7th Grade Math Syllabus---Mr. Roemhild

Textbook Used

Big Ideas Math- A Common Core Curriculum

Connected Math 2 Series ( Projects and some Lessons)

Accelerated Math Accelerated math is a computer generated program that allows students to work on selected objectives that are based off of the state standards. It is a program that is self-paced with goals set for each student. Each Quarter the number of objectives is different. Students can always work on these at home and on the computer. We will not start accelerated math until mid-way through the first quarter.

Competencies Emphasized:

1.  Integers

a.  Absolute Value

b.  Adding and Subtracting Integers

c.  Multiplying and Dividing Integers

2.  Rational Numbers

a.  Adding and Subtraction Rational Numbers

b.  Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers

3.  Expressions and Equations

a.  Algebraic Expressions

b.  Adding and Subtracting Linear Expressions

c.  Solving Equations with Addition and Subtraction

d.  Solving Equations with Multiplication and Division

e.  Solving 2- Step Equations

4.  Inequalities

a.  Writing and Graphing Inequalities

b.  Solving using Addition and Subtraction

c.  Solving using Multiplication and Division

d.  Solving 2-Step Inequalities

5.  Ratios and Proportions

a.  Ratios and Rates

b.  Proportions---Writing and Solving

c.  Slope

d.  Standard Deviation

6.  Percents

a.  Percents and Decimals

b.  Comparing and Ordering fractions, decimals, and percents

c.  Percent proportion and equation

d.  Percents of Increase and Decrease

e.  Discounts and mark-ups

f.  Simple Interest

7.  Constructions and Scale Drawings

a.  Adjacent and Vertical Angles

b.  Complementary and Supplementary Angles

c.  Triangles

d.  Quadrilaterals

e.  Scale Drawings

8.  Circles and Area

a.  Circles and Circumference

b.  Perimeters and Composite Figures

c.  Areas of Circles

d.  Areas of Composite Figures

9.  Surface Area and Volume

a.  Surface Area of Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders

b.  Volume of Prisms and Pyramids

10.  Probability and Statistics

a.  Outcomes and Events

b.  Experimental and Theoretical Probability

c.  Compound Events

d.  Independent and Dependent Events

e.  Samples and Populations

f.  Comparing Populations

Student Expectations:

*Follow and abide by all guidelines provided in student handbook
*Come to class prepared (textbook, folder, notebook, completed assignment, pencil, calculator)
*Come to class with a positive attitude and be an active participant
*Put forth your best effort each day
*Ask questions when you don't understand something
*Show respect for your peers, your teacher and yourself

* All Cell Phones should be put on top of desk when entering room. They are only used when calculators are needed or the Web.

*Take responsibility for missed work
(1) Check the absent Folder for work missed (2) Read the lesson/have a classmate teach you (3) Turn in work promptly (4) Arrange make up of missed tests/quizzes with Mr. Roemhild

Student Consequences

1.  Verbal Warning

2.  15 minute lunch detention in Mr. Roemhild’s room

3.  Call home and a 30 minute before school detention starting @ 7:30 in Mr. Roemhild’s room

4.  Intervention with Principal or Guidance Counselor and a 1 hour detention after school doing community service with Mr. Roemhild

Grading Policy


100-99% A+ 79-77% C+

98-94% A 76-73% C

93-90% A- 72-70% C-

89-87% B+ 69-67% D+

86-83% B 66-63% D

83-80% B- 62-60% D-

59% and below F

Grades are based on a percentage of points accumulated through daily work, quizzes, check-ups, tests, and accelerated math.

All students may do corrections on daily work and tests that is below 70% to raise their score. Corrections must be done on a separate sheet of paper and stapled to the original.

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature:______