(Important points to remember)


Athletic Director (Women’s Teams): Hally Yonko, CMAA 734-662-0496 ext 225

Athletic Director (Men’s Teams): Sean Donovan 734-662-0496 ext 261

Assistant Athletic Director: Carlos Calderon, RAA 734-846-0048

Athletic Administrative Assistant: Amy Skrent, 734-662-0496 ext 225

Trainer: Jesse Johnson (C) 734-223-3247 or (W) 734-930-7400 (TEAM 1)


Strength and Conditioning Coach: Mickey Redmond (C) 734-812-1326

1.  Athletic Registration-Dates/Times

a.  August 8-9-10 for 2016 (Sunday, Aug 7 for Football during Kick Off gathering) 8-10am or 5-7pm. LATE registration Wed Aug 26 3-6pm

b.  Pine Hills Conflict (GIRLS)-contact coach directly prior to June 15th

c.  Do not mail in forms and turn in on designated days only. It is drop off of paperwork only. If forms are filled out it should take 5 minutes are less.

2.  6 REQUIRED Forms that need to be on file PRIOR to 1st practice/try-out

Note: 7 for Football-football specific assumption of Risk form:

a.  Physical (Dated April 15th or later of current school year), Assumption of Risk, Permission to Release, Implied Consent, Emergency form (in main office), Concussion Acknowledgment form (ALL athletes)

3.  Participation fees-Must be paid BEFORE first competition.

a.  All teams-$175 per season

b.  Payment plan worksheet under Forms/Information (must be signed and turned in to Athletic Office with $50 deposit.

c.  Please check with coach regarding any additional fees required for sport

d.  All fees must be paid from previous season in order to participate in next

4.  Family Passes/PUNCH cards-$100 per family (does NOT include extended family). $20 PUNCH cards (5 admissions for the price of 4). Can be purchased at any time in the athletic office throughout the year. Only good for regular home FGR events. Not playoffs or away games.

5.  Eligibility- The Athletic Dept. will evaluate athletes mid quarter and end of quarter. Teachers will submit grades to guidance and post on Edline. If an athlete has below a 70% in any class he/she will be monitored closely. Athletes can fail one class and still be eligible. One Week Review (for those failing more than one class). If the grade is raised within one week, athlete will become eligible (mid-quarter). If an athlete fails more than one class for the quarter they will automatically sit one week for the new quarter in order to start the new quarter off right. Close monitoring will continue. Ineligibility goes from Mon-Mon. If athlete/parent believe there is an error it must be resolve/appeal no later than Monday. Coaches, Athletes and Parents will be informed on Fridays through Edline email by the athletic office. Any questions regarding grades should be directed to teacher, not athletic office.

6.  Transportation/Schedules/Directions-Parents of each team are asked to set up an emergency carpool in the event a bus/bus driver is not available or the bus is not working. Some trips may be take only due to number of events that day and distance!It will be posted on the main athletic calendar on (e.g. Bus 2pm or Bus 2:30 TAKE ONLY). The time posted is when the athletes get out. They leave shortly after they are ready. Coach OR parent supervision is required on each bus trip. If there are discrepancies please follow the main schedule and contact the athletic office so we can correct.

7.  Coaches Website Expectations-Coaches are required to post ALL team practice schedules, games/events and transportation schedule on their individual website. All athletic competitions can also be viewed on the main athletic page Schedule tab, along with bus transportation. If there are any changes and/or cancellations to the schedule coaches will post it on their individual page, as well as get in touch with TSG parent to organize a phone tree and/or group email to inform everyone. Try-out criteria (if applicable), team rules, expectations and procedures, along with varsity letter criteria are also required to be on individual pages for all to view at anytime!

8.  Explore and check out the athletic website-App can be added to your iphone and/or ipad as well as schedule sent to your phone. See picture instructions below….

9.  Supervision-Coaches are expected to supervise athletes at ALL times (before, during AND after), including in the locker rooms. Media Center until 4pm and then athletes must be in MPR. Emergency procedures and expectations were covered in coaches meeting. Emergency forms are given to coach/trainer to have on hand at all times (practice and games).

10.  Lockers-There is a $5 locker rental fee each season. Athletes get locker assignment and combination (from coach) when they turn in fee. $5 to retrieve items out of lost and found (goes to FGR need based scholarship fund).

11.  Structural Outline-When issues arise they are to be addressed to the coach first, then athletic administration and lastly school administration (if necessary). See “Improving Athletic Experience and Resolving Athletic Conflicts” on page 4 of Athletic Code of Conduct.

12.  Game Day Dress/Warm Ups and Sport Specific T-shirts-Expectations in Athletic Code of Conduct. Check with coach for what they will be requiring for the season. (uniform bottom with jersey during school day). For any CHSL Awards-khaki’s, white dress shirt and green GR tie with or without jersey Ties are in stock-spirit store/main office. Athletes must also purchase ticket to event if not playing in order to receive award (Coaches Association’s policy-not CHSL). If athlete does not show he/she will not receive his/her medal. Warm Ups-orders are online. Directions can be found under “FGR Athletic Warm Up”. Indoor (thinner) and Outdoor (thicker) options. Watch deadlines each season. Mailed directly to home. Name on jacket and pants (first initial and last name). Good for ALL teamsàonly have to purchase 1 for 4 years!! Check with individual coach as to expectations. Sport Specific T-shirts-ordered once a season-watch deadlines (thru spirit store-not athletic dept). Turn orders in to MAIN office

13.  Attendance Policy- In order to practice or participate in an athletic contest, the student can be absent part of the day but should be in school no later than 4th hour/lunch time (10:45am). If the absence is due to illness please communicate with coach directly (may modify practice or sit athlete). If the athlete is absent THE WHOLE DAY and it is not excused the athlete is expected to communicate with coach that he/she can not practice. Legitimate prescheduled and/or documented appointment in which the absence is approved through the main office does not impact athletic play. (eg doc appt, funeral, SRA or college visits). If the athlete was absent all day and is caught practicing he/she will be suspended from practice the following scheduled practice day or next game if caught playing in a game. This policy is to protect the academic standards and safety of the athlete. Student-Athletes are STUDENTS FIRST……..ATHLETES SECOND

14.  Dual Sport Policy-posted under FORMS/INFORMATION. Please note that this is REQUIRED to be on file. Coach has to make decisions based on what is best for team, not just one individual.

15.  Field and Court Spectator Policy- At NO time is any spectator, including a parent, allowed on the playing area (home/away)-except for designated assigned parent workers. Failure to adhere-one game suspension up to a permanent ban from contests Injuries-see game manager. Must have permission from trainer. Will be escorted to injured athlete. Refusal to adhereàwill be asked to leave/

16.  Spiritual Plans-Plans provide a framework which allows them to meet the spiritual needs of our athletes. Captains and FCA members are expected to be actively involved in planning for FGR field day with Special Olympics (spring)-meet with AD regularly. All athletes are strongly encouraged to attend mass while in season. Spiritual captains and/or coaches should set up with Fr. Lobert. Teams should be praying every day-before and after practices/games. We have added a new VIRTURE of the WEEK program.


Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Club- Meetings will be during athletes’ lunch periods every Thursday and when otherwise announced. All athletes are welcome and encouraged to come.


“Decisions determine destiny.” ~Author Unknown

Be Active-Get Involved

1.  Booster Club Meetings: 3RD Wednesday of every month at 6pm (in Guidance Conference Room-off main office).

a.  Committees: Irish Cross Country Invitational, Sponsors (Irish Pride), Scrips and Concessions

2.  TSG (Team Support Group) Leader: Step up to organize parents and help the coach. As a TSG leader you are considered an extension of Booster Club. Should plan to attend Booster Club meetings


Varsity Jacket Information: Total Sports (formally known as Saline Sports Shack)-435 E. Michigan Avenue; Saline, MI 48176 (734-429-5640)

Spirit Wear: Available in the main office

Please check regularly to stay up-to date and informed!!!