Subject links / Comprehension/
Composition / Word/
Sentence / Speaking/
Listening / Outcome / Number
of lessons
The Colour of Home
Rights Of The Child booklets
RRE / 1 to investigate a range of texts from different cultures, considering patterns of relationships, social customs, attitudes and beliefs.
* identify these features by reference to the text
* consider and evaluate these features in relation to their own experience.
2 to identify the point of view from which the story is told and how this affects the reader’s response.
As above
As above
GT read and redraft writing.
T2 / To identify the use of connectives in complex sentences.
S7 to use connectives to link clauses within sentences and to link sentences in longer texts. Linked to group targets. / 41 Speaking:
To respond appropriately to the contributions of others in the light of alternative viewpoints.
As above
Possible starting statements:
I agree with… because…
I disagree with…because…
I want to add to that point…
Having listened to that point, I now think…
Have you thought ?
As above
As above / Show and discuss the front cover – what does it tell us?
Does it come from the beginning or the end of the story?
Who are the people/how do you know?
Using the RRE booklet, decide which article it illustrates.
Discuss and decide on an article in pairs. Write out for display.
Begin Community of Enquiry activity: using the first picture with text covered, what questions come into your head/what would you like to ask?
Partners share and choose one.
Teacher lists questions.
Look back at picture and recap questions. Discuss starting statements and develop list with class.
Choose a question and discuss. Choose another question when appropriate.
Children discuss the final question in groups with talk cards.
Extend starting statements list at the end and keep displayed for future use.
Evaluation of S&L performance.
Read the text on the page, how does it fit with what you thought?
Refer to list of rights.
Look at next page and discuss: What memories does he have of home?
How does he feel about his home/how do you know?
Think, Pair, Share:
Read next page – questions to think about and discuss:
What has happened?
Why has it changed?
Why has he smudged his uncle out of the picture?
What does his face tell you about his thoughts of home now?
Did Miss Kelly really understand?
Plenary: Discuss list of rights and read next page.
Read to “ We seem to have left all the colours behind in Somalia”
Q. How does he feel? List words.
Read to “the picture was dry”
Q. How does he feel now?
Why have his feelings changed?
Referring to the list of words ask “have you ever felt like this?”
Free writing.
Share writing during circle time giving children the choice of: reading writing/teacher reading the writing /keeping writing private.
Finish book.
Q. How does he feel about England now?
How do we know?
Groups with class possibilities of the list of rights on pieces of paper discuss which is the most appropriate.
Reach a personal decision which could be written onto their paintings of home produced out of literacy.
Plenary: Do you think the book deserves the 2003 National Literacy Association “Wow” award? / 1
outside literacy
Text / Sentence / Word

G.T. written on the plan where the target is addressed

HIAS RRE website: Primary curriculum file The colour of home – Kempshott Junior School 1