All about your DNA (page 24)

  1. Structure of DNA
  2. Every ______molecule is made in a twisted ladder called a “______”
  3. The “sides” of the ladder are called the “______” of the DNA molecule
  4. The backbone is made up of alternating ______(sugar) and ______molecules
  5. The “rungs” of the DNA ladder are made of “______base pairs”
  6. Each rung is actually ____ individual molecules that make the rungs of the ladder.

i.  ______

ii.  ______

iii.  ______

iv.  ______

  1. Nitrogen base Pairing
  2. Thymine ALWAYS and ONLY bonds with ______
  3. Cytosine ALWAYS and ONLY bonds with ______
  1. Unzipping?!
  2. The bonds in the middle of the “steps” of the double helix can come apart
  3. Separating the Nitrogen bases “unzips” the DNA molecule
  4. The DNA must be unzipped for the code to be read
  1. Genes
  2. ______% of your DNA is never used for anything that we know of
  3. “______” are sections of the DNA code that are actually used by the cell to create proteins
  4. Genes can be anywhere from ______to ______of base pairs long
  1. Chromosomes
  2. “______” = ______
  3. “______” = ______
  4. Chromosomes are coils of DNA that are wound super tight
  5. Chromosomes are _____-shaped
  6. Every human has ______pairs of chromosomes-_____ in total.

i.  23 from Mom, 23 from Dad

  1. Making a Chromosome
  2. Boys vs. Girls

i.  The only genetic difference between males and females occurs on the ______rd chromosome pair

ii.  In ______, the 23rd pair ______match. One chromosome, the “Y” chromosome, is much ______than the other. This “______” combination makes the person male

iii.  Females do not have the “Y”- they have two “regular” shaped chromosomes (______).

  1. Making Boys and Girls
  2. Women have ______, so they can only give an X to their offspring
  3. Men have ______. This means men have an equal chance of giving either and X or Y to their child
  4. If a male gives an X, that would create ______(girl) when combined with the mother’s X. If the male donates Y, that means ______(boy) when combined with the mother’s X
  1. Chromosome’s Jobs
  2. Chromosomes are giant ______of DNA, so they carry the critical ______for life
  3. ______are located on Chromosomes
  4. Chromosomes are the way information is passed from one ______to the next
  5. Chromosomes are found in ______- one from ______, one from ______
  1. Protein Synthesis
  2. Protein Synthesis = creating ______by reading DNA code
  1. Determining Sex
  2. The ______of a person is determined by the passing down of the “sex chromosomes” from parents to offspring
  3. Sex-Linked Traits
  4. The X and Y chromosomes have genes on them, just like all the other ______
  5. The traits controlled by genes on these X or Y sex chromosomes are called ______-______
  6. Some ______are sex-linked

i.  All the ______and ______differences that make someone a ______are sex-linked traits because they are passed down on the ______chromosome

  1. Mutation
  2. Any abnormal change in an ______DNA
  3. If the ______bases aren’t kept exactly the same, large problems or changes occur.
  4. If a letter simply ______, this mutation is called a ______. This is very BAD!
  5. If one letter accidentally switches to a different letter, it is called a ______
  6. If extra letters are added to the code it is called an ______mutation