Dear Middle School Band Parent/s, Jan. 31, 2012
Just a reminder the District 2 M.S.B.O.A. Junior High Band Festival is Saturday, March 3rd at Elk Rapids High School! Our KMS band will be performing three prepared pieces at 9:20 am in the Peterson Auditorium and then moving into a sight-reading room to read a selection the students and Director have never seen! On behalf of the Kalkaska Bands, I extend to your family an invitation to attend this graded & important (free) musical co-curricular event. If you’re available to chaperone, your presence would be MUCH appreciated and needed. This musical evaluation is like the band M.E.A.P. test. It is the culmination of two months of work, so obviously every band member is required to attend. Missing just one person would affect the balance and precision of the entire ensemble.
March 3 Schedule:
7:30 am Students report in full uniform: Solid black dress pants, black shoes, black socks, preferably a white turtleneck (or white shirt with collar). A Blazer Band sweater will be issued upon student arrival. We still need two or more band parents to assist in the distribution and collection of these sweaters.
8:00 am Depart by KPS buses to Elk Rapids High School.
8:25 am Arrive at Elk Rapids High School, report to cloak room to drop off instruments, cases, coats, await our time to warm up and get mentally prepared.
8:50 am Line up outside hall and move to warm-up area.
8:55 am Warm-up, tune carefully, go over final reminders and prepare for performance.
9:20 am Downbeat on stage of our three prepared pieces.
9:45 am We move into the Sight-reading room.
10:10 am Return to the cloak room, load trailer and return to KMS.
11:00 am Return to KMS.
Parent’s, if you are picking up your child from ER following the performance, please provide a note letting me know before March 3. Thank you.
Let’s fill the auditorium in Elk Rapids with the best supporters of Music Education in Northern Michigan: YOU !
Mr. Craig M. Chissus
Director of Bands
Kalkaska Public Schools
231-258-4040, ext. 230
Fax: 231-258-5580
D2-63C (#121) -- Elk Rapids HS -- Friday, March 11, 2011EVENTS
5:00 PM / SBD / Traverse City St. Francis HS / St. Francis Concert Band / Smith / 1339
5:25 PM / SBC / Kalkaska HS / Symphonic Band / Chissus / 1227
5:50 PM / JBD / Charlevoix MS / Charlevoix Middle School Band / Bennett / 1219
6:15 PM / break (30 minutes)
6:45 PM / JBD / East Jordan MS / East Jordan Concert Band / Hendry / 1287
7:10 PM / JBD / Mancelona MS / 7/8 Band / Tippett / 690
7:35 PM / JBD / Suttons Bay JRHS / Suttons Bay MS Concert Band / Posner / 1029
D2-63D (#122) -- Elk Rapids HS -- Saturday, March 12, 2011
9:00 AM / JBD / Elk Rapids Cherryland MS / 7th Grade Band / McKeon / 1370
9:25 AM / JBD / Fife Lake Forest Area MS / Forest Area Middle School Band / Posler / 1136
9:50 AM / JBD / Bellaire JRHS / Concert Band / Golden / 1232
10:15 AM / JBD / Lake Leelanau St. Mary MS / St. Marys 7th Grade Band / Posner / 1030
10:40 AM / break (15 minutes)
10:55 AM / JBD / Kalkaska MS / Concert Band / Chissus / 1289
11:20 AM / JBD / Ellsworth JRHS / Hendry / 1526
11:45 AM / JBD / Elk Rapids Cherryland MS / 8th Grade Band / McKeon / 1369
12:10 PM / SBB / Traverse City Central HS / Concert Band / Brumbaugh / 893
12:40 PM / lunch (50 minutes)
1:30 PM / SBD / Fife Lake Forest Area HS / Foret Area High School Band / Posler / 1135
1:55 PM / SBD / Bellaire HS / Concert Band / Golden / 1231
2:20 PM / SBD / Ellsworth HS / Hendry / 1523
2:45 PM / SBAA / Traverse City Central HS / Symphony Band / Brumbaugh / 892