FY 2007 UPK RFR – PART II (For Independent Family Child Care Programs) 1/16/07

amended 1/26/07

Part II. Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Quality Pilot Program Questionnaire

For Independent Family Child Care Programs

Please note: This Questionnaire will be available on-line (starting January 22, 2007) through the EEC website . Completing the on-line version of the survey is strongly encouraged, but not required.Waiting for the application to become available on-line will not penalize the applicant in any way.


Program Number:______License Number ______

Provider Name:______

Program Address:______

City ______Zip Code ______

Program Phone Number: ______


1. Does this program currently serve children whose enrollment is funded through EEC financial assistance (Vouchers or CPC funding)?


2. If no,

Would the program be willing to accept children receiving EEC financial assistance as a condition of receiving a Universal Pre-Kindergarten Grant? YES NO

NOTE:If you checked “yes” to question 1 or question 2 the program continues to be eligible, please proceed to question 3.

If you responded “no” to both question 1 and 2, the program is not eligible for this round of UniversalPre-Kindergarten Pilot grant funding. Thank you for your interest.

3.How many days does the program operate during the year?

Check one of the following:

A Less than 180 days per year

B 180-220 days per year

C More than 220 days per year.

4. How many hours does the program operate during the year?

Check one of the following:

D Less than 1000 hours per year

E 1000-2000 hours per year

F More than 2000 hours per year.

NOTE:If you checked both “C” and “F” you continue to be eligible and can skip to question 6. If you checked any combination for question 3 and 4 other than“C” and “F” then respond to question 5.

5. Would the providerbe willing/agree to expand the program hours or make arrangements with another agency to provide access to full day, full year care for families working fulltime?


NOTE:If you checked “yes” on question 5, the program continues to be eligible, please proceed to question 6.If you responded “no” to question 5, the program is not eligible for this round of UniversalPre-Kindergarten Pilot grant funding. Thank you for your interest.

6. Is the program currently accredited by National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC)?


If yes to question 6,

6a. Enter NAFCC accreditation number ______

NAFCC Accreditation expiration date: Month_____ Year _____

If no to question 6,

6b. Does the provider have a CDA? YES NO

If no, to question 6, and 6b.,

6c. Does the provider or assistant have a BA/BS (in Early Childhood, or with specialized training in early education) or higher degree? YES NO

NOTE: If you checked “yes” for question 6, 6b, or 6c (or all of these questions) the program continues to be eligible, proceed to question 7.

If you responded “no” to question 6, 6b,and 6c the program is not eligible for this round of Universal Pre-Kindergarten Pilot grant funding. Thank you for your interest.

7. Does the program currently use the Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences to plan the curriculum and activities for preschool children?YES NO

NOTE: If you checked “yes” for question 7, the program continues to be eligible, please proceed to question 8.

If you responded “no” to question7, the program is not eligible for this round of Universal Pre-Kindergarten Pilot grant funding. Thank you for your interest.

8. Does the program use one of the four EEC approved assessment instruments to assess preschool children in the program?YES NO

NOTE: If you checked “yes” for question 8,the program continues to be eligible, please proceed to question 8a.

If you checked “no” for question 8,the program appears to meet all the RFR eligibility criteria, except for the assessment criteria. Based on the information provided so far, the program would not be eligible to receive a Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Pilot Program Classroom Quality Grant. The program may however, be eligible to receive a UPK Assessment Planning Grant to support implementation of on-going child assessments. This RFR will be posted on the EEC website and on Comm-PASS on Tuesday, January 23, 2007. We hope you will consider applying for this grant opportunity.

If yes,

8a.Whichone of the four EEC approved assessment instruments is used to assess preschool children in the program? Check one of the following:

Work Sampling System

Creative Curriculum Developmental Continuum

High Scope Child Observation Record (COR)

Ages and Stages

8b.When did the program start using this assessment tool? Month__Year___

NOTE: If you entered a date earlier than 1/31/06, proceed to questions 9-23 to complete this UPK questionnaire.

If you entered a date later than 1/31/06, it appears the program meets all the RFR eligibility criteria, except for the assessment criteria. Based on the information provided so far, the program would not be eligible to receive a Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Pilot Program Classroom Quality Grant. The program may however, be eligible to receive a UPK Assessment Planning Grant to support implementation of on-going child assessments. This RFR will be posted on the EEC website and on Comm-PASS on Tuesday, January 23, 2007. We hope you will consider applying for this grant opportunity.


Please reply with information regarding the entire program at this site as of December 4, 2006. You will need to complete one application for each program site.

  1. Total number of all children enrolled at this site?___

10. Total number of allchildren at this site whose enrollment is funded through EEC Financial Assistance (Vouchers or CPC funding)?_____

11.For purposes of this RFR, EEC needs to be able to verify the number of all childrenthe program serves that receive EEC, or other, financial assistance. Please list the number of all children for whom the program receivesfunding, by funding source. If children are funded by more than one source,please list them only once,using the primary funding source. If the program serves children from a Community Partnerships for Children program, please enter the name for each CPC that funds your program in the appropriate space below.If the program serves children from more than one CPC, please sort the number of children by the CPC that funds them.

Number of Voucher Children
Number CPC Funded Children (Please indicate which CPC you receive funding from, please use separate boxes for each CPC that may fund children in your program.)
Enter CPC Name for CPC Funded Children Counted Above
Total Number of Publicly Funded Children*

*The total number of children receiving financial assistance should not exceed

the number of allchildren enrolled in the program.

  1. Number of preschool children (2.9 years until Kindergarten eligible) enrolled at this site?___

13. Number of preschool children (2.9 years until Kindergarten eligible) inyour program whose enrollment is funded through EEC Financial Assistance (Vouchers or CPC funding)?______


The Massachusetts Universal Pre-Kindergarten Pilot Grants will be made to Family Child Care Providers based on the Provider’s credential and the number of preschool children enrolled.

14. Please complete the following information about your program

Provider / Teacher’s Name:______

EEC certification number( if applicable):______

Highest Degree obtained: HS diploma/GED CDA AA BA/BS Masters Doctorate

Family Child Care Provider Assistant Name (if applicable) ______

Assistant’sEEC license number:______

Assistant’s highest degree obtained: HS diploma/GED CDA AA BA/BS Masters Doctorate

Number of hours per day that UPK requirements are met:


66.577.588.599.510over 10 hours

Number of days per week that UPK requirements are met:

1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days

Number of days per year that UPK requirements are met:

Less than 180days 180-220 days More than 220 days

Total number of preschool children in your program / Number of preschool children in your programreceiving EEC financial assistance. / Number of preschool children in your program
Whose Primary Language is: / Number of preschool children in your program with IEPs
English / Primary language other than English spoken at home


Please answer the questions below only for those classes for which you are requesting UPK Pilot funding.

15. Who completes the assessments of children in the program?

Check all thatapply.

FCC Provider

Family Child Care Assistant

Other, please specify______

16. Who is responsible for ensuring that overall programming for preschool children, including the administration of child assessments, is developmentally appropriate?

FCC Provider

Outside Consultant

Other, please specify______

17. What are that person’s (from question 16) highest level of qualifications?

Education level

Less than HS

HS graduate/GED



BA/BS; Is BA/BS in Early Childhood? Yes No

MA; Is MA in Early Childhood? Yes No




CDA certified

Teacher certified from EEC

Lead Teacher certified from EEC

Director I certified from EEC

Director II certified from EEC

Teacher license from DOE

Assistant Principal/Principal license from DOE

Other certification, please specify

No certification

18. Describe the training that the provider and any assistants received to implement child assessment in your program, such as the use of the assessment instrument or interpretation and use of assessment results. Please use the following chart to record the duration and content of past trainings as well as any that are ongoing or planned for the future.

Date of Training: M/YYYY / Who provided the training (in-house, publisher,CCR&R, CPC, other)? / Content of the Training
Write/Type in all that apply:
  • Observation of children
  • Using the assessment instrument
  • Analyzing assessment data
  • Interpreting assessment results
  • Using the results to inform classroom teaching
  • Using the electronic version of assessment
  • Other, please specify
/ # of hours of training / # staff attending

Check here if no training on child assessment tool

Our expectation in this pilot is that children are assessed at least twice a year – towards the beginning of the school year (e.g. October) and towards the end (e.g. June.). Programs will be asked to submitdata collected sometime between September 2006 and December 2006 and then again in the spring (must be submitted prior to June 2007).

19. Does the program use the electronic version (creativecurriculum.net; worksamplingonline.com; highscope.net; ASQ manager) of the child assessment tool? Yes No

20. Has theprogram aggregated individual child data?

Yes No

21.Once the assessments are completed, how does the program use the results?

To communicate with parents

To plan/adapt curriculum

To plan classroom activities

To determine areas for more training

To share with teachers or others who are working with the child

To share with Kindergarten teachers

To inform and complete children’s progress reports

To inform allocation of program resources

To identify children in need of a referral for special services

None of the Above

Other, please describe ______

22. Is the program able to submit one set of assessment data (collected between September and December 2006) and a second set of data (collected at least six months later) for the same children to be submitted by June 2007? YES NO

If no, what support would the program need to meet this goal?

Please limit response to 100 words.

23. Does the program agree to aggregate and submit child assessment data for preschool children using the electronic version of the assessment tool, and maintain individual child assessment data over the next five years for monitoring purposes? YES NO

If no, what support would the program need to meet this goal?

Please limit response to 100 words.