PARED MINUTES-Friday, May 18, 2001

Meeting called to order at 1:15 PM. Present were Patty C., Patty D, Judy D. Marilyn, Bev, Julie H., Sharon, Linda, Pearl, Cecile, and Kris.

Check-in: Those present shared triumphs and tribulations of the past year. We verified next year's schedule and information.


SOCIAL: The end of the year luncheon will be held on June 1 st in the Gold Room at Louie's in Ballard. If you are planning to attend, RSVP and pay Marilyn Grevstad $18 as soon as possible.

PAC: Information for the all boards meeting from 7 to 9 on June 5th: List of mentors was passed out. Shoreline volunteered to do Newsletters and NW Family will do Fundraising. Agenda was passed out and announced:

short introductions
meeting of individual officers∎
individual boards meet together at the end

Snacks will be provided in every room, paid for by PAC∎
Plants in each room will be for the mentors to take home at the end
PAC reps will write thank you notes to each mentor.

Patty D. takes her board out for dessert beforehand.

UNION: Patty C. made the following announcements: It will now be much easier for those with 9 month contracts to claim unemployment compensation during vacations. You can call the WFT number or go to the meeting she e-mailed to our staff.

A new Federation Executive Board is needed. The next meeting is Monday, May 21 from 3 to 5.

Patty was commended for doing such a great job.

RETREAT: Responses are needed to the survey on what we would like to have as a topic and who should be our speaker. Gloria DeGaetano seems to be a likely candidate.

New hires:

Jan Burnham has been hired at Shorenorth.∎
Kelly McBain will take over Julie's class next year.∎
Twila Bartlow will team up with Bev and teach the Monday night class
Marilyn is still in the process of interviewing.

Sharon will meet individually with the new folks over the summer.

Holly Moore has been chosen as the next president of the college.

Pearl mentioned that if you teach until age 58 you can buy health insurance through the college group plan.

Tuition: Earl Hale spoke at OPEP and announced that tuition would remain at $8 or be raised to $9 at the most.

MCO's are out of final typing and look great. They will be an action item for the SCC Curriculum Committee with another meeting next year, so to begin next year, everyone can write syllabi as usual and when the process is over you can go by the new MCO's.

OPEP in-service will be held at Shoreline next year. Anyone want to be a presenter?

Sharon had us sign off on verification of the times of our classes. Though the start times for classes vary, the length of each class must be the same by course number. For example, Pared 110 is 1 hour 40 minutes: Pared 120, 125 and 130 are 1 hour and 45 minutes; Pared 140 is 2 hours 25 minutes; Pared 150 is 2 hours 30 minutes; and Pared 190 is 1 hour 40 minutes. She reminds us that the college will go through accreditation next year and figures for our courses must be accurate and consistent.

Enrollment numbers are up to 561 parents from 555. That's 91.79 FTE's.

Asked for ideas for professional development for next year. Sharon asked if Sylvia Hobbes was still of interest to the faculty. There was no longer interest in Sylvia. Another idea was a trip to All for Kids to hear a presentation on multi-cultural books.

Be sure to turn in your professional development documentation to Jeanne Skaare, ASAP. Group couldn't remember how many hours for the retreat? Sharon will e-mail everyone with the information. Suggestion: give out a certificate with the total number of hours in the future.

Thanks to all those who submitted special events and excursion information to Sharon. REMINDER: This MUST be done. Without notice there is no insurance for these events. You can notify Sharon by e-mail, or paper, weekly, monthly, yearly, or by event with as much lead time as possible.

Resource for preschools: Karen Schrantz from King County is a free speaker on hazardous materials, heath, and safety in the home. She can discuss safe alternatives to toxic cleaning chemicals (206) 583-0655.


***Cecile has won a National Outstanding Educator Award from the Bureau of Education and Research this year. Congratulations, Cecile.

Hot tip: Nonprofit groups can ride the state ferries for a total of $2 per group. Make the request containing nonprofit information on official letterhead stationary.

Date change: The summer faculty party at Sharon's must be rescheduled. Are there suggestions for alternate dates? Let Sharon know if you have ideas.

The 9-minute video on booster seats is now available in the instructor library.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:00.

LAST MINUTE ADDITION BY SHARON: Thanks so much, Linda, for doing the minutes this year and to all other faculty who took on an additional faculty "job." We couldn't do it without you.

March 9, 2001

Present at Crystal Springs Coop: Sharon, Nola, Pearl, Marilyn, Judy,Christy, Patty D., Linda, Bev, Julie, Patty C., and Judi.

Call to order 1:15. Everyone discussed their earthquake experiences. Sharon reminded everyone to check attendance before exiting a building during such events to make sure all children are out of the building. Patty has a clipboard in each room with names of children attending that day.

Social: The end of the year luncheon will be at Louie's Chinese Cuisine in Ballard at 1:00 on Friday, June 1.

PAC (Pearl): Most classes liked the All-Parents' speaker. Pearl passed out her handout on overindulgence: what it's like for preschoolers. Marilyn asked for copies of Cornucopia Kids. Pearl visited Bank Street College and Colombia in New York and reported that our programs compare very favorably to these top notch pioneering programs. Plus they cost $15,000 a year per child. All Boards' Meeting: Northlake Lutheran Church, Tuesday the 5th of June from 7 to 9 p.m. Well follow the same format as last year, since it was such a success. More information will come after the April PAC meeting.

Federation (Patty C.): Legislation has been delayed on education bills due to the earthquake. You can still e-mail your legislators on faculty equity issues.

Retreat: The missing check from Cecile has been found; it was missent.

Sharon: Idea for next year's All-Parents Meeting speaker.Diane Levin, a speaker on children and violence has lowered her price from 4 to 1 thousand dollars. Let's have her at OPEP Inservice during spring break (next year at SCC) then as the All School Speaker, and also share her with other colleges. She co-wrote Before Push Comes to Shove, a book about conflict resolution as well as Who's Calling the Shots.

Tuition increase: Tell your groups we still don't know how much, but we do know there will be one throughout the region for Parent Ed because all college tuitions are expected to be increased.

Passed out coupons for booster seats for dollars off at Fred Meyer and a form to order a free 11minute video on booster seat safety. Denise and Katrina from Car Safe Kids, are available to do a presentation and inspect car seats during evening parent sessions. Some co-ops have already had them and thought they were very good. Also call Safety Restraint Coalition (425)828-8975. Further children's car safety classes:

Stevens Hospital from 7-8:30 p.m. (call 425 640-4066) Wed, April 4

Monday, June 4th

Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland from 7-8;30 p.m._ (425 899-3000)

Wednesday, May 2

Thursday, November 1

Possible future professional development speaker: Dr. Jerri Wolfe on difference between parent ed and therapy (Marilyn will report to the group after she hears Dr. Wolfe's presentation at OPEP).

Audits:Sharon will share the form used by Edmonds CC. Rather than "audit" a more appropriate term would be "financial review of books". Some do it 2 times a year and it's faster and catches problems sooner. It was pointed out that a new treasurer should be sure of the audit before accepting any books.

Rosemary White will speak at OPEP March 22 for $125/hour and prefers 2 1/2hour gigs.

Sharon passed out forms for special events to be used for all but field trips. Send completed forms to Sharon, not to Arlene or the insurance company. Sharon will then send them to Arlene for filing at SCC.

**Send to Arlene by March 30: accounts of number of children plus sibs for next year's insurance purposes. You'll be billed in June for insurance.

Sharon passed out a memo from the Insurance Committee with updated information. This should be filed in the Risk Management Manual. Of particular interest is the section on adult social events: you can distribute copies of flyers at preschool but you mustn't link the event in any way with the preschool. Refer to the memo for specific guidance when developing the flyers for social events.

ParEd job openings: There are 4 applicants so far. Andrea has agreed to a P-3 endorsement qualification in addition to the preferred early childhood degree. A K-8 certified person may apply for a P-3 through the superintendent. If an applicant is hired without a P-3 s/he could work on it after the hire. ( NAEYC/WAEYC membership and participation combined with co-op experience would be a definite plus for any person). Human Resources needs to be apprised of this new hiring standard.

Sharon passed out college calendars for 2001-2002. The group will be working to develop next year's calendar. This year the Northshore SD and Shoreline SD have different Spring Breaks. It was suggested that co-ops should be able to choose either Northshore or Shoreline spring break as long as the number of teaching and student days are the same.

Sharon talked about using MCO's to develop syllabi, i.e., tailoring objectives to topics for each quarter. The finished MCO's are in the process of being typed at this time.

Next meeting will feature a storyteller on campus from 1 to 3 April 6, room to be announced. The May meeting will be at Marilyn's coop.

Meeting adjourned at 3:15.

Thanks to Christy and Judy for the hospitality and the FABULOUS refreshments!

Respectfully submitted, Linda Harkness

ParEd Minutes: January 5th, 2001

Attendance: Present were Sharon, Christy, Marilyn, Bev, Judy D., Patty D., Nola, Linda, Julie, Patty C., Pearl, Kristen, and Judi C..

At first those using Shoreline resources filled out paperwork for the January retreat. Thanks, Arlene.

Social Committee: no report at this time. The group thanked Marilyn and Julie for a great holiday party.

PAC: No report.

Federation: Seeking members to go to Olympia on Martin Luther King Day, January 15th to advocate for part timers. It was announced that AFT dues are taken out of everyone's check on campus. All need to sign up for the union.

Retreat: Begins Thursday, Jan. 25 at 10 a.m. and ends at noon Friday the 26th. Workshops: John Wrobleski on diversity on Thursday afternoon and MaryAnn Kohl will do an art presentation on Friday morning. Reminder: Checks for $65 made out to Inglemoor Coop to cover the fees.


OPEP Professional In-Service will be on March 22nd at North Seattle Community College this year.

If you will miss a class notify Arlene and Andrea as soon as possible. You must request leave in advance. Send in information about subs, dates, and reasons for missing class. Refer to the SCC Associate Faculty Handbook or the PARED new faculty handbook for further information regarding guidelines for absences such as those for less or more than 3 days. Note the differences between sick leave, personal leave, and leave without pay. There are two forms required to document an absence. One is a leave request and one goes to payroll. Sharon can help you fill out forms. If a qualified substitute is covering an absence (e.g. Judy D. subbing for Christy, or Linda subbing for Nola, etc.) it is possible to request SCC to pay for the substitute. Discuss this option with Arlene at the same time you are submitting the other forms.

Idea: Invite SCC faculty member Brooke Zimmer to do a future in-service on story telling.

OPEP (Coordinator group) will take over Parenting Press book sales through PAC reps. Profits go to the coordinator's group. Each PAC rep has the information and was encouraged to discuss the distribution with each director before passing out the info.

Meeting time: Sharon passed on a request by Cecile for a later start time on Fridays. Others reminded the group that years ago everyone agreed not to schedule Friday pm classes in order to have an early meeting. It was proposed to give the idea further thought and decide at a later date.

Work is being done on a new job description in order to fill present and future vacancies.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 at which time the Retreat Committee met to finalize plans.

Respectfully submitted, Linda Harkness

Shoreline ParEd Minutes: November 17, 2000

Meeting called to order at 1:00 by Sharon at Inglemoor Co-op, Patty D. hostess (thank you, Patty, for a wonderful feast).

Present were: Julie H, Linda, Pearl, Patty C., Marilyn, Judy D., Cecile, Patty D., Kris, Bev, Nola, and Sharon.

MEETING TASK: We all reviewed the MCO's.

REMINDER: Next meeting will be our holiday luncheon at Julie's house (directions in invitation). We will have a sock exchange...Bring a pair of sox, only wrapping one. The other goes in the middle and the fun begins.

Respectfully submitted, Linda Harkness

Parent Education Minutes for Friday, November 3, 2000

Meeting called to order at 1:00 at Shoreline C..C. by Sharon Phillips.

Present were: Christy, Kristen, Patty C., Marilyn, Julie H., Nola, Linda, Cecile, Sharon.

OPENING: Sharon asked each parent educator to respond to the question: How do you structure your parent education discussion session? There was a wide variety of techniques shared by those present.

SOCIAL: No report at this time.

PAC: No meeting in the past few weeks.

UNION: Patty C. reported that sick leave can be accrued by part timers. There was a request for a chart comparing preschool salaries- and benefits at different co-ops. PAC will provide this chart.

RETREAT: The committee will meet in Atlanta at the NAEYC convention and

report at a later date. Sharon recommended that we check in periodically with John Wrobleski concerning our wishes for his presentation at the retreat.

Announcements: At the next meeting on November 17th at Inglemoor, we will wrap up our work on MCO's at this time. We will look at the following: if these are the topics we really plan to do course content major course topics developmental issues relating to each stage Look for missing information and typos as well. E-mail Sharon to download copies

TREASURERS' TRAINING: It was decided to ask Sandy Chudler to do the All Boards Training, since the feedback on her last presentation was positive.

It will cost about $13.35. per co-op and we willget our meeting on her calendar. New and returning treasurers should be noted.

RESOURCES: Sharon showed us a publication called "Building Your Baby's Brain." Get parents to call and order them as you can get 5 free at a time. You can order by Fax at 360 664-0597.

DSHS "Babies Are Born Learning, Make Every Moment Count." Free, and available in several languages.

Possible Speaker: Julie Bisson, trained under Louise Derman-Sparks. Talks about appropriate - celebration of holidays in school- ($100 hour.) Could Judy D. recommend someone-from WAEYC?

REVIEW: Cecile reviewed the two videos in the instructor library. One on assessment is good and up to date. Developing the Young Bilingual Learner is excellent and advocates validating the culture and language of the children.

Next meeting from !:30 to 3:30 (note time change) at Inglemoor. Submitted by Linda Harkness

Sorry these are so late! It's NAEYC's fault.


Date:10/26/00 3:04:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time

From: (Linda Harkness)

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The meeting was called to order at 1:05.

Present were: Linda, Judy, Patty D., Nola, Bev, Marilyn, Julie, Pearl, Tamara, Cecile, Kris, Judi, and Sharon.

Sharing activity: Marilyn guided us through the question, "What were your high and low points of the past week?"

We will also continue to share handouts, articles, and ideas for classes at our meetings.

Thanks to Patty D. for passing out charts of development and to Marilyn for the handout on academics .

Committee reports: SOCIAL:

It was decided that we would have a catered luncheon at Julie H.'s house for the December social.

Reminder: pay $20 dues to the social committee as soon as possible.


Soliciting suggestions for choosing next year's speaker.

The cost of running a non-discrimination ad in the Eastside Journal

and the Enterprise was found to be $109 (cheaper than the Times). PAC can cover it.