Period of Evangelization
Date / Day / Time / Theme / Presenter / Location / Notes
9/19/17 / Tuesday / 7:00-8:30PM / Orientation and Welcome
God’s Loving Plan of goodness / Fr. Neville
Madeline Jones / Reich Room
9/24/17 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / Mass
Creation / Church,
Reich Room
10/01/17 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / Mass
Revelation: Scripture and Tradition / Church,
Reich Room
10/08/17 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / Mass
The Trinity: God In Relationship
Father, Son and Holy Spirit / Church,
Reich Room
10/15/17 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / Mass
The Incarnation, The Person of Jesus / Church,
Reich Room
10/22/17 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / Mass
The Dignity of the Human Person
Formation of Conscience / Church,
Reich Room
10/22-10/26 / THIS WEEK / Varies / FIRST DISCERNMENT / Madeline
Jones / Please schedule an appointment with
Madeline Jones
10/29/17 / Sunday / 10:00AM- 12:30 PM / Mass
The Last Things and Purgatory
Joining the Communion of Saints
Go over the Rites of Welcoming happening at Mass next Sunday / Church,
Reich Room
11/1/17 / Wednesday / 7:30PM-8:30PM / Attend Mass for ALL SAINTS DAY / Church / Holy Day of Obligation
Mass begins @ 7:30pm
First Step:
Period of Acceptance and Period of Catechumenate
Date / Day / Time / Theme / Presenter / Location / Notes
11/05/17 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / RITE OF WELCOME
1st Dismissal
The Holy Spirit
Go over the Blessing and Anointing #1 happening at Mass next Sunday / Church,
Reich Room
11/12/17 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / BLESSING AND ANOINTING #1
10:00 AM Mass with Dismissal
The Catholic Church
Mystical Body
One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic / Church,
Reich Room
11/19/17 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / 10:00 AM Mass with Dismissal
The Catholic Church
Magisterium, Councils, Infallibility, Hierarchy / Church,
Reich Room
11/26/17 / Sunday / Attend Any Mass / Go to Any Mass
Thanksgiving weekend so No Dismissal / Church / Thanksgiving weekend
No Class
12/03/17 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / First Sunday of Advent
10:00 AM Mass with Dismissal
The Liturgical Calendar
(which begins 1st Sunday of Advent) / Church,
Reich Room
Date / Day / Time / Theme / Presenter / Location / Notes
12/08/17 / Friday / Attend Any Mass / Feast of the Immaculate Conception / Holy Day Of Obligation
Attend any mass
12/10/17 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / Second Sunday of Advent
10:00 AM Mass with Dismissal
Mary, Mother of God
Go over the Blessing and Anointing #2 happening at Mass next Sunday / Church,
Reich Room
12/17/17 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / Third Sunday of Advent
10:00 AM Mass with Dismissal
Justification and Grace / Church,
Reich Room
12/24/17 / Sunday / Attend any Morning Mass even if you are going to the Christmas Eve Mass tonight / Fourth Sunday of Advent
Attend Sunday Morning Mass for Sunday,
NO DISMISSAL / Church / No Class
12/25/17 / Monday / Attend any Mass / CHRISTMAS DAY / Church / Holy Day of Obligation
Attend Any Mass
12/31/18 / Sunday / Attend any Mass / NO DISMISSAL / Church / No Class
1/1/18 / Monday / Attend any Mass / Solemnity of Mary, Mother Of God / Church / Not a HODO this year in Baltimore Diocese but come anyway!
1/7/18 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / Epiphany of the Lord
10:00 AM Mass with Dismissal
The 10 Commandments
The Gravity of Sin / Church,
Reich Room
1/14/18 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / Baptism of the Lord
10:00 AM Mass with Dismissal
The Commandments
Pertaining to God / Church,
Reich Room
1/21/18 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / 10:00 AM Mass with Dismissal
The Commandments
Pertaining to Neighbors / Church,
Reich Room
1/28/18 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / 10:00 AM Mass with Dismissal
The Commandments
Relating to Desires / Church,
Reich Room
2/4/18 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / 10:00 AM Mass with Dismissal
The Commandments in the World: Catholic Social teaching / Church,
Reich Room
2/5-2/9 / THIS WEEK / Varies / SECOND DISCERNMENT / Madeline
Jones / Please schedule an appointment with
Madeline Jones
2/11/18 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / 10:00 AM Mass with Dismissal
The 7 Sacraments:
An Overview
Explanation of Rites of Sending and Election/Call to Continuing Conversion / Church,
Reich Room
Second Step:
Period of Purification and Enlightenment
Date / Day / Time / Theme / Presenter / Location / Notes
2/14/18 / Wednes
day / 7:30pm Mass / ASH WEDNESDAY
Begin LentenPreparation
for the Easter Triduum / Church / Day of Fasting and Abstinence
2/18/18 / First Sunday of Lent / 10:00 AM
4:00 PM / 10:00 AM Mass
Dismissalfor Catechumens only
Reich Room
Off campus w/ Bishop / Please meet at designated church in the afternoon for Rite of Election and call to continuing conversion.
2/20/18 / Tuesday / 7:00-8:30PM / Sacraments Of Initiation:
Go over the
Penitential Rite for Candidates happening at Mass on Sunday
Testimonies to Prepare for Sunday / Reich Room
2/25/18 / Second Sunday of Lent / 8:30 AM -12:30PM / 10:00 AM Mass
Penitential Rite for Candidates
Anointing of Catechumens
Dismissal for Catechumens
Sacraments Of Initiation:
Eucharist and Confirmation / Church,
Reich Room / Meet at 8:30am in Tonry room prior to 10:00AM Mass
2/27/18 / Tuesday / 7:00-8:30PM / Woman at the Well
Go over Scrutinies 1 -3 which will happen at Sunday Masses / Reich Room
3/4/18 / Third Sunday of Lent / 10:00AM -12:30PM / 10:00 AM Mass
Dismissal for Catechumens
Sacraments of Healing:
Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick / Church,
Reich Room
03/06/17 / Tuesday / 7:00-8:30PM / Man Born Blind / Reich Room
Date / Day / Time / Theme / Presenter / Location / Notes
3/11/18 / Fourth Sunday of Lent / 10:00AM -12:30PM / 10:00 AM Mass
Dismissal of Catechumens
Sacraments of Commitment:
Marriage and Holy Orders / Church,
Reich Room
3/17/18 / Saturday / 8:30am-3:00pm / Retreat
Prodigal Son
Third Discernment
Lazarus / Shrine Of St. Anthony
Folly Quarter Road
3/18/18 / Fifth Sunday of Lent / 10:00AM -12:30PM / 10:00 AM Mass
Dismissal of Catechumens
Paschal Mystery:
Holy Week and Triduum / Church,
Reich Room
Third Step:
Beginning of Holy Week
Celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation
Date / Day / Time / Theme / Presenter / Location / Notes
3/25/18 / Sunday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / 10:00 AM Mass
Mass of the Lord’s Passion
Dismissal of Catechumens
Open Forum / Church,
Reich Room
3/27/18 / Tuesday / 5:30-7:00pm / Easter Vigil Rehearsal / Church
3/29/18 / Thursday / 7:00pm / 7:30 PM Mass
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
No Dismissal
Come forward to receive
a blessing at Communion / Church
3/30/18 / Friday / 7:00pm / 7:30 PM Mass
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
Veneration of the Cross
No Dismissal
Come forward to receive
a blessing at Communion / Church / Day of Fasting and Abstinence
3/31/18 / Saturday / 10:00AM -12:30PM / Retreat and Practice / Church,
Reich Room
3/31/18 / Saturday / 8:00pm-11:30pm / HOLY SATURDAY EASTER VIGIL
A reception will follow the Vigil in the Fellowship and Formation Center. Families of the Catechumens and Candidates are invited / Tonry Room, Church, Fellowship and Formation Center / Arrive in the Tonry Room and we will process to the outside of the church.
4/1/18 / Sunday / EASTER SUNDAY / No Class
Period of Mystagogy
Date / Day / Time / Theme / Presenter / Location / Notes
4/3/18 / Tuesday / 7:00-8:30PM / Reflection Party and Pot Luck Supper / Reich Room / Recollection of the Easter Vigil
4/8/18 / Sunday / Attend any Mass / Church
4/10/18 / Tuesday / 7:00-8:30PM / Catholic Prayer Life / Reich Room
4/15/18 / Sunday / Attend any Mass / Church
4/17/18 / Tuesday / 7:00-8:30PM / Types of Prayer / Reich Room
4/22/18 / Sunday / Attend any Mass / Church
4/24/18 / Tuesday / 7:00-8:30PM / Prayer in Action:
Vocation and Following God’s Call / Reich Room
4/29/18 / Sunday / Attend any Mass / Church
5/1/18 / Tuesday / 7:00-8:30 PM / Prayer over the Participants
Eternity / Eternity / Always / Continue to Encounter God,
Accompany others,
and participate well in Liturgy