Are You Fit? Neighbourhood Plan Preparation
17th November 2012
Blackthorn Community Centre, Longmead Court, Blackthorn, Northampton
Attendees:Alan Youel, Sue Jerrams Coughtrey, Tom Rice
For Planning AidFor Northants CouncilOn table
Saffron GarnerEllie GingellGreens Norton
Becky ElsonCotonPark (Forum)
Amy Tyler-Charwelton (Forum)
Bob Keith
Sections covered:
- The Plan Making Process & Project Planning
- Effective Community Engagement
- Evidence Gathering
- Site Allocation
- Policy Writing
The Plan Making Process & Project Planning
Project planning process:
- Setting aims and objectives – what you want to achieve
- Producing a project timetable
- Allocation of resources
- Budget planning and allocation
- Carrying out a risk assessment – where might things go wrong and how to overcome problems
- Developing a communications plan – who, when and how
Project timetable should include:
- A breakdown of milestones, tasks and activities
- A timetable of milestones, tasks and activities
- Allocation of roles, responsibilities and tasks to people
Consider a skills audit of community, see what skills available and try to engage them in the process
Community Engagement
Formulate an Engagement strategy
- Empower
- Collaborate
- Involve
- Consult
- Inform
Partnership building
- Identify key partners (organisations, stakeholders)
- Public/voluntary/community/private sectors
- Characteristics: umbrella, representative, high profile, powerful, influential
- Establish early contact, get buy-in/ownership
Generate publicity/awareness
- Local press
- Local radio/tv
- Posters/flyers (NP branding/logo)
- Newsletters
- Website
- Social networker
Neighbourhood make-up
- Demographics/groups/clubs/organisations/sports, businesses/employers, employees, landowners, property owners (landlords etc)
- Special groups/communities gypsies/travellers
- by audience
- by themes/topics
- by geography
- by all/some of above
Work out how to engage with:
- Children – Schools, school councils, student forums, enrichment programmes
- Youth – youth clubs, street corners
- Environmental groups - workshops
- 21-40’s – mums & toddlers talk/chat
- Elderly – Age Concern, residential home talks/chats
- All – simple questionnaire (paper/online)
Communication critical. Plan diary of events, piggy back other events
Contact Becky for sample surveys
Consider stall outside shop etc, places with large footfall
Talk to school about possibilities, project with photographs of good/bad in village
Engagement strategy - set out in the same way as Project Plan
Evidence base
Evidence how have you come to specific decisions
- Check for current surveys, assessments and policies available at SNC
- Carry out survey of current clubs, facilities, services available within village
- Carry out survey of employers and businesses currently within village
Gather social/economic profile on residents, census stats, create a profile of community
Check with SNC for profile information currently held (Andy D'Arcy or Ellie)
Very important to gather profile info from respondents
Must provide evidence of meaningful engagement as part of process/information gathering
Find out if a profile of the community has already been created by another organisation
Site Assessments
- Consistent and robust method of identifying sites
- Site review
- Suitable, available, deliverable
Policy Writing
- Robust policies
- In conformity with strategic policies and plans
- Avoid technical speak
- Consult with local policy department over wording
Use sample applications to check how NP policy performs
Plain English Society for language
NP policy review process not yet decided
Basic Conditions
Regard for:
- National policies
- Strategic policies
- Sustainable development
- EURegulations
- Sustainability appraisals
SA not legal requirement but good practice, SEA required on sensitive areas (costly)
Additional Notes
Policy R1 in core strategy covers rural areas
Check out Upper Eden NP as examination stage is imminent
Look at the Much Wenlock 'vision and key objectives'
Planning aid free, consultants expensive
We need more volunteers on steering group
Up until end Mar 2013 local authority can apply for additional funds for up to 4 NP’s, £5k when NP area agreed then £25k when plan goes to referendum
Create a high level plan, then medium before creating final plan
Consult on broad issues then breakdown and share into groups
Keep detailed records of all consultations
Check out RTPI monthly newsletter DCLG newsletter pointing to samples
Involving MP helps with publicity and drawing people to meeting
Investigate, CIL, S106, new homes bonus
Ask local authority to provide large scale area maps (reasonable request)