Mr. Tran’s Classroom Rules and Procedures

1.  When you enter the classroom, READ THE AGENDA IMMEDIATELY. READ the ENTIRE agenda so you know what materials to get out for the day. You may also use this time to sharpen pencils, gather scrap paper, or ask questions. SIT IN YOUR ASSIGNED SEATS – if you’re not there when the bell rings, you are late. Copy down your homework in your assignment books. Homework will also be posted on the “HOMEWORK CALENDAR” on my website.

2.  Bathroom Usage – What you miss is entirely up to you. However, please do not ask to use the bathroom until you have read the agenda. This way you can have work that is to be collected on your desk before you exit the room. The homework basket will not wait even if you are not in the room. I cannot allow you to use the bathroom during tests or quizzes for security reasons.

3.  Make sure that the proper heading is on all assignments if the space allows it to be. At the least, your full name must be on all papers. Items that cannot be identified will receive 0 credit.

4.  You must bring your textbooks to class. Your professors will never tell you when you will or will not need your textbook so please do not ask me. If you are unprepared for class, you will lose points. Textbooks are available online via my website. Please take the time to download them so that you don’t have to bring your textbook home.

5.  You must come to class prepared! I will not send you back to your lockers. Anything that is late will be deducted points at the discretion of the instructor. Items that are deemed too late cannot be collected or graded. If you cannot meet a deadline, please email me and let me know right away. I am willing to work with you if you communicate with me.

6.  I understand that homework can be copied and there are apps out there that will solve problems for you. So what’s the point? Homework is PRACTICE. Chances are, the more you practice, the better you’re going to be. If you decide to cheat, you are only cheating yourself. Every time you cheat yourself, you will know less.

7.  Work will be collected in bins. Please make sure your name is on your paper. When placing your work in the bin, make sure they are all facing the same way. Bins will be passed from one person to the next. DO NOT SKIP ANYONE. If you don’t have anything to place in the bin, simply pass it to the next desk. At no time should I hear “who needs the bin? or where is the bin?” If it is done right, the bin will get to you, I promise!

8.  Absences – when you are absent, please check my website, especially the homework calendar so you know what you have missed. You are responsible for your work and education. I will not be chasing you down for missing or late work. Email me if you have questions about missing work when you’re absent. Make up quizzes and tests will have to be scheduled with me in person or via email. If you do not show up at your scheduled make up time, your grade will revert to a 0.

9.  Calculators – you must have YOUR current school year’s ID in order to use a calculator. Handbooks will no longer suffice. Calculators may no longer be borrowed outside of the classroom or taken home. It is highly recommended that you buy your own calculator. TI83 or TI84 are great tools to accompany higher level math classes.

10.  Respect – First, respect yourself – carry yourself in a manner that represents the bright, intelligent, college preparing type of student that you are. Respect the staff – we work really hard FOR YOU! So please show us the respect we deserve. Respect your school – please pick up and clean up after yourselves. A clean school makes for a better learning environment. Refrain from destructive behaviors towards one another and school property.


Please go over these rules with your child and write down my contact information should you ever need to get in touch with me. Finally sign the bottom of this paper signifying that you and your child have read and understand the rules and expectations. Please have this signed paper returned to me tomorrow. Thank you in advance for consideration, interest, and concern.


Mr. Peter Tran

Contact Information:

Room: 301


Phone: (484) 469-0714



I have read and understand the rules set forth by Mr. Tran. I agree to abide by these rules and will comply accordingly. Failure to comply will result in correction see fit by the teacher and in accordance to the school’s handbook.

Parent / Guardian Signature:

Student Signature: