II Timothy & Philemon

1.  II Tim. 1: 4 What was Paul mindful of?

A.  His childhood

B.  Jerusalem

C.  Timothy’s tears

2.  II Tim. 1:5 Who was Timothy’s mother

A.  Lois

B.  Eunice

C.  Ruth

3.  II Tim. 1: 7 God has not given us a spirit of what?

A.  Fear

B.  Love

C.  Power

4.  II Tim. 1: 11 Paul was appointed a preacher, an apostle and a teacher to whom?

A.  The Gentiles

B.  The Jews

C.  The Israelites

5.  II Tim. 1: 16 – 17 Who sought out Paul very zealously and found him in Rome?

A.  Peter

B.  James

C.  Onesiphorus

6.  II Tim. 2: 6 Who must be first to partake of the crops?

A.  The servants

B.  The first in line

C.  The hardworking farmer

7.  II Tim. 2: 15 What was Timothy to rightly divide?

A.  The weekly contribution

B.  The food among the needy

C.  The word of truth

8.  II Tim. 2: 19 Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from what?

A.  Evil men

B.  Iniquity

C.  False teachers

9.  II Tim. 2: 22 What was Timothy to flee?

A.  Mosquitoes

B.  Youthful lusts

C.  Bad people

10.  II Tim. 2: 23 What generates strife?

A.  Foolish and ignorant disputes

B.  Gossip

C.  Grumpy old men

11.  II Tim. 3:1 What will come in the last days?

A.  Perilous times

B.  The devil and his angels

C.  False teachers

12.  II Tim. 3: 12 What will happen to all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus?

A.  They will go to heaven

B.  They will rejoice always

C.  They will suffer persecution

13.  II Tim. 3: 13 Who will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived?

A.  Unruly children

B.  Evil men and impostors

C.  Non Christians

14.  II Tim. 3:15 How long had Timothy known the Holy Scriptures?

A.  10 years

B.  12 years

C.  From childhood

15.  II Tim. 3: 15 What is able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus?

A.  The Holy Scriptures

B.  The church

C.  Studying Bible Bowl

16.  II Tim. 4: 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to what?

A.  Fables

B.  Tall tales

C.  Old wives tales

17.  II Tim. 4: 6 Paul was already being poured out as what?

A.  Holy water

B.  A drink offering

C.  A burnt offering

18.  II Tim. 4: 10 Who loved this present world and has departed for Thessalonica?

A.  Eunice

B.  Lois

C.  Demas

19.  II Tim. 4: 11 Who did Paul want Timothy to bring with him because he would be useful for Paul’s ministry?

A.  Mark

B.  Jonah

C.  His mother, Eunice

20.  II Tim. 4: 14 Who did Paul much harm?

A.  Satan

B.  Alexander the coppersmith

C.  Jannes and Jambres

21.  Phil. 1 How did Paul describe Philemon?

A.  A beloved friend and fellow laborer

B.  A slave owner

C.  Aged and a prisoner of Jesus Christ

22.  Phil. 5 What had Paul heard that Philemon had toward the Lord Jesus and toward all the saints?

A.  Love

B.  Faith

C.  Love and faith

23.  Phil. 10 Who had Paul begotten while in his chains?

A.  Timothy

B.  Onesimus

C.  Philemon

24.  Phil. 17 Paul said, “If then you count me as a partner, receive him as:”

A.  You would me

B.  A runaway slave

C.  With mercy

25.  Phil. 22 What did Paul want Philemon to prepare for him?

A.  A feast

B.  A reception

C.  A guest room