Portfolio Contents Page

Centre: / Anywhere College
Name of learner : / Amy Student
Diploma: / Access to HE Diploma (Humanities and Social Science)
Rules of Combination: To achieve your Level 3 Access to HE Diploma you must achieve 60 credits (45 at Level 3 and 15 at Level 2 or Level 3) following the guidance regarding the combination of units below:
Total Credits / Required at Level 3 / Required at Level 2 or Level 3
Mandatory Units / 9 / 9 / -
Study skills / 15 / 9 / 6
From across 3 different subject specific Humanities and Social Science Modules / 36 / 27 / 9
The following sections show in detail how you can achieve the credits you need to complete your Diploma while following the Rules of Combination correctly. For Level 3 units only you will also have the opportunity to achieve a grade of Pass, Merit or Distinction grade (Level 2 units are not graded).
Mandatory units: 9 credits (at Level 3)
Credits achieved Level 2 / Credits achieved Level 3 / Grade
P/M/D / Include for Diploma
Essay Writing / 3 / M / Y
Examination Skills: Preparation and Technique / 3 / P / Y
Finding and Reading Information / 3 / M / Y
Study Skills
15 credits (9 at Level 3, 6 at Level 2 or 3)
Credits achieved Level 2 / Credits achieved Level 3 / Grade
P/M/D / Include for Diploma
Applications, Courses and Careers / 3 / M / Y
Note Taking and Note Making / 3 / P / Y
Word Processing (L2/L3) / 3 / D / Y
Managing and Improving Own Learning (L2/L3) / 3 / P / Y
Speaking and Listening Skills (available at L3 only) / 3 / P / Y
Optional Units, from 3 different Humanities and Social Science modules
36 credits required (27 at Level 3, 9 at Level 2 or 3)
Credits achieved Level 2 / Credits achieved Level 3 / Grade
P/M/D / Credits achieved Level 2
Politics Core Ideologies
Anarchist Ideology / 3 / M / Y
Conservative Ideology / 3 / M / Y
Feminist Ideology / 3 / M / Y
Liberal Ideology / 3 / M / Y
Socialist Ideology (6 credits) / 6 / D / Y
Law / Credits achieved Level 2 / Credits achieved Level 3 / Grade
P/M/D / Credits achieved Level 2
Criminal Law / 3 / P / Y
Law and the Individual / 3 / P / Y
Law and Legal Institutions (6 credits) / - / - / -
Sociology / Credits achieved Level 2 / Credits achieved Level 3 / Grade
P/M/D / Credits achieved Level 2
Sociology of the Family / 3 / M / Y
The Sociology of Crime and Deviance / 3 / M / Y
The Sociology of Education / 3 / P / Y
Psychology / Credits achieved Level 2 / Credits achieved Level 3 / Grade
P/M/D / Credits achieved Level 2
Early Socialisation / 3 / P / N
Physiological Psychology / 3 / P / Y
Level 2 / Level 3
Total credits achieved at each Level
Diploma achieved: / YES / NO