Ground-breaking Ceremony
We have finalized the date for our ground-breaking ceremony for Garden Oaks. Hope to see you on Feb 17th at 9:30am. This event is open to the public!
According to Reading Rockets, online,
Current research in reading reveals three important considerations for parents and teachers:
1. Children who read, and read widely, become better readers.
2. Reading and writing are complementary skills.
3. Parents are important to children both as role models and as supporters of their efforts.
As a parent, you can help your child read on grade level with the following strategies:
Provide a good role model — read yourself and read often to your child.
Provide varied reading material — some for reading enjoyment and some with information about hobbies and interests.
Encourage activities that require reading — for example, cooking (reading a recipe), constructing a kite (reading directions), or identifying an interesting bird's nest or a shell collected at the beach (using a reference book).
Establish a reading time, even if it is only ten minutes a day.
Write notes to your school-age child; encourage written responses.
Ask your child to bring a library book home to read to a younger sibling.
Establish one evening a week for reading (instead of television viewing).
Encourage your child in all reading efforts.
Leader In Me – Habit 5
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
Listen Before You Talk I listen to other people’s ideas and feelings. I try to see things from their viewpoints. I listen to others without interrupting. I am confident in voicing my ideas. I look people in the eyes when talking.
Montessori Moment
Little children, from the moment they are weaned are making their way toward independence.
– Dr. Maria Montessori
Saturday School
Children in grades 3 – 8 are invited to join us for Saturday school to practice reading, math and writing skills. Sessions run from 8am to 11:30am. We provide breakfast and lunch.
February Calendar Reminders!
14 Father-Daughter Dance
Happy Valentines!
17 Ground-breaking! 9:30am
18 Saturday School 8am – 11:30am
20 SDMC Mtg 2pm
22 Early dismissal – Montessori Curriculum
12:45 – 2pm Children’s House
2:30 – 4pm Lower Elementary
4:30 – 6pm Upper El and Middle School
We have had a number of cases of the flu. Stay healthy! GO to bed early and eat “clean”!
If you are a magnet student at Garden Oaks, you must maintain appropriate conduct at school, on-time arrivals and grades at or above 75 to remain enrolled at GO.
Be a light to others
and practice kindness…..
From the desk of Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Principal
February 13, 2017 Volume 9, Issue 22