children were selected this year)
To increase the number of pupils competing at intra - school level. /
  • Gymnastics competition – 4 teams
  • Year 3 & 4 basketball festival - 1 team
  • Netball league 1- team (1st)
  • Football league 1 – team (7th)
  • Basket ball league - 2 teams
  • Hockey league - 1 team
  • Swimming gala – (12 children)
  • Touch Rugby Festival – 1 teams
  • Touch Rugby League – 1 team (new this year)
  • Sports Hall athletics– 4 teams (2 y3/4 2 Y5/6)
  • Indoor athletics – 2 teams Year 5/6 (3rd) Year 3/4 2nd
  • KS1 inclusion festival – (10 children)
  • Cross country – 22 children (2 went though to next round)
  • Penryn Football/Netball competition
  • Quad Kids Athletics – 1 team (Y3-6)
  • KS1 Mini Olympics
  • Kwick Cricket Tournament
  • Tri Golf – 1 team 10 children (new this year)
  • Aquathon (CSG event) – 8 children (new this year)
  • Cornish pirates afterschool club and competition – 16 children (new this year)
/ Participation tracker and event results.
  • To increase the profile of playing in a competitive sporting situation.
/ Sporting events and achievements celebrated in assemblies, newsletter and celebration board in foyer and cloakroom / Newsletter, Newspaper articles, team photos. Participation tracker.
  • To introduce sailing to Year 4 children and maintain Y5/6 participation levels
/ Pupils developed greater independence and teamwork skills. Children learning a new skill and confidence of pupils grown over the course of the lessons. / Register
Key Priority: Health and well-being - To improve children’s awareness of a healthier lifestyle.
Actions and strategies / Impact and sustainable outcomes / Evidence
  • All children take part in daily wake and shake lead by pupils.
/ To improve physical activity and children’s awareness of how exercise helps the brain. / All children take part in daily wake and shake and are ready to learn.
  • To promote healthy eating by incorporating cooking healthy dishes into the curriculum.
/ Children will understand what is meant by a healthy balanced diet and be able to make and cook healthy food choices.
Children who attend breakfast club understand the importance of a eating a healthy breakfast and can give examples of what a healthy breakfast could be. / Orbit, Floor books.
Attendance 2014/2015 - 32%
Attendance 2014/2015 - 32%
  • To increase activity levels at different intervals during the day.
/ Breakfast club promotes physical activity by playing active games and using the adventure playground in the summer.
Lessons to be more active
More lessons outside. / Register
  • To teach children how to ride their bikes safely on the road.
/ Bikeability in open to all Year 5 and 6 pupils. Child can repeat the course they feel necessary
. / Participation tracker
Key Priority: To use PE, School sport and physical activity to impact on whole school priorities
Actions and strategies /
  • Impact and sustainable outcomes
/ Evidence
To improve behaviour at play times.
To increase amount of children in all year groups achieving national expectations/standards. / Playground equipment to be used whenever possible to stimulate children’s play. Playground leaders in place to initiate games for younger children. Children received training on how to play successfully together and lunchtime staff trained in new playground games.
Through the use of active lesson approaches children are more engaged in lessons and their results improve to be in line with national expectations/standards.
16 children in ks1 and 16 children in ks2 received PE intervention through ‘Go active” to raise self-esteem and confidence. / Children are happier at play times and have activities/resources to support their play.Staff have to deal less with inappropriate behaviour and can initiate and support play. Fewer incidents recorded in behaviour log.
Training attended for active lessons.
Headteacher analysis
SAT’s results
See results chart. Register
Record of spending by item/project - 2016-17
Item/project Cost / Cost / Area of spending / Outcome
Penryn School sports Partnership / £3,000 per year / 1 Day per week: £1000+ per School
To lead, co-ordinate and deliver a full competitive programme, to include development of year 3 and 4 opportunities, and Talented and Able programme:
1 Day per week: £1000 per school
To continue and expand the offer of after school sports clubs, holiday programme and Saturday School.
Up to £500 to contribute towards full time post at PC
To develop bespoke training for individual schools: e.g. FUNS Training and resources, Youth Sport Trust Training, resources (and membership).
YST Membership £270 + Other Bespoke ‘National Training’: Training fund contribution £230 / Quality competition
Staff training
More confident children for transition.
PE Intervention across the school
Coach to run afterschool club
Staff PE Kit
Active Maths training 1 member of staff
Subscription to Maths of the day website
Active English training 1 member of staff
New member of staff received PE training
Intervention for KS1 and KS2
New equipment / £25 x 15 = £375
£770.00 / 6 x 2 hour sessions
1 hour for class one and two
1 hour for class three and four
After school delivery of TAG rugby for six weeks with festival at the Menhay and meeting Cornish pirates.
8 t-shirts and 8-jackets for staff embroided with school Logo
Training delivered to all staff during an INSET on 03/01/2017 so the Active Maths approach can be used across the school.
Website subscription for active Maths resources.
Training delivered to all staff during an INSET on 07/01/2017 so the Active English approach can be used across the school.
12 one hour sessions for targeted ks1 children and 12 one hour sessions for targeted KS2 children.
Springboard, bench, hockey sticks, footballs, bibs, tennis balls, bean bags. / Raise self esteem and confidence in children
Increasing participation in afterschool sports as we have provided this club at no expensive to the children therefore accessible to all.
Raise the profile of PE with staff, children and parents.
All teacher to incorporate active maths into their maths lessons.
Resources for teachers to use in active maths lessons.
All teacher to incorporate active English into their lessons.
Improve teacher knowledge and confidence.
Improve confidence and self-esteem.
Ensure children have the correct equipment for lessons.
Priorities for 2017/2018
  • Active lessons across the curriculum are embedded
  • Outdoor learning – resources/training
  • Mile a day
  • Promoting healthy eating across the school.
  • Outdoor table tennis tables
  • Climbing wall
  • Targeted Intervention for children with low self-esteem
  • Catch up swimming programme