
New Hartford Public Schools

Board of Education Special Meeting Minutes

Ann Antolini School

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Members:Josh Adams, Elaine Carmelich, Katie Fisk Natale, Melissa Giaconia, Bryan Keilty, Sue Lundin, Steve Tuxbury, Maria Watkins, Jen Zenuh

Administrators:Philip B. O’Reilly, Angela Ehrenwerth, Mike Luzietti

Guests:Dattco personnel: Clif Gibson, Chief Operating Officer; Frank Baio, Director of Safety

Members of Public: Chris Barberet, Kristin Rossi, Adrienne Topa, David Topa, Kevin Hall, Heather Trotto, Colleen Wipperman, Kristina Norway, Janelle Sanchez Gonzalez, Chris Gorski, Julie Hamel, Julio Llamas, Anne DeMichiel, Gina Maroney, Clark Slate, Jackie Vincenzo, Jaime Widmer, Alesia Kennerson, Kathryn Itter, Acadia Otlowski, Paul Janco, Chris Potter, John Wilhelm, Jill Healey, Kelli Runowicz, Matt Runowicz, Christine Nelson, Christine Benz, Linda Fitzgerald, Maria Moore, Jay Gajawski, Kristi Ashe, Cindy Duval, Thomas Duval, Chris Maser, Tracy Maser, Jeff Whitlock, Robert Jerram, Noel Gauthier, Kara DeSantis, Michael DeSantis, Ben Silano, Dennis Minor, Anne Solek, Donna Hearn, Laurie Perez, Jennifer Gallaway, Donna Duffy, Dawn Erlingson, Kendra Lasher, Frank McCarty, Charles Hampton, John Casey, Jennifer Benaitis, James Moor, Dan Jerram, Martha Busemeyer, Chris Ashworth, Gina Ashworth, Debra Folino, Debbie Kelly, Christina Capell, Philip Walker

  1. Chair to Open Meeting

Chairman Keilty opened the meeting at 7:02 p.m.

B. Chair to Select Order of Business

Same as posted. Chairman Keilty stated that DATTCO personnel would be speaking first, followed by public comments. Chairman Keilty limited comments to five minutes per person as per the Board’s Bylaws. The Opportunity for Public Comments would be limited to 20-30 minutes so that the Board could get through all the agenda items.

C. New Business

1. DATTCO Bus Services – Mr. Gibson thanked the Board of Education, the Superintendent, and members of the audience for attending tonight’s meeting. Mr. Gibson stated that DATTCO drivers have multiple years of experience with the town. The company has an excellent safety records, requires their drivers to pass drug/alcohol screening, undergo criminal record checks, and provide periodic driving proficiency checks. They conduct 10 safety service meetings annually with their employees. The company employs two master instructors who are approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles to train drivers. He understands the concerns and issues and will do everything possible to restore confidence with DATTCO.

Mr. Gibson addressed the incident on February 21, 2013 when one of the drivers asked if a non-employee could ride along on the afternoon route--a request which was approved by a company manager. He cited the incident as a case of poor judgment with no harmful intention. A thorough investigation was conducted, including interiews of the manager, employee and non-employee. February 23, 2013 he was made aware of the matter and conducted a thorough investigation. On February 25, 2013 he met with all DATTCO personnel at the New Hartford terminal to review the incident and reiterate the company policy on authorized riders on the buses. All employees were required to sign a company policy agreement. Mr. Gibson acknowledged the seriousness of the matter and will work hard to improve some of the issues identified by the superintendent this past year:

  1. Lack of communication: company staff will meet with principals and improve communication with the superintendent
  2. Sub drivers not familiar with routes: They will increase the number of “dry runs” to familiarize new and sub driverswith routes and stops..
  3. Discipline issues on buses: the company will make sure no route or stop will be changed without prior approval of the district.
  4. Problems with timeliness of bus routes – DATTCO will certify that route times are appropriate for safe operation.
  5. Supervision issues: The company will implement a “back to basics” management and supervision approach. Cliff Gibson will manage the terminal until New Hartford is satisfied that operations are back on track

Board members subsequently asked the following questions:

How are managers trained? Mr. Gibson stated that there is a six-week in-house management course program. Potential employees are taught the basics of bus management and customer service.

What ongoing training is provided to drivers as part of quality assurance? Sub drivers starting with a standard license go into a four week classroom training program, receive on the road training, go through an orientation process, where they ride with another driver, take state exams to receive their CDL from DMV. They are subjected to various on board check drives and receive 10 hours of ongoing training per year.

Why did this incident occur, given that Dr. O’Reilly sent a letter in January to DATTCO identifying many problems and issues? Mr. Gibson acknowledged that the company needed to polish up its due vigilance and restore confidence.

How does the company plan to address high levels of manager and driver turnover and the overall problem of culture in the company? DATTCO will bring in the best people the company has to “right the ship.”

Has the company addressed the need to have cameras or monitors on buses to address discipline? GPS, cameras, and monitors can be placed on buses, if requested by the Superintendent.

How much time is spent training employees in company policy as well as the local Board of Education policies, as well as reinforcing those policies? The majority of training is done at monthly safety meetings and drivers always have access to district policies. At the yearly start up meeting, rules of the company and the policies of the district are reviewed.

Public Comments to DATTCO bus services only:

Alesia Kennerson– expressed concerns about the level of service that DATTCO has been providing and suggested to the Board that they take a hard look to determine if DATTCO has breached their contract. She further suggested that this be the last contract that the Board of Ed enters into with DATTCO.

Chris Gorski – expressed concerns with the culture at the bus terminal and protection for employees for “whistle-blowing”. He sited to Acts that prohibit retaliation for whistle blowing, the National Transit Systems Security Act (Chapter 6, Section 1142), and the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982 (Chapter 49, Section 31105). He subsequently stated that he created the Facebook page addressing an anonymous letter sent to certain parents and expressed concerns about how those addresses were obtained.

Christina Capell – said parents need to be informed when a situation happens on buses.

Dan Jerram – asked that DATTCO take all the steps necessary to make sure our children are safe and work with the Superintendent to convey this information to the Region 7 Superintendent, Judy Palmer, so that all of students served by the district schools get the benefit.

Chris Potter – expressed concerns about the identity of the non-employee passenger and whether he should be subjected to a background check.

Kathryn Itter – asked why did the bus driver want him the non-employee to ride the bus?

Cindy Duval – stated that she was very happy with this driver, she’s never had any complaints, the driver just used poor judgment. She still feels safe with her as her son’s bus driver. She did the right thing to ask permission. Did the manager not know the policy or did the manager ignore it?

Julio Llamas – made a comment regarding the manger’s lack of common sense and asked how common sense is going to be fixed.

Mr. Gibson responded that the driver stated the reason for the non-employee riding the bus was to see where she worked. The manager did not think the issue through and made a quick decision – the wrong one. The persons in question have received discipline and counseling for their actions and have signed the acknowledgement form indicating their understanding of the policy.

Bryan Keilty then read a letter from Rhonda Strycharz regarding this matter.

2. Review of Attorney Client Privilege Communication – Steve Tuxbury made a motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose of reviewing Attorney Client Privileged Communication at 8:14 p.m. Jen Zenuh seconded the motion. Unanimous.

Steve Tuxbury made a motion to come out of Executive Session at 8:31 p.m. Jen Zenuh seconded the motion. Unanimous.

Jen Zenuh made a motion to hold DATTCO accountable for addressing the issues identified at this meeting by submitting to the Superintendent and Board of Education a list of corrective actions and a time-table for implementation by 5:00 p.m. on March 8, 2013 and report back to the Board at the April 2, 2013 meeting regarding their progress. Motion seconded by Sue Lundin. Unanimous.

D.Superintendent’s Report

1. Implementation of Connecticut’s Educator Evaluation Support System – Dr. O’Reilly reported that due to growing concerns by districts, the State Department of Education will be working to increase flexibility and decrease the burden associated with the implementation of the SEED program. Dr. O’Reilly noted that the district will be moving forward to implement SEED and will be applying for a waiver reducing the number of teacher observations required annually from six to three.

E. Building Report


F. Routine Business

1.Approval of Minutes—February 19, 2013 – Steve Tuxbury made a motion to approve the minutes of February 19, 2012 as presented. Sue Lundin seconded the motion. Unanimous.

2. Personnel Report – Nothing to report.

3 Financial Report– Dr. O’Reilly presented the 2012-2013 Financial Statement/Forecast and stated that expenditures were as expected.

  1. Opportunity for Public Comment

None in addition to those expressed in regards to the DATTCO bus services.

H. Communications to the Board of Education

Letter from Rhonda Strycharz was read under Public Comments to the DATTCO bus services.

I. Curriculum


J. Old Business

1. 2013-2014 Board of Education Budget – Dr. O’Reilly presented to the Board his third draft of the budget. There was a slight decrease in his proposed budget due to the removal of an item from Capital and the reduction of health insurance projections. Sue Lundin made a motion to adopt the New Hartford Public Schools budget for 2013-2014 dated March 5, 2013 as presented in the total amount of $7,979,562.00 equal to a 1.51% increase over last year. Elaine Carmelich seconded the motion. All in favor except Steve Tuxbury who abstained.

2. Policy Revisions (Second Reading)

Complete 9000 Review with Removal/Consolidation Recommendations – Elaine Carmelich made a motion to enact the changes to all of the 9000’s as recommended. Katie Fisk Natale seconded the motion. Unanimous. (Steve Tuxbury stepped out of the room at 9:20 p.m. and did not vote. He re-entered the meeting at 9:25).

3542 Food Services – Elaine Carmelich made a motion to approve changes to Policy 3542 as recommended. Sue Lundin seconded the motion. Unanimous.

3542.34 Nutrition Program – Sue Lundin made a motion to approve Policy 3542.34 as amended. Elaine Carmelich seconded the motion. All in favor except Jen Zenuh who abstained.

6142.101 Student Nutrition and Physical Activity (Student Wellness) – Sue Lundin made a motion to adopt the changes to Policy 6142.101 as presented. Elaine Carmelich seconded the motion. All in favor except Jen Zenuh and Katie Fisk Natale who abstained.

5144.1 Restraint and Seclusion (Replace with Shipman & Goodwin Version) – Katie Fisk Natale made a motion to approve the changes to 5144.1 as amended. Jen Zenuh seconded the motion. Unanimous.

K. Reports

1. Standing Committees

Policy – Elaine Carmelich reported that there is a Policy meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 7, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. It will be postponed if school is cancelled or there is a delay.

Health and Wellness – Elaine Carmelich stated that Angela Ehrenwerth will now be heading the Health and Wellness Committee and is trying to schedule a meeting by the end of the month.

Bryan Keilty reported that there is a Board of Finance meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 and recommended that as many Board of Education members as possible should attend.

L. Adjournment

Sue Lundin made a motion to adjourn at 9:34 p.m. Elaine Carmelich seconded the motion. Unanimous.

Respectfully submitted by Janet A. Terenzi, Recording Secretary