Introto Social Problems


Study Human Social behavior -- Society – Nation –

Social Structure of society--Institutions, Organizations, & Groups, Communities & Culture

[Note: My definitions of social structure is bit different from Mooney et al.’s in Ch. 1.] Focus on Impact of Social Structure on Individuals (& vice versa, less often)

Social Structure  Human Agency (H.A. is the ability of individuals to make change in Soc. Structure)

Social Change to lessen Inequalities between Groups —Social Justice.

Social Problems– Objective and Subjective elements of SP’s (Mooney et al. Ch. 1)

(I stresses 1 element of Mooney definition of Soc. Prob. more than other element.]

--Example of Possible Soc Prob—Football brain injuries

Importance of Social Structure (i.e., instns, orgzns., & groups)not just the Individual in causing social problems (Mooney et al. Ch. 1)

Social Construction of Soc. Probs--Social ProblemsSocially Constructed “Socially Defined”by groups, organizations, institutions, culture (values, beliefs, norms ) (Mooney et al. ch. 1,” + lecture)

Role of Role of Power &Vested Interestsin defining / framingof something as social problem or not… (lecture only)

The importance of Social Movements in framing something as a Social Problems (& solving them) -- e.g., [example] Civil rights movt, etc.

3 Approaches to Solutions for Social Problems (Top-Down, Bottom-Up, Negotiation)

Sociological Imagination (Mooney et al. Ch. 1)

Personal Troubles vs. Public Issues (how they are related)

Examples of…(Person lack Health insurance VS. 16% of US pop lack H Ins., etc.)

“Perspective Taking” / “Taking the role of the other” (empathy), as tool for increasing understanding & research

E.g., Rios text (Ch. 1-9) strives to have readers do this…

Research Methods / how do we get Info. in Sociology (Mooney et al. Ch. 1)

Example of survey of DACA recipients

3 Main Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology – ((Mooney et al. Ch. 1 & some my stuff) --Define each briefly, how they see the world, and know how each sees Cause for Social Problems

1. Conflict Theory—Basic ideas & View of Cause of Social Probs. … Example: Case Study of Students Against Sweatshops

2. Functionalism--Basic ideas & View of Cause of Social Probs.…

3 Symbolic Interactionism (S-I) -- Basic ideas& View of Social Probs.…

Group Discussion exercise—List examples of Social Problems in Rios text/ autobiography, chs. 1-9. Analyze it using 3 main sociological theories(what does each theory say is cause of social problems and how does that fit or not in example from Rios text?)

Lots of Social Problems illustrated in Rios Chs. 1-9—domestic violence, sexual violence, extreme poverty, family problems, immigration problems, unfair treatment by authorities including police as well as employers, education problems, crime (drugs, violence), gangs, lack of help from mainstream institutions or made worse by them (way treated by schools and police and economy), etc.

How does each of 3 main social theories explain cause of those problems?