/ Parish of St Matthew,Surbiton
In the Tolworth Hook andSurbiton Team Ministry
2ndApril 2017
The FifthSunday ofLent /
10.30am Joint Service incorporating Annual Church Meeting
Reading 2 Corinthians 9. 6-11
Hymns MP 454, Everywhere around me, Seven Whole days, 200.


Gracious Father,

you gave up your Sonout of love for the world:,

lead us to ponder the mysteries of his passion,

that we may know eternal peace

through the shedding of our saviour’s blood,

Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Give thanks for answered prayer: and please pray for: Rev. Helen Hancockfamily, Rev. Luke Wickings family,The Tolworth Hook & SurbitonTeam,our friends at St George’s as they prepare to interview candidates for the position of Team Vicar this week,Marilyn and Robert Leach and family as they mourn the loss of Yvonne Halle ( Marilyn’s mother), Rebecca Stockbridge,Noel Tharumanayagam,Claire and her children, family, friends, staff, parents and schoolchildren as they mourn the loss of Bill Pretty,a Dad at St. Matthew’s School, John Manbre.

Diary for the week(additional notices can be found on our website)
Sunday / 2 / 3.30pm / Service for residents of the Royal Star & Garter Home
Monday / 3 / 9.45am / CTiS Lent Group : Chapel
Tuesday / 4 / 1.15pm / Thanksgiving Service for Bill Pretty in church.
8.30pm / Ruby House Group
Wednesday / 5 / 7.45pm / CTiS Meeting in church
8.00pm / CTiS Lent Group
Thursday / 6 / 10.00am / Smarties : 35 Queen’s Drive
7pm / Choir Practice: Sitzler Room
8.00pm / Delta House Group
Friday / 7 / 12.30pm / Soup Lunch: Last of 6 weekly lunches during Lent
Sunday / 9 / Palm Sunday
9.15am / Holy Communion Service
11.00am / All Age worship

On Good Friday we are hoping to set up Prayer stations in the church for the time of prayer and meditation between 12 - 2pm. If you are interested and might be able to help - then please contact Helen.

Easter Lilies - If you would like to donate a stem of lilies in memory of a loved one, please let me know by nextSunday 9th April, either at church or by telephone. I go to the 9.15am Service, but am around at the back of church before the 11am Service. Easter lilies will be £3 a stem. Let’s make our church look beautiful at Easter time. Thank you. Carol Bainbridge - 8399 4932.

Sign- up sheets- there are sign- up sheets at the back of the Church to volunteer for foot-washing at the Maundy Thursday service at 8pm and for breakfast on Easter morning following the 6am service!

CANCELLED - Hermitage Ensemble - Russian Orthodox Male Voice Choir. Sadly the concert scheduled for Monday 10thApril has had to cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

In Memory of Margaret Russell - If there is anyone who couldn't come to Margaret’s FuneralService but would like to make a donation in her memory to the Bishop of Southwark’s Lent Fund, please either give it to Joan Higgs Smith or put it in an envelope with the name "Margaret Russell " on the envelope.

A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all those who provided refreshments for the Alpha Course. We all appreciated the food and service but also getting to meet new people from the church is a valuable part of the Course, so thank you again.

Volunteers please - On Tuesday 23rd May at 7.30pm, the church is giving a dinner for all those couples getting married this summer as part of the Marriage Preparation evening. So we need to provide some food! If you would be prepared to volunteer to cook, serve and/or clear away please get in touch with Helen a.s.a.p (so she stops worrying about it!).

The Passion -The last days of the life of Jesus will be powerfully and movingly portrayed in The Passion, to be staged at the cornerHOUSE from April 5-8. Created by poet and playwright Tony Harrison,the Passion is based on the medieval English mystery plays.The show starts at 8pm. Doors (and bar) open at 7pm. Tickets cost £9 (£7 concessions). Please note, this is a promenade performance socomfortable shoes areadvised. Get your tickets from you are going and would be prepared to be 'ambassadors' for St Matthew's and the Church generally at the event - handing out information cards and being prepared to speakwith people in the interval and at theend, please speakto Helen asap.

THiS Team Easter Walk - Saturday 15th Aprilat 10.30am

This year, for a change, we'll be walking near St. Martha's church, Albury, but not actually climbing the hill to the top. Our route will take us around the southern side of St. Martha's Hill; past Chilworth Manor with it's beautiful chimneys and herd of Alpaca; past the remains of the Chilworth Gunpowder Mills; across the water meadows of the Tilling Bourne stream; through woodland where we hope the bluebells will be flowering (they are just showing the tips of their leaves) and then back to the start. It's a 3 mile walk that'll take about 90 minutes. Directions and further details areon page 3 of the Notices on the church website, or on the noticeboard in the porch. Contact no. for Dave Farris is 07540702400.

Men's Italian NightInstead of the usual curry, the men's group (across the team) is meeting for an Italian meal at Sorrento in Tolworth, 379 Ewell Road, on Monday 24th April. All men welcome - meet from 7.30 for an 8.00pm meal. Please let Simon know if you'd like to come

Foodbank Focus- March/ April Lent Challenge.Why not try to bring a packet of Dried Noodles each week for the 6 Sundays in Lent.Thanks for all your donations in February.

Some More Musical Dates for the Diary

On Saturday 10th June – Come and Sing Faure’s Requiem at St Andrew’s, Maple Road, led by Simon Hancock with Simon Harvey at the organ. 2.30 - 4.30 rehearsal followed by tea, and performance at 6pm. All welcome for this opportunity to rehearse and perform this much-loved piece. £5 entry to cover afternoon tea and music hire.

On Saturday 29th July the St Matthew’s choir will join forces with St Andrew’s & St Mark’s to sing Evensong at Southwark Cathedral. Please do come along to support our choir in our ‘home’ Cathedral – an excuse for a day out in London perhaps.

For more information about our church and events visit our website at
email address: Church Office (Open 9-12 Mon, Thurs, Fri) Tel.no 8390 5121

KCAH - The new offices of KCAH are now officially open. They would like to thank all who have donated material items. The response from all the churches was overwhelming and it has taken all the staff and volunteers a long time to sort it all out. They have enough to last for a few months and will let us know when and what they need later in the coming months. Thank you.

The Diocese is hoping to put in a bid for aCo Educational Church of England Secondary school to be established in the Kingston Borough. This will need lots of local support to make it happen. If you would like to know more or would be prepared to support it (whether or not you have children who may end up there) please look at the website: find out how you can help.

THiS Easter Walk on Sat. 15th April at 10.30am- further details and directions

After the walk, should you wish to join us,Jackie and I will be lunching at Squire's Garden Centre West Horsley, 4 miles from the car park, on our way home. I'll provide instructions for those eating there. The food varies fromsandwiches andsnacks to a limited selection offullmeals, and was delicious and very reasonably priced when we ate there the other day.They'll be reserving tables for us so I'll need to know if you're joining us for lunch by Wednesday 12th April please

NOTE - There are very muddy paths so please ensure you wear comfortable wellingtons, walking boots or other sturdy shoes. You may also wish to bring a walking pole or stick for support - we have a couple of spares if you haven't got one. The route has 2 stiles to climb over, it is uneven in places and has 2 relatively steep, but manageable, climbing paths which will be taken steadily, with breaks, and an uneven descent. Directions to the start are ....
From the A3 southboundtake the Ripley road, just after the M25 junction.
Drive through Ripley to the roundabout and take first exit onto A247 Clandon Rd.
At the traffic lights continue across onto A25, the road climbs up to Newlands Corner,then turn right onto A248 sign post Albury.
Drive through Albury and take thesecond on right Guildford Lane(just after a sharp left hand bend - take care not to take the first right no through road- Water Lane)
The car park is 3/4 mile along the lane on your left. This is a single lane road so take care.

Breakfast- At around 9.30 that morningJackie and I will be having a bacon roll breakfast at theNewlands Corner car park(NOTE, not The Squirrel Cafe,we'll be using the kiosk in the car park) and then driving the short distance to the start car park. If you fancy joining us we'd love to see you.

Love Dave & Jackie Contact Dave Farris on 07540702400.

5ps collection for the Organ Fund.-The model of St Matthew’s Church piggy bank can be found at the back of church after both services for donationstowards the future replacement of the organ electronics which date from 1962.Thanks for your contributions – please keep them coming. Maddie and Marilyn.

ASK Topical Lunches Spring 2017 - Every Third Thursday of the month - All Saints Parish Church, Kingston Market Place. Enjoy lunch – discuss Kingston’s topical issues

  • Thursday 27 April (Note – fourth Thursday, due to Easter)

The Rose, Kingston – How is it growing? Robert O’Dowd, Chief Executive, Rose Theatre

Lunch from 12:00 am – Sandwiches at the ASK East End Cafe; or bring your own. Introduction by speaker 1:00 – 1:15 pm. Questions, comments, discussion. Finish 1:45 pm For further information, contact Leslie Packer or 020 8549 1960.

Prayer - Please use this special prayer as we continue to pray, think about and share how the Lord might be leading us. – Dear God,

may our church building be a beacon of light and love

providing a place of welcome, shelter and community for all.

Help us to understandthe plans you have for us at St Matthew’s.
