AP Government—Post Exam Project-Choice Board-Mr. Lipman (2017)
1Presidential Assessment
Prepare a two paper that sets forth all the statements President Trump made while campaigning and what his position on them is now. / 2
Supreme Court Case Paper
Choose a Supreme Court case that was argued during the 2016-17 term but not yet decided, and write a two page summary of the case. Identify the key issues involved with the case as it relates to either the Constitution or to the operation of the federal government. Identify the essential facts and the positions of each party to the case. / 3
Gubernatorial Candidates
Prepare a two to three page paper that reviews the positions of the three leading Democratic candidates for the nomination for Governor of NJ. The primary is in June.4
If you were Superintendent of Schools for Long Branch
What would you have to say? What changes would you make? What policies would you lay out and why. What discipline punishments would you use. What issues would be the most difficult to deal with? Prepare a 500 to 700 word paper answering these questions. / 5
Write an editorial.
Identify a political issue that you feel strongly about, related to the Federal government, and write an editorial setting forth your viewpoint. / 6
Taxation without Representation? Write a letter to the editor, minimum 500 words in length, expressing your viewpoint as to why people under the age of 18 should not have to pay income taxes since they are not allowed to vote in national elections.
Hot Political Issue
Write a two to three page paper on the issue of immigration and why, or why not, Congress should enact a law providing for a "pathway to citizenship" for undocumented aliens. / 8
DVD Rap Video.
Prepare a rap video that concentrates on the issue of politics in general or a specific political issue. The lyrics must relate to the issue AND indicate your point of view on the issue. The video should be between 2 to 3 minutes long and be suitable for posting on You Tube. / 9DVD Message on a Political Issue of Significance.
Make a video commercial suitable for YouTube and our school, on a relevant political issue. It cannot be more than 2 minutes in length. Extra credit if it is funny.
Each member of the class is required to do 2 of the above assignments unless you do either assignment 8 or 9 in which case that would be the only assignment you need to do. You are free to select which 2 you want to do. The first assignment will be due on Wed., May 17th. The second assignment will be due on Tuesday, May 23rd. You do not have to tell me ahead of time which assignment you will be doing but failure to adhere to the due dates will bring a significant reduction in your grade for the assignment. Each assignment will be worth 100 points as a summative grade.