Department of Early Childhood
and Special Education
Valdosta State University
Practicum Handbook
ECED 3690 Early Childhood Practicum and Seminar: Grades 1-3
ECSE 3490 Early Childhood Inclusive Practicum
and Seminar: Grades 1-3
Revised for Fall 2012 (Grades P-5)
MAIL 1500 North Patterson Street · Valdosta, Georgia 31698-0092
PHONE 229-333-5929 · FAX 229-333-7167
To: Mentor Teachers and Administrators
Practica in Early Childhood Education
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for volunteering to work with practicum students (teacher candidates) at Valdosta State University. Your partnership is essential in providing practicum students with opportunities to apply what they are learning in classroom situations. We hope that the enclosed information will assist the practicum student, practicum instructor, university supervisor, and mentor teacher in completing the requirements for the practicum experience.
Practicum students will attend classes on campus and participate in a field experience in a public school setting designed to help them apply early childhood theory into practice. During the field experience, practicum students will be required to participate and to observe in a classroom under the supervision of a mentor teacher, who will work closely with the university supervisor responsible for observing and providing feedback to the students.
Practicum students are required to accrue a minimum of 133 hours in their classrooms for the field experience credit. In addition to completing the necessary hours, practicum students must successfully accomplish assignments given by their university instructors and practicum instructor. Failure to fulfill hours or participation requirements will result in an unsatisfactory (“U”) grade for the practicum.
It is expected that students will be successful in completing all hours and assignments. If problems arise for either the mentor teacher or the practicum student, it is expected that the university supervisor will be contacted immediately. The Department of Early Childhood & Special Education office telephone number is 229-333-5929.
On behalf of the faculty of the Department of Early Childhood & Special Education, I would again like to express our appreciation to the administrators, teachers, and support staff who allow our practicum students to come into their schools and classrooms. Please speak with your university supervisor or the practicum instructor if you have any additional questions regarding the practicum.
Thank you!
Peggy Auman
Peggy Auman, Ph.D., Department Head
Department of Early Childhood and Special Education
Confirmation of Practicum Responsibilities for Practicum Student and Mentor Teacher
Department of Early Childhood and Special Education
Valdosta State University
Semester/Year ______School ______Grade level ______
Practicum Student
I understand and accept the following responsibilities. As the practicum student, I agree to:
· complete the Contact Information for Practicum form as a Word document and give a printed copy of it to the practicum instructor, university supervisor, and mentor teacher;
· submit a paper copy of the liability insurance card; and upload the image onto LiveText and submit that page of your LiveText Initial Program Portfolio for ECE to the practicum instructor;
· adhere to the agreed upon schedule for arrival, departure, duties, and meetings, as determined by the practicum instructor and mentor teacher; inform university supervisor of changes to the schedule;
· maintain a professional role with the university supervisor, practicum instructor, mentor teacher, school personnel, and children;
· adhere to the professional educator role as defined by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission: The Code of Ethics for Educators;
· complete and submit on time all assigned tasks, including Weekly Classroom Plan Overview;
· have all contextual factors and lesson plans approved and signed by the mentor teacher at least 2 days prior to their implementation;
· solicit and accept feedback from the university supervisor regarding lesson plans and teaching;
· reflect regularly on professional performance and discuss these reflections with supervisors;
· complete Teacher Candidate Self-Evaluation of Dispositions in LiveText;
· complete all LiveText requirements assigned by the department;
· complete ECE/ECSE program portfolio; and
· keep an accurate time sheet in your classroom and have the mentor sign it daily.
Practicum Student______Date______
Mentor Teacher
I understand and accept the following responsibilities. As the mentor teacher, I agree to:
· give mentor teacher information for the Contact Information for Practicum form to the practicum students;
· provide the practicum student with curriculum materials and information on children as needed;
· consult with teacher candidate to complete Weekly Classroom Plan Overview;
· establish expectations regarding teaching schedule, classroom management, and lesson plans;
· approve and sign all contextual factors and lesson plans at least 2 days prior to their implementation (Students may not teach without plans.);
· provide written and verbal feedback on the progress of the practicum student to the student and VSU;
· document and sign the practicum student’s hours on the time sheet provided;
· complete the form, Program Dispositions Evaluation by Mentor Teacher of Teacher Candidate, and give it to the student to submit;
· complete, share with, and give to the practicum student the Final Evaluation of Practicum Student; and
· sign the practicum student’s time sheet daily.
Mentor Teacher______Date______
Practicum Responsibilities for Practicum Instructor
Department of Early Childhood and Special Education
Valdosta State University
VSU Practicum Instructor
Before the first practicum seminar, the practicum instructor agree to:
· complete the instructor information on the syllabus;
· make copies of the syllabus for students (after adding instructor information);
· obtain copies of the Practicum Handbook, two for each student (one for the student and one for the mentor teacher);
· announce in the section of the methods course taught by the practicum instructor for students to bring a copy of their liability insurance card and a copy of their Course Schedule by Day and Time; and
· plan to meet at the scheduled time for the first practicum seminar.
During the first practicum seminar, the practicum instructor agree to:
· meet at the scheduled time for the first practicum seminar;
· distribute and discuss copies of the syllabus and Practicum Handbook;
· plan and distribute to the students the schedule for practicum assignments and seminar meetings;
· check Admission to Teacher Education, as indicated on the Banner role; and
· check liability insurance by referring to the LiveText Initial Program Portfolio.
During the semester, the practicum instructor agree to:
· give information for the Contact Information for Practicum form to the practicum students; and
· assist the university supervisors and/or practicum students with challenges/problems that arise.
After the completion of the field experience, the practicum instructor must:
· one week after the last day of field experiences, collect from the university supervisor the departmental practicum folder with the completed evaluation form (Evaluation for Practicum) from the Practicum Handbook for the student – indicating the grade for the field experience and practicum portfolio;
· during the last week of classes, arrange a meeting with all university instructors and university supervisors to complete the University Instructor Evaluation of Teacher Candidate Dispositions together; have the practicum students sign the disposition form; make a copy for each student; and file the original in the practicum file. In addition, complete the form on LiveText.
· during the last week of classes, evaluate the practicum seminar performance of the practicum student; record the grade on the Evaluation for Practicum (last page of the Practicum Handbook);
· during the last week of classes, evaluate the ECE/ECSE LiveText Portfolio requirements; and
· record the grade on the Evaluation for Practicum (last page of the Practicum Handbook.)
By the final examination day, the practicum instructor agree to:
· enter the final grade for the practicum student on Banner;
· return the completed practicum folders to the departmental filing cabinet; and
· complete the field experience record that is stapled to the inside front of the practicum folder (gold sheet)
Practicum Responsibilities for University Supervisor
Department of Early Childhood and Special Education
Valdosta State University
VSU University Supervisor
Before practicum students report to their assigned schools, the VSU university supervisor agree to:
· give university supervisor information for the Contact Information for Practicum form to the practicum students;
· meet with the appropriate school administrator or designee to give him/her a copy of the Practicum Handbook and discuss practicum requirements;
· give personal contact information to the school administrator or designee; and
· with the school administrator or designee, determine the date of the practicum orientation for the practicum students at the assigned school.
During the field experience, the VSU university supervisor agree to:
· schedule an observation for each assigned practicum student;
· observe the practicum student and provide feedback on the COE Observation Instrument;
· conference with the practicum student following observations;
· conference with the mentor teacher following observations;
· document areas for improvement and/or determine unsatisfactory performances;
· read and respond to/acknowledge reflective journal entries;
· collect the audiotape and corresponding materials; and
· complete COE Observation Instrument on LiveText for each practicum student observed.
After the completion of the field experience and during the last week of classes, the VSU university supervisor agree to:
· determine the grade for the field experience for the practicum student; record the grade on the Evaluation for Practicum (last page of the Practicum Handbook).
· evaluate, determine the grades, and record the grades on the Evaluation for Practicum (last page of the Practicum Handbook) for all of the components of the practicum portfolio of the practicum student;
· remove the requirements from the portfolio as stated on the Evaluation for Practicum and place these in the departmental practicum folders;
· complete the Field Experience Record that is stapled to the inside front of the practicum folders;
· return the completed practicum folders to the practicum instructor; and
· complete with other instructors and filed in practicum folder the University Instructor Evaluation of Teacher Candidate Dispositions.
Practicum Dos and Don’ts
Department of Early Childhood and Special Education
Valdosta State University
Practicum Dos
/Practicum Don’ts
Complete and type your required form Contact Information for Practicum and distribute it to your mentor, VSU practicum instructor, and VSU supervisor.
/Fail to complete and type your required form Contact Information for Practicum and distribute it to your mentor, VSU practicum instructor, and VSU supervisor.
Turn off your cell phone when in the school, classroom, or during meetings.
/Talk on your cell phone or answer the phone when in the school, classroom, or during meetings.
Show initiative: Offer to help and get to know the students early in the semester.
/Text message or read text messages when in the school or classroom, or during meetings and fail to assist the mentor or get to know the students.
Have a professional appearance at all times. (This may be a potential job opportunity.)
/Wear inappropriate clothing, display inappropriate body piercings, or reveal tattoos.
Prepare well and in advance for all lessons and activities. Your mentor must approve lesson plans before you teach them.
/Fail to plan well in advance or not have formal, written plans. Mentors may not allow you to teach if you have no pre-approved, written lesson plans.
Schedule all lessons and activities with your mentor in advance.
/Wait until the day before you need to teach a lesson or do an activity before you ask your mentor about scheduling it.
Follow professional protocol. Address issues through the appropriate chain of command.
/Independently meet with administrators at the school without the approval of appropriate VSU personnel.
Communicate appropriately and often with your mentor. Schedule regular meeting times.
/Do other course work, write lesson plans, or anything else not related to the practicum classroom during practicum.
Communicate appropriately and positively with your students.
/Sit in the back of the room and wait to be told what to do.
Communicate appropriately and often with your VSU practicum instructor and/or university supervisor.
/Wait until you have a crisis to discuss issues with your VSU practicum instructor and/or university supervisor.
Read your VSU email daily.
/Forget to read your VSU email daily. Delete VSU email when you do not recognize the name before you read it.
Contact the school / mentor in advance of your absence. Make sure your mentor is informed.
/Fail to notify your mentor in advance of your absence.
Call or email your VSU practicum instructor and university supervisor if you must be absent (according to their preferences).
/Fail to notify your VSU practicum instructor and university supervisor if you are going to be absent.
Complete all LiveText requirements and practicum requirements in a timely manner.
/Wait until the last minute to complete all LiveText requirements and practicum requirements. Do not be late!
Remember your role in the classroom and school: You are not a certified teacher but are continuing to learn.
/Fail to ask your mentor teacher for suggestions. (However, it is your responsibility to give it your best effort to find your own ideas.)
Keep a positive attitude about your practicum placement, mentor, and students.
/Criticize and/or complain about your placement, mentor, and/or students. (Address all issues related to your practicum to your VSU practicum instructor and/or university supervisor in the appropriate setting.)
Keep any information about students confidential.
/Discuss the students in your classroom with other practicum students and/or in public places.
Modified from: Student Teaching Guidelines. (Spring 2008). Unpublished handbook, Valdosta State University, GA.
Contact Information for Practicum
Department of Early Childhood and Special Education
Valdosta State University
The practicum student is responsible for gathering and typing the information below, printing 4 copies, and distributing a copy to the practicum instructor, university supervisor, mentor teacher, and self.
Practicum Instructor: ______
VSU Phone Best time to call: