Final Exam Practice

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which of the following is NOT a unit of measurement in the metric system?

a. / Meter
b. / Second
c. / Centimeter
d. / Foot

____ 2. How many centimeters are in a stick 3.0 meters long?

a. / 0.3 cm
b. / 30 cm
c. / 300 cm
d. / 3,000 cm

Figure 1-1A

____ 3. What is the volume of liquid in the graduated cylinder shown in Figure 1-1A?

a. / 8 mL
b. / 18 mL
c. / 18.5 mL
d. / 19 mL

____ 4. How many significant digits are in the measurement 14,433 feet?

a. / 3
b. / 4
c. / 5
d. / 6

____ 5. A meniscus:

a. / is formed when a liquid is in a tube.
b. / makes volume measurements impossible.
c. / always curves downward.
d. / All of the above

____ 6. A kilogram represents a unit of:

a. / volume.
b. / mass.
c. / time.
d. / weight.

____ 7. How does the density of a pure silver teapot compare to a pure silver bracelet?

a. / It is higher.
b. / It is lower
c. / It is the same.
d. / You can’t tell without the numbers.

____ 8.

Material / Density
Wood / 0.9 g/cm3
Glass / 2.3 g/cm3
Aluminum / 2.7 g/cm3
Iron / 7.8 g/cm3

A block has a mass of 23 grams and a volume of 10 cm3. Using the table above, what material is the block made of?

a. / Wood
b. / Glass
c. / Aluminum
d. / Iron

____ 9. A graph is:

a. / a picture that shows how two variables are related.
b. / drawn with the independent variable on the horizontal axis.
c. / a mathematical model that helps you interpret the data you collect.
d. / All of the above

____ 10. In a direct relationship:

a. / as one variable increases, so does the other.
b. / when one variable increases, the other decreases.
c. / there is no change in data.
d. / variables change randomly.

____ 11. Which of the following hypotheses could be tested by an experiment?

a. / A chocolate bar tastes better than potato chips.
b. / The harder you push a small wagon, the faster it goes.
c. / Aliens control everything that happens on Earth.
d. / All of the above

____ 12. Speed that does not change is called:

a. / average speed.
b. / constant speed.
c. / instant speed.
d. / minimum speed.

____ 13. In 1/2 hour, a bicyclist traveled 20 kilometers. What was the bicyclist’s average speed?

a. / 60 km
b. / 10 km/h
c. / 40 km
d. / 40 km/h

____ 14. On this graph, the dependent variable is:

a. / distance.
b. / speed.
c. / acceleration.
d. / the slope of the speed vs. distance curve.

____ 15. When constructing a graph, the x-axis is most closely related to:

a. / the dependent variable.
b. / the vertical axis.
c. / the independent variable.
d. / the slope.

____ 16. Use the graph to predict the speed of the car when the car is at 60 cm.

a. / 220 cm/s
b. / 230 cm/s
c. / 240 cm/s
d. / 250 cm/s

____ 17. Calculate the speed of the object from the position vs. time graph shown below.

a. / 0.5 m/s
b. / 0.75 m/s
c. / 2 m/s
d. / 3 m/s

____ 18. Which point on this position vs. time graph has the fastest speed?

a. / Point 1
b. / Point 2
c. / Point 3
d. / Point 4

____ 19. In which situation would a bicycle rider NOT be accelerating?

a. / If her direction and speed were unchanged.
b. / If her direction changed and speed was constant.
c. / If her speed increased and direction was unchanged.
d. / If her speed decreased.

Selina drops a golf ball down a deep well. The ball falls with only the force of gravity acting on it.

Figure 4-2A

____ 20. Without any air resistance, as the golf ball in Figure 4-2A falls into the well, its speed is:

a. / constant.
b. / increasing.
c. / decreasing.
d. / directional.

____ 21. Which of the following statements about friction is TRUE?

a. / Friction is a force that resists motion.
b. / Friction should always be removed.
c. / Friction only occurs between solids.
d. / Oils and other lubricants totally eliminate friction.

____ 22.

The diagram shows a box being pushed from left to right. Which shows the force of sliding friction on the box?

a. / A
b. / B
c. / C
d. / D

____ 23. How can the force of friction between two surfaces be reduced?

a. / By changing rolling friction to sliding friction.
b. / By making smooth surfaces rougher.
c. / By separating surfaces with a lubricant.
d. / By increasing the force between the surfaces.

____ 24. Luka pushes a box across the floor in the direction shown by the arrow in the diagram below:

The direction of the friction force acting on the box is:

a. / up.
b. / down.
c. / right.
d. / left.

____ 25. A net force must be applied to an object to do all of the following EXCEPT:

a. / turn.
b. / maintain constant speed.
c. / slow down.
d. / stop moving.

____ 26. The picture below shows 4 forces applied to an airplane.

Due to the forces acting on the airplane, the airplane:

a. / speeds up.
b. / slows down.
c. / goes higher.
d. / goes lower.

____ 27. The diagram below is a free-body diagram picturing a cyclist moving along a highway. 4 forces, represented by arrows A, B, C, and D are acting on the cyclist as she pedals.

The arrow that would best represent the normal force is:

a. / A
b. / B
c. / C
d. / D

____ 28. The property of matter that resists changes in motion is:

a. / acceleration.
b. / inertia.
c. / force.
d. / speed.

____ 29. Newton’s first law of motion is also known as:

a. / the law of universal gravitation.
b. / the law of force pairs.
c. / the law of unbalanced forces.
d. / the law of inertia.

____ 30. A 0.15-kilogram baseball and a 7.25-kilogram bowling ball are both rolling along at 3 m/s. Which object is easier to stop and why?

a. / The bowling ball because it has less inertia
b. / The baseball because it has more inertia
c. / The bowling ball because heavy objects are naturally prone to stop on their own
d. / The baseball because it has less inertia

____ 31. An object at rest has:

a. / both inertia and momentum.
b. / neither inertia nor momentum.
c. / momentum but no inertia.
d. / inertia but no momentum.

____ 32. Compare the inertia and momentum of a 0.15-kilogram baseball moving at 50 m/s with the inertia and momentum of a 7.25-kilogram bowling ball moving at 1 m/s.

a. / The baseball has more inertia, but the bowling ball has more momentum.
b. / The baseball has both more inertia and more momentum.
c. / The bowling ball has more inertia, but the baseball has more momentum.
d. / The bowling ball has both more inertia and more momentum.

____ 33. Tessa uses a toy slingshot to launch a tennis ball across the park for her dog to fetch. For her first launch, she uses 50 N of force. Her second launch uses 100 N of force, and her third launch uses 150 N. Which launch had the greatest acceleration of the tennis ball?

a. / The 50-N launch
b. / The 100-N launch
c. / The 150-N launch
d. / They all had the same acceleration.

____ 34. A rocket can fly into space because:

a. / when it is launched, the hot exhaust gases hit the ground and push the rocket forward.
b. / the rocket pushes the exhaust gases backward, and there is an equal and opposite reaction pushing the rocket forward.
c. / when the gases are burning up, the mass of the rocket decreases, changing the amount of gravity on the rocket.
d. / the launch pad pushes the rocket forward like a slingshot.

____ 35. “Forces occur in pairs” is another way of stating Newton’s:

a. / first law of motion.
b. / second law of motion.
c. / third law of motion.
d. / universal law of motion.

____ 36. According to Newton’s third law, an action reaction pair of forces have:

a. / equal magnitudes in the same direction.
b. / different magnitudes in the same direction.
c. / equal magnitudes in opposite directions.
d. / different magnitudes in opposite directions.

____ 37. A 100-kg astronaut is floating in outer space. If the astronaut throws a 2-kilogram wrench at a speed of 10 meters per second, which best describes her velocity?:

a. / Less than 10 m/s in the same direction as the wrench
b. / Greater than 10 m/s in the same direction as the wrench
c. / Less than 10 m/s in a direction opposite to the wrench
d. / Greater than 10 m/s in a direction opposite to the wrench

____ 38. You stand on a skateboard and push off the ground with one of your feet. The reason that the skateboard moves forward is that the force you apply to the skateboard:

a. / equals the force applied to you by the skateboard.
b. / is larger than the force applied by you to the skateboard
c. / equals the force applied by the ground to the skateboard.
d. / is larger than the force applied by the ground to the skateboard.

____ 39. Batteries are devices that change chemical energy to ____ energy.

a. / mechanical
b. / radiant
c. / electrical
d. / nuclear

____ 40. Energy can be thought of as stored ____.

a. / Force
b. / Mass
c. / Weight
d. / Work

____ 41. What happens to the kinetic energy of a moving car if you double the mass of the car?

a. / It increases by 4 times
b. / It increases by 2 times
c. / It decreases by 4 times
d. / It decreases by 2 times.

____ 42. What happens to the potential energy of a car parked at the top of a hill if you double the mass of the car?

a. / It increases by 4 times
b. / It increases by 2 times
c. / It decreases by 4 times
d. / It decreases by 2 times.

____ 43. On what does kinetic energy depend?

a. / Mass and velocity
b. / Gravity and mass
c. / Gravity and height
d. / Velocity and gravity

____ 44. Which of the following use the same units of measurement?

a. / Power and work
b. / Force and work
c. / Energy and work
d. / Power and energy

____ 45. What is the most work that can be done with 100 joules of energy?

a. / 10 J
b. / 100 J
c. / 1,000 J
d. / 10,000 J

____ 46. The action that would require NO work to be done is:

a. / holding a 100-pound object over your head.
b. / pushing a 25-kilogram box of books across the floor.
c. / pedaling a 100-newton bicycle up a small hill.
d. / lifting a balloon filled with air from the floor to a desktop.

____ 47. What is required to get work out of a machine?

a. / Friction
b. / Efficiency
c. / Input work
d. / Gears

____ 48. There are many different ways to classify matter, but one way is to use only two categories for ALL matter. All matter can be classified as either:

a. / solids or liquids.
b. / mixtures or substances.
c. / atoms or molecules.
d. / elements or compounds.

____ 49. A substance made of two or more elements that cannot be separated by physical means is called a:

a. / compound.
b. / homogeneous mixture.
c. / heterogeneous mixture.
d. / multi-element.

____ 50. Which of the following is true of a heterogeneous mixture?

a. / It is not possible to separate the various parts of the mixture.
b. / Taking one sample will enable you to determine what it is made of.
c. / Different samples may not be exactly alike.
d. / The density is the same throughout the entire mixture.

____ 51. The smallest particle of an element that retains the identity of the element is a(n):

a. / compound.
b. / atom.
c. / molecule.
d. / ion.

____ 52. The term used to describe anything that has mass and takes up space is:

a. / weight
b. / capacity
c. / volume
d. / matter

____ 53. The number of degrees between the freezing point of water and the boiling point of water on the Celsius scale is:

a. / 0
b. / 100
c. / 180
d. / 273

____ 54. The temperature at which water molecules have the LEAST amount of thermal energy is:

a. / 0ºC
b. / 32ºF
c. / -273 K
d. / 0 K

____ 55. Solids retain their shape and size, if kept at constant temperature and pressure. At a constant temperature and pressure, liquids retain their:

a. / volume.
b. / shape.
c. / size.
d. / shape and volume.

____ 56. All of the following phases of matter may flow EXCEPT: