Greater Austin Council

Navy League of the United States

Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of 22 November 2014

1. Quorum was confirmed. Meeting called to order.

2. The minutes of the 6 September 2014 Board of Directors were reviewed and unanimously approved.

3. The report of the Nominating Committee was reviewed and unanimously accepted for submission to the meeting of members. Nominees approved as follows:

a. Directors

New Three Year Terms:

Mike Jackson 3 Year Term Expiring 31 December 2017

Glenn Looney 3 Year Term Expiring 31 December 2017

Lu Ann Reyes 3 Year Term Expiring 31 December 2017

Tom Uhl 3 Year Term Expiring 31 December 2017

Filling Unexpired Vacated Terms:

Mary Virginia-Pittman-Waller 3 Year Term Expiring 31 December 2015

Randy Patterson 3 Year Term Expiring 31 December 2016

The Board of Directors expanded from 10 to 13 members as permitted by the by-laws.

b. Council Officers

Council President Kathy Pillmore

Council President-Elect Tim Hunsberger

Chief Financial Officer Lu Ann Reyes

Vice President - Membership Glenn Looney (acting)

Vice President - Development & Marketing Mary Virginia Pittman-Waller

Vice President - Communications Glenn Looney

Vice President - Education Max Miller

Vice President - Legislative Affairs Jeanie Coffey (Appointed)

Vice President - Military Affairs Jim Brotherton

Vice President - Youth Programs Lisa Svabek Sullivan

Council Secretary Tim Hunsberger

Council Chaplain Jim Lovering

Council Treasurer Lu Ann Reyes

Judge Advocate General Michael Murray

4. The report of the Awards Committee was reviewed and approved. Council Awards will be made as follows:

Scroll of Honor

Honor Flight Austin

Certificate of Appreciation

John Burkhardt

Honor Flight Austin

Randy Patterson,

USS Texas Ambassador

Lisa Svabek Sullivan,

Fund Raising and Austin Veterans Clinic Support

Jim Brotherton,

VP-Youth Programs and Director

Max Miller,

Program Speakers and Fund Raising

Mary Virginia Pittman-Waller,

WWII Programs Ambassador, Fund Raising and Program Support

Liberty Battalion (Georgetown and East View HSs) Navy JROTC,

Color Guard and Austin Veterans Clinic Support

Stoney Point High School Navy JROTC

Color Guard

Travis High School Navy JROTC,

Color Guard, Honor Flights Support

University of Texas Naval ROTC

Color Guard

William B. Travis Division Naval Sea Cadet Corps

Color Guard

Vista Ridge High School Navy JROTC

Color Guard, Honor Flight, Austin Veterans Clinic Support

Honorary Council Membership
CDR Brian F. Fitzpatrick, USN, Executive Officer, UT NROTC

5. Proposed Council by-law revisions submitted by members of the Board were discussed at length. The following summarized list of changes to the by-laws were unanimously approved for submission to the annual meeting of members:.

Reorganized and renamed three VP positions and their functions

Administration to Membership

Finance to Chief Financial Officer

Business Partnerships to Development and Marketing

Non-discrimination Clause

Clarified Indemnification Clause to include Members of Committees, not just officers and directors

Appended to Council to all Council office positions to distinguish from regional and national officers and conform with language in national operating manual

Clarified that one-third of Director terms would expire each year. It had said three and was not an issue until we expanded the Board to more nine members.

Provides the ability for 10 members to call a Special Board meeting and for 2 directors or 10 members to call a Special Meeting of Members

General Housekeeping- word usage, grammar, duplicate words, spelling

The specific changes and the revised by-laws may be viewed in full on the Council website.

6. Council Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer Lu Ann Reyes presented the year-to-date financial status of the Council. Although the Council is meeting its commitments, some delays are encountered (stipends). The bank balance is insufficient for anticipated growth in Council programs. The scholarship fund remained stable at above $20,000.

7. The 2015 budgeting assumptions were discussed and some planning metrics were provided to the VP-Finance; number of meetings, youth programs, scholarships, size of stipends, etc.

8. Outsourced Fund Raising Project Review – Max Miller briefed the Board on the progress of this contract entered into for $10,000. Unfortunately the contractor, Greg Mills, has suffered a prolonged illness and nothing significant has been accomplished. He is expected to resume work and visit in Texas as soon as he feels better.

9. Greater Austin Council Annual Report to NLUS – Directors were briefed on the upcoming Annual Report to NLUS deadline. There was discussion of the content that needed to be included with a note of optimism that this might be a year deserving of a national award. Directors were encouraged to assist Council President Kathy Pillmore with recommendations and developing/providing content.

10. New Business - None

11. Adjourned about 1200 to meet again in January 2015.

Working Documents:

Minutes of the last Board Meeting (Available on Navy League Austin website)

Report of the Nominating Committee (Available on Navy League Austin website)

Report of the Council Awards Committee (Available on Navy League Austin website)

Proposed Revised Council By-Laws (Available on Navy League Austin website)

Financial Report (Available on Navy League Austin website)

Greater Austin Council

Navy League of the United States

Minutes Prepared and Submitted by Glenn Looney


Greater Austin Council

Navy League of the United States