Project Planning - Outline of Processes done in COMP3710 Linked to Resources

This document attempts to relate the student deliverables and tutorial activities with the Project Mangement Processes that you are learning as developed in the CMMI model. In particular it aims to provide some focus for the Project Status Review and the Project review Report. These reports can deal with some of the issues raised in this outline.

Project management

SG 1 Use the Project’s Defined Process [PA167.IG101]

SP 1.1-1Establish the Project’s Defined Process – CMMI,

SP 1.2-1Use Organizational Process Assets for Planning Project Activities - Estimation

SP 1.4-1Manage the Project Using the Integrated Plans – Project Reviews can be based on CMMI methodology

SP 1.5-1Contribute to the Organizational Process Assets – Feedback to tutors/email

SG 2 Coordinate and Collaborate with Relevant Stakeholders [PA167.IG102]

SP 2.3-1Resolve Coordination Issues – Tutor/cs3710admin communication

GG 2 Institutionalize a Managed Process [CL103.GL101]

GP 2.2Plan the Process – Project Plan

GP 2.3Provide Resources – Pairs/Learning

GP 2.4Assign Responsibility – Resources in MS Project

GP 2.5Train People – DFD tutorials/Lectures

GP 2.7Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders – initial feedback from Tutors

GP 2.8Monitor and Control the Process – Entire true and complete actual times in MS Project

GP 2.9Objectively Evaluate Adherence - Project Status Reports

GP 2.10Review Status with Higher Level Management – Tutor feedback

GG 5 Institutionalize an Optimizing Process [CL106.GL101]

GP 5.1Ensure Continuous Process Improvement – Project review Report

GP 5.2Correct Root Causes of Problems – Project Review Report

Project Planning

Practice-to-Goal Relationship Table

SG 1 Establish Estimates [PA163.IG101]

SP 1.1-1Estimate the Scope of the Project - Tutor - Document on web

SP 1.2-1Establish Estimates of Work Product and Task Attributes -Student

SP 1.3-1Define Project Life Cycle - Student

SP 1.4-1Determine Estimates of Effort and Cost - Student - MS Project

SG 2 Develop a Project Plan [PA163.IG102]

SP 2.2-1Identify Project Risks - Student - Project Plan Risks

SP 2.3-1Plan for Data Management - Student

SP 2.4-1Plan for Project Resources - Tutor

SP 2.5-1Plan for Needed Knowledge and Skills - Tutor and Lecturers

SP 2.7-1Establish the Project Plan - Student

SG 3 Obtain Commitment to the Plan [PA163.IG103]

SP 3.1-1Review Plans that Affect the Project - Tutor response to Plans

SP 3.2-1Reconcile Work and Resource Levels - Tutor and Student

SP 3.3-1Obtain Plan Commitment - Tutor and Student

Consider following Processes for Project Management and for the Design Process also

Project Management

GG 2 Institutionalize a Managed Process [CL103.GL101] - Project Management

GP 2.1Establish an Organizational Policy - Tutor - Documents on web

GP 2.2Plan the Process - Student

GP 2.3Provide Resources - Tutor

GP 2.4Assign Responsibility - Student pairs

GP 2.5Train People - Tutor and Lecturers

GP 2.6Manage Configurations - Student re-plan

GP 2.8Monitor and Control the Process - Student in Status Reports

GP 2.9Objectively Evaluate Adherence - Student in Status Report

GP 2.10Review Status with Higher Level Management - Tutor marking

GG 3 Institutionalize a Defined Process [CL104.GL101]

GP 3.1Establish a Defined Process - Tutor and Student

GP 3.2Collect Improvement Information - Student

GG 4 Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process [CL105.GL101]

GP 4.1Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process - Tutor PM Templates and Student Process Analysis in Project Review Report

GP 4.2Stabilize Subprocess Performance - Student

GG 5 Institutionalize an Optimizing Process [CL106.GL101]

GP 5.1Ensure Continuous Process Improvement - Tutor

GP 5.2Correct Root Causes of Problems - Tutor and Student


GG 2 Institutionalize a Managed Process [CL103.GL101] - Design

GP 2.1Establish an Organizational Policy - Tutor - Tutorial 1 Design Proecess

GP 2.2Plan the Process - Student

GP 2.3Provide Resources - Tutor

GP 2.4Assign Responsibility - Student pairs

GP 2.5Train People - Tutor and Lecturers

GP 2.6Manage Configurations - Student pre-design

GP 2.8Monitor and Control the Process - Student in QA.doc

GP 2.9Objectively Evaluate Adherence - Student follow QA.doc

GP 2.10Review Status with Higher Level Management - Tutor marking

GG 3 Institutionalize a Defined Process [CL104.GL101]

GP 3.1Establish a Defined Process - Tutor and Student

GP 3.2Collect Improvement Information - Student

GG 4 Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process [CL105.GL101]

GP 4.1Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process - Tutor QA.doc

GP 4.2Stabilize Subprocess Performance - Student

GG 5 Institutionalize an Optimizing Process [CL106.GL101]

GP 5.1Ensure Continuous Process Improvement - Tutor

GP 5.2Correct Root Causes of Problems - Tutor and Student

Risk Analysis

SG 1 Prepare for Risk Management [PA148.IG101]

SP 1.1-1Determine Risk Sources and Categories - Project Plan

SP 1.3-1Establish a Risk Management Strategy – Project Plan

SG 2 Identify and Analyze Risks [PA148.IG102]

SP 2.1-1Identify Risks – Project plan

SP 2.2-1Evaluate, Categorize, and Prioritize Risks – Project Plan

SG 3 Mitigate Risks [PA148.IG103]

SP 3.1-1Develop Risk Mitigation Plans – Project Status Report

SP 3.2-1Implement Risk Mitigation Plans – Project Status Report

GG 3 Institutionalize a Defined Process [CL104.GL101]

GP 3.2Collect Improvement Information – Project Status Reports

GG 4 Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process [CL105.GL101]

GP 4.1Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process – Develop for Project Status Review

GP 4.2Stabilize Subprocess Performance – Handle in Project Status Reports

GG 5 Institutionalize an Optimizing Process [CL106.GL101]

GP 5.1Ensure Continuous Process Improvement – Project Status Reports and Project Review Report

Project Status review and Project Review Report

SG 1 Monitor Project Against Plan [PA162.IG101]

SP 1.1-1Monitor Project Planning Parameters

SP 1.2-1Monitor Commitments

SP 1.3-1Monitor Project Risks

SP 1.4-1Monitor Data Management

SP 1.5-1Monitor Stakeholder Involvement

SP 1.6-1Conduct Progress Reviews

SP 1.7-1Conduct Milestone Reviews

SG 2 Manage Corrective Action to Closure [PA162.IG102]

SP 2.1-1Analyze Issues

SP 2.2-1Take Corrective Action

SP 2.3-1Manage Corrective Action

GG 1 Achieve Specific Goals [CL102.GL101]

GP 1.1Perform Base Practices

GG 2 Institutionalize a Managed Process [CL103.GL101]

GP 2.1Establish an Organizational Policy

GP 2.2Plan the Process

GP 2.3Provide Resources

GP 2.4Assign Responsibility

GP 2.5Train People

GP 2.6Manage Configurations

GP 2.7Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders

GP 2.8Monitor and Control the Process

GP 2.9Objectively Evaluate Adherence

GP 2.10Review Status with Higher Level Management

GG 3 Institutionalize a Defined Process [CL104.GL101]

GP 3.1Establish a Defined Process

GP 3.2Collect Improvement Information

GG 4 Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process [CL105.GL101]

GP 4.1Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process

GP 4.2Stabilize Subprocess Performance

GG 5 Institutionalize an Optimizing Process [CL106.GL101]

GP 5.1Ensure Continuous Process Improvement

GP 5.2Correct Root Causes of Problems