Fortuna Business Improvement District Board Meeting

Wednesday September 9th, 2015 at 3:00p.m. @ CITY HALL COUNCIL CONFRENCE ROOM

Board Members Present / Others Attending
1.  Erica Thompson; FBID Board President
1.  Dianna Rios; Coordinator
2.  Nico Kilmer; FBID Treasurer
2.  Tami Trent; City Council Liaison
3.  Debbie Rice; FBID Board Director
/ 3. Judy Harrison; City of Fortuna
4.  Sara Overholt; FBID Board Secretary
5.  Marilyn Strehl; FBID Board Director
6.  Brian Gonzalez; FBID Board Member

Opening: 3:06 p.m.

Correction to agenda the board approved the minutes for August 5th, 2015

FBID did not host a board meeting in July 2015.


Director Kilmer made a motion to approve the minutes as they stand for August 5th, 2015. Director Rice seconded the motion. All board members in favor, motion passed..


1.  FBID Annual Meeting: September 16th Fortuna Chamber Mixer, co-hosted with Wells Fargo and the MGC. FBID will have information displays, work plans, budget and financials, upcoming events and more. The community will be invited to bring questions and concerns back to the FBID board meeting in October. Rios would like direction from the Board on things to feature for FBID. Rios will provide updated information on what FBID is currently working on to present to the public. Rios will spend half of the budget on the September mixer. Director Rice and Umpqua Bank will be hosting the October mixer. They would like to give FBID the opportunity to present to the community a second time giving businesses more of an opportunity to hear about FBID or ask questions. The remainder of the budgeted annual meeting dollars will be spent at the October mixer. Rios will send an email to all businesses inviting them to attend the regularly scheduled board meeting on October 7th or November 4th 2015 to present questions and concerns to the board. Rios will ask for an RSVP and depending on the number of businesses that would like to attend the board meeting may be scheduled 2:30- 4:30 p.m. giving the board time to answer community questions and concerns.

2.  Fortuna Business Improvement District Policy on opening a bank account for community events. Rios provided a policy as an attachment the changes need to be made to the policy and brought back to the FBID board at the next meeting.

3.  Fortuna Business Improvement District Policy on providing event insurance for community events. Rios provided a policy as an attachment the changes need to be made to the policy and brought back to the FBID board at the next meeting.

4.  Funding Request Forms from the following association to be reviewed and or approved. Director Kilmer made a motion to approve the Fortuna Downtown Merchants funding form they submitted to FBID for Apple Harvest music, and was approved for $1,000 to come out of the core area discretionary expense. This fund is first come, first serve not to exceed $5,000 budgeted between all core areas. Director Overholt seconded the motion all board members in favor, motion passed. Director Rice made a motion to approve Strongs Creek Plaza’s funding form they submitted to FBID for musical entertainment, and was approved for $500.00 to come out of the core area discretionary expense. This fund is first come, first serve not to exceed $5,000 budgeted between all core areas. Director Kilmer seconded the motion all board members in favor, motion passed.


Action items included:

·  FBID Board Candidates- Rios sent letter to city council to be reappoint Erica Thompson to the FBID board, and to switch director Caudill from hospitality to downtown. That task has been completed.

·  Redwood Comedy Festival- Rios has done nothing regarding the Redwood Comedy Festival since the last board meeting.

·  Fashion Show- Back to school event happened, only a few businesses participated. Next year we’re hoping to do the show during the horse races.

·  Cannabis- Council liaison Trent and Rios have not had an opportunity to meet yet.

·  Workshops- Rios attended a workshop for City Council and would like the FBID board to send a letter in support of our City Manager. Rios wrote a letter and will email it to a couple board members for input and changes. Rios will read the letter at the next city council meeting. Rios reported to the board after presenting the letter, it was not well received by city council members. Some staff members stood up after Rios and thanked FBID for sending a letter in support of their boss.

·  Farmers Market- Just a reminder the farmers market season is coming to a close at the end of October.

·  Humboldt Ice Rink- After a year of working with the same company, they gave our rink to another city. Rios and Director Overholt will be reviewing a new contract from a new company, and work on getting the rink secured ASAP. Rios gave a presentation at city council on Monday September 7th and was greatly taken by the public.

·  Newsletter- Rios promises the newsletter is actually coming out.

·  Audit- Rios has not submitted the signed engagement letter to Terry Creig’s office but she will before the next board meeting.

·  Star Hotel

FINANCIALS: Received a check from the city, Rios transferred the $4,000 back into the gift certificate account. However the financials don’t reflect that, so Director Kilmer will fix the books to correspond with the account.

BOARD REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS: No report by board directors

·  At Large/Citywide (Debbie & Erica)

·  Chamber of Commerce (Sara)

·  City Council (Nico, Tami, City Manager)

·  Downtown (Marilyn)

·  Hospitality (Angi)

·  Redwood Village (Brian)


ADJOURN: 4:25p.m.

Secretary Signature ______Date ______