Happy Little Rays ChildmindingLocal Offer


Full Name of Education setting
Happy Little Rays Childminding
Physical address / 4 Reeves Close
Town / Swindon
Postcode / SN3 6EB
Contact Person / Kirsty Cooney/ SENDCo
Telephone Number / 07920827481
Email address /
Website address /
Facebook address /
Brief overview of your service
Happy Little Rays Childminding is a home based childminding service offering childcare placements for up to 3 early years children (0-5) per day and up to 3 school age children per day.
What communication methods do you offer?
Signs and symbols / PECS (Picture exchange communication system )
British Sign Language / Braille
AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) / Sign supported English
Makaton/sign-a-long / X / Visual timetable / X
What facilities does your education setting have?
Hydrotherapy pool / Sensory room or area
Wheelchair Access / Accessible changing area
Accessible toilets / Low stimulus environment
Secure environment / Soft play facility
Sensory adaptations (such as colour scheme) / Physical adaptations (such as hand rails)
Accessible parking
We have one disabled toilet within the school.
How will the setting staff support my child / young person?
By forming bonds with each child by taking on the role of key person and working with parents/carer’s and any professionals involved to gain as much information as possible of starting points to a childs level of development.
Implementing the Early Years Foundation stage curriculum to assess the learning and development of individuals and plan to help children achieve.
How will the curriculum at your setting be matched to my child / young person’s needs?
By assessing/tracking a child’s level of learning and development and planning for each individual’s needs and abilities, focusing on the prime areas of learning and development firstly.
Using information gathered on individuals interests to plan activities that they have interest in.
How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support my child / young person’s learning?
By us working together in partnership, I encourage you to share any learning and development achievements from home with me verbally and written on a wow so this can be placed inside their learning journey. Which is readily available whenever you want it, this is also sent home whenever observations and assessments are added to it so you can add your input.
Sharing next steps on my ‘working together on next steps sheet’ which includes a how you can help me at home section.
What support will there be for my child’s/young person’s overall emotional health and wellbeing?
By fulfilling my role as their key person, I aim to form strong relationships to help them feel emotionally stable within in my care. Providing an enabling environment where they feel safe and secure.
By implementing healthy eating and hygiene routines as covered in my policies.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the education setting?
If needed support can be gained by referral to a range of support networks such as:-
Speech and language therapists
Educational psychologists
Health visitors
(Parental permission must be gained for any referrals)
What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having?
SENCO training
Early Help
Speech and language training
Level 3 diploma in childcare
How accessible is the education setting environment?
Being a childminder, the setting is my home. My home has a standard front entrance door with a step to get inside (narrow entrance). My main workspace is all downstairs in my living/dining room with access to the back garden from a single door in the dining room with a step down. Toilet facilities are upstairs and nap area is upstairs.
How will the setting prepare and support my child/ young person to join the education setting, transfer to a new education setting or the next stage of education and life?
By providing a comprehensive and informative learning journey to share to new settings and completing a transition form.
By working with parents/carers and schools we can slowly introduce them to the transition with visits and plenty of talk with the child to help them understand and prepare for the transition.
How are the setting’s resources allocated and matched to children’s/young people’s special educational needs?
By providing/making/purchasing activities, toys and resources relevant to their individual needs and planning.
Who can I contact for further information?
Within the school setting
  1. Kirsty Cooney
LA contacts