Oyama Karate Kyokushin Hungary

József Borza
Mail: H-3300 Eger, Fertőbánya u. 26827; Tel.: +36 30/555-0441; E-mail: ;
tax nr: 18580590-1-10; reg. nr: 1325 – Pk. 60.091/1988/14.


to the 1stBudapest OyamaCup

international kyokushin karate tournament

8 October, 2016 – Budapest, Hungary

children, adolescent, youth, junior and adult „A” „B” and „C” categories

Money prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places

in the adult “A” categories

Expected total money reward: 4800 €

The tournament is held by Oyama Karate Kyokushin Hungary, József Borza

Please send all questions and information requests

  1. Patrons of the tournament:

-Dr. István Simicskó, Minister of Defence

-Shihan Kálmán Furkó 7th dan, the founder of Hungarian Kyokushin Karate Association

-Dr. János Mészáros, the president of the Hungarian Karate Association, Vice President of the Hungarian Olympic Committee

2.Venue of Tournament:
Gerevich Aladár National Sports Hall, 1146 Budapest Istvánmezei street 3-5.

3.Participants of tournament:

-Members of Oyama Karate Kyokushin Hungary and members of invited Kyokushin Karate Organisations and dojos.

4. Events and divisions:

Children II. Boys and girls: kyokushin kumite, kata. Kumite time: 2+1 minute

(division by halving, from 10. kyu)

Children I. boys and girls: kyokushin kumite, kata. Kumite time: 2+1 minute

(division by halving, from 10. kyu)

Adolescent, boys and girls: kyokushin kumite, kata. Kumite time: 2+1 minute

(division by third, from 8. kyu)

Youth boys: kyokushin kumite, kata. Kumite time: 2+2+1 minute

(50, -60, +60 kg, from 8. kyu)

Youth girls: kyokushin kumite, kata. Kumite time: 2+2+1 minute

(45, -55, + 55 kg, from 8. kyu)

Junior boys: kyokushin kumite, kata. Kumite time: 2+2+2 minute

(60, 70, -80 kg, +80 from 6. kyu)

Junior girls: kyokushin kumite, kata. Kumite time: 2+2+2 minute

(50, -60, +60 kg, from 6. kyu)

Adult men „C” kyokushin kumite. Kumite time: 2+2+2 minute

(70, -80, +80 kg, from 10. kyu up to 7.kyu)

Adult men „B” kyokushin kumite. Kumite time: 2+2+2 minute

70, -80, +80 kg, from 6. kyu up to 1.kyu)

Adult women „A” kyokushin kumite, kata. Kumite time: 3+2+2 minute, weighing.

(55, -65, +65 kg, from 4. kyu)

Adult men „A” kyokushin kumite, kata. Kumite time: 3+2+2minutes weight+breaking+ 2 minutes by head referee

(70, -80, +80 kg, from 4. kyu)

In the adult men category „A” there will be board breaking for the 1st to 4th places.


-according to the Oyama Karate Kyokushin Hungary tournament rules (knock-down, kata)


6.Chief Referee:

-Shihan Károly Veress

7. Age divisions:

Division name: / Born in:
Children II. / 2007-2006
Children I. / 2005-2004
Adolescents / 2003-2002
Youth / 2001-2000
Junior / 1999-1998
Adult / 1997 or earlier

6. Protectors:Fighters should bring their own protective gear

Children and adolescents category:

Shin guards, head guards, gloves, groin guards for boys, breast protector for girls (solar plexus not to be covered), gum shields allowed.

Youth and junior category:

Shin guards, head guards, groin guards for boys, breast protector for girls, gum shields allowed.

Adults category:

„B” and „C”

Shin guards, head guards, gum shields allowed. Head guard in category „C” is compulsory!


Women’s compulsory protectors: breast protector and white shin guards. Gum shields are allowed.

Men’s compulsory protector: groin guard. Gum shields are allowed.

7. Applications:

- Free registration

- Applicationdeadline: 1 October 2016

- Registration should be made on the attached application form and sent to
- There will be a medical health check before the tournament. Please fill in the attached health form and bring it with you.

- There might be random drug tests

8. Prizes: In the adult men and women category „A” the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places will receive money prizes, plus a cup, a medal and a certificate

Estimated amounts:

-1st place: 410 euros

-2nd place: 220 euros

-3rd place: 130 euros

There will be no divided 3rd place in category „A”!In other categories for places 1-3 will receive a cup, a medal and a certificate.

9. Schedule:

Time: / Event:
8:00 - 9:00 / Medical check for kata competitors and draw
9:00 - 10:00 / Kata competition starts, weigh-infor under 18s and medical examination begins (the draw of fights will be done on Friday)
10:00 - 11:00 / Competition for under 18s starts, weigh-infor adults and medical examination begins (the draw of fights will be done on Friday)
11:00- / Under 18s semifinals, adult preliminaries
13:00- / Opening Ceremony, semi finals
14:00 / Breaking for category „A”
15:00 / Category „A” semi finals
16:00 / Finals
Approx. 17:00 / Award giving ceremony

10. Accommodation:

-Híd Hotel, 1143. Budapest, Szobránc st. 12.

-Hotel Ében, 1148 Budapest, Nagy Lajos Király st. 15-17.

-Zugló Apartmans and Rooms, 1141. Budapest, Mogyoródi st.179.

-Grand Park Hotel & Hostel, 1149. Budapest, Pillangó st.22.

-Matus Hotel, 1141. Budapest, Fogarasi st.147.

11. Kata:

-Children I-II, adolescent

Compulsory kata: Taikioku sono san, Pinan sono ichi

Optional kata: Pinan sono ni, Pinan sono san, Pinan sono yon, pinan sono go


Compulsory kata: Pinan sono ni, Pinan sono san, Pinan sono yon, Pinan sono go

Optional kata: Tsuki no, Yantsu, Geksai dai


Compulsory kata: Tsuki no, Yantsu, Geksai dai

Optional kata: Kanku, Geksai sho, Seinchin, Tsuki no, Yantsu, Geksai dai


Compulsory kata: Geksai dai, Geksai sho, Yantsu, Tsuki ni, Saiha

Optional kata: Geksai dai, Geksai sho, Yantsu, Tsuki ni, Saiha, Seinchin, Sushiho, Seipai, Kanku, Garyu

The kata tournament will be carried out in a 5-referees-system: 1 center + 4 corner judges.If you are interested in the details, please send a description request to

See you in Hungary!

I wish you all a successful tournament!


József Borza