Reepham Primary School SIDP 2012-13

Reepham Primary School

School Improvement and Development Plan


2012 –2013

Reepham Primary School Improvement & Development Plan 2012-13


Welcome to the SIDP for 2012 to 2013

We have decided that our focus this year will be in five areas:

Priority 1: To close the gap between the attainment of girls and boys and ensure that all groups of children make expected progress, regardless of gender or ability.

Priority 2: To develop reading within school, particularly in Key Stage 2. (Link to Priority 1)

Priority 3: To develop leadership roles within our school community, foster links through Cluster working and ensure that our curriculum continues to develop throughout a period of national change.

Priority 4: To improve the progress made in Music and the standards that pupils reach following our Music Ofsted Subject Inspection in June 2012

Priority 5: Development of Assessment including use of tracking by Classteachers across the school (Link to Priority 1)

These areas for development were discussed with governors and staff in the Summer Term 2012 and agreed at the Full Governors Meeting of July 2012. They include action planning/points for development agreed with Ofsted as part of our Full Inspection in May 2011 and in our Music Subject Inspection of June 2012.

Miriam Jones- September 2012

Reepham Primary School

SIDP 2012-2013


Summary of Priorities Page 2

Plan for Assessment, Monitoring Page4

and School Self Evaluation

Ofsted 2011Development PointsPage 5

Teaching and Learning Policy 2012Page6,7,8

School Vision and AimsPage9

School Characteristics and Present ContextPage10

Analysis of dataPage 11

Review of 2011-2012Page12,13,14,15

Priority 1Attainment of Boys and GirlsPage16

Priority 2Developing ReadingPage17

Priority 3Developing Leadership Roles Page18

Priority 4Improving Standards in MusicPage19

Priority 5Development of AssessmentPage 20

ICT Vision Page21

Please note that Target Setting, Assessment and Budget information are not included in this online document. Please contact Mrs Jones for further information.


Aut. 1st. half / Aut. 2nd. half / Spr. 1st. half / Spr. 2nd. half / Sum. 1st. half / Sum. 2nd. half
Teachers: Termly curriculum plan to parents and on website.
Teachers with HT: Performance Management Review previous objectives, set new objectives, review job descriptions
Teachers: Review IEPs for new children copy to HT/office.
HT/subject leader: work scrutiny of focus area - planning for reading.
Gov. moderation visits.Gov: SEF Review.2nd Budget Revision.
SLT/staff: agree new SIDP action plans.
Teachers: Assessment
BIC (Reception).
Unaided writing.
‘Assessing Pupil Progress’ (APP) teacher assessments (ongoing- to aid judgements made for whole class).
Tracking (end half term) on SIMS.
Pupil progress meetings with HT following tracking.
Moderate Reading.
Teachers with TA support: Set intervention groups for SEN and Target Children.
Teachers: Planning onto server.
HT: Parent and SEN Parent Forums/Meetings. / Teachers: update class page on website.
SLT: Analyse & review tracking and intervention
Teachers review intervention groups (with TAs).
Teachers: Parents evenings – note parental views (Targets set) Books available and share IEPs.
SLT: RAISE online & Fischer Family Trust data – analysis & statutory target setting.
HT: observe teaching of all teachers.
Gov. moderation visits.
Gov: monitor progress of SIDP
Annual parents questionnaire.
Annual children’s questionnaire.
HT: planning scrutiny English.
Teachers: Assessment
APP ongoing.
Moderate Maths.
Teachers: Planning onto server.
HT: Parent and SEN Parent Forums/Meetings. / Teachers: Termly curriculum plan to parents and on website
PLASC pupil nos.
HT/subject leader: work scrutiny maths
HT: meet with pupil groups/ school council/eco council (follow up to questionnaire)
Gov: SEF Review.
Gov. evaluate parents and children questionnaires.
3rd Budget Revision.
SLT/staff: monitor progress of SIDP.
Teachers: Assessment
APP ongoing.
Unaided writing.
Moderate writing.
Teachers: Planning onto server.
Teachers: Review IEPs- copy to HT/office.
HT: Parent and SEN Parent Forums/Meetings. / Teachers: update class page on website.
Teachers: Parents evenings – note parental views Books available and share IEPs.
SLT: observe teaching.
Gov. New Budget set (linked to school priorities).
Gov: monitor progress of SIDP .
Teachers: Assessment
APP ongoing.
Teachers with SLT: Performance Management midterm review.
FS moderation meeting.
Teachers: Planning onto server.
HT: Parent and SEN Parent Forums/Meetings. / Teachers: Termly curriculum plan to parents and on website.
HT/subject leader: work scrutiny English.
SLT: Review prospectus.
SLT/Gov.:Evaluate premises improvement development plan.
Gov: SEF Review.
Gov. moderation visit.
Gov. Annual Report.
Teachers: Assessment
SATs & QCA Tests
External marking for moderation.
KS1 moderation meetings.
KS2 moderation meetings.
Reporting of results.
APP ongoing.
Tracking (end half term) on SIMS (Yrs 2 and 6 using SATs data).
Pupil progress meetings with HT/SLT.
Teachers: Review IEPs.
Teachers: Review intervention groups .
Teachers: Planning onto server.
HT: Parent and SEN Parent Forums/Meetings. / Teachers: update class page on website.
Teachers: Reports
Evaluate any parental comments.
SLT/teachers/ Gov.: Set SDIP priorities and publish new SIDP, using Subject leader Action Plans and known priorities. Set Curriculum budgets.
Teachers: Open afternoon. New parents evening and visits form new parents and children.
Transition activities.
SLT and teachers: Peer observations/ team teaching/ Lesson Study.
Gov. moderation visits.
1st Budget Revision.
Review SIDP.
Governors self-review.
Gov: SEF Review.
Teachers: Assessment
Analyse test results.
Teachers: Planning for new academic year.
HT: Parent and SEN Parent Forums/Meetings.

Ofsted Inspection 16th-17th May 2011

Our Ofsted inspection took place on 16th and 17th May and we were judged as good, with outstanding Early Years provision. As part of the inspection we fully updated our SEF, although Ofsted upgraded our SEN and Early Years provision. Teaching observed was good and outstanding, with a small amount of satisfactory teaching observed. Support was already in place with the aim of moving this teaching to good and will continue next term.

All governors have received the full report. Key areas for development identified by Ofsted are:

  • “Maximise the progress of pupils so that it is consistently good across all classesby, in particular, ensuring that all staff:

-use assessment effectively to match work to pupils’ individual needs

-provide appropriate resources to support learning

-mark pupils’ work in mathematics effectively so that they are clear about

what they need to do to improve.

  • Enable pupils in Years 3 to 6 to develop greater independent learning skills bygiving them more opportunities to:

-work in teams, solve problems, organise activities and take leadership


-actively contribute to the school’s decision-making process.”

Our Music Subject Inspection took place on 25th and 26th June 2012. At the end of the inspection we were informed that overall the judgement made using the new framework was that teaching and learning in music was at least satisfactory with obvious strengths. The points for our development are listed below and form part of this SIDP (priority 4).

  • “improving the progress made and the standards pupils reach by:

ensuring that all teachers provide music activities that are consistently challenging and meeting all pupils’ differing needs

making sure that all teachers are confident to adapt published materials to plan lessons that include all aspects of music learning

using audio recordings regularly so that pupils can listen to their compositions, make musical decisions and thus raise the quality of their work

  • reviewing the curriculum to ensure that all aspects of music provision have similar emphasis in lessons by:

ensuring that pupils’ musical skills and understanding are developed consistently

incorporating an assessment system into lesson planning that records whether pupils have made progress and not just that they have completed the task set

  • developing additional opportunities for more pupils, from all groups, to make music outside of lessons in different ensembles.” 2012

Curriculum Statement and Teaching and Learning Policy 2012

Teaching and Learning Policy

Approved: May 2012

Review date: September 2014

Whole School Curriculum Statement

The following statement was agreed by staff and governors in January 2011:

Our curriculum will be:

A flexible whole school curriculum which gives real purpose to learning and encourages independent thinking and application of skills

A fun and engaging curriculum which supports, extends and challenges all learners

An exciting and relevant curriculum which uses creative ways of working and utilises all available resources

A curriculum which values and is enhanced by relationships with the local and wider community


Our Teaching and Learning Policy sets out what happens in all of our classrooms to give children the opportunity to learn to their full potential. This policy relates to the ethos of the school and has direct links with curriculum planning and assessment. The policy links to our School Vision, Curriculum Statement (see above) and Marking and Feedback Policy, in addition to Curriculum Subject Statements.

The policy must be:

  • consistently applied by all adults
  • clear
  • manageable
  • productive
  • informed by pupils’ individual learning needs and previous assessments

Classroom Practice

In our school, you will see teachers and support staff who:

  • have high expectations of all children

use a range of teaching styles to address all learners (auditory, kinaesthetic and visual)

  • plan work which builds upon children’s needs identified through regular assessment
  • share learning intentions, purpose and success criteria so that the children are clear about what they are learning and understand the purpose of their work
  • model for children and use good examples of pupils' work to raise standards
  • give opportunities for the children to improve their work
  • respond to the children’s work in a variety of ways to raise self esteem
  • use a range of questioning and activities to encourage pupils to think, apply their knowledge and to promote independent thinking
  • establish clear classroom routines and systems which support independence and are common across the school
  • provide classrooms with interactive displays which specifically support, sustain and maintain children’s learning
  • foster a partnership with parents and the wider community and provide opportunities for liaison
  • use opportunities outside the classroom to enhance learning.

You will see all of us providing opportunities so that we expect the children to:

  • talk to each other about their work (talking partners) as a stimulus for learning and an opportunity for collaboration
  • use drama techniques and role play
  • completing tasks which challenge them to reach their full potential and provide opportunities to build on what they already know
  • complete work which is purposeful and interesting and linked to the learning outcome
  • be shown the links between subjects and ways in which they can transfer their knowledge and skills
  • use and apply their skills to different situations
  • use learning intentions and success criteria so that they are clear about the purpose of their work and will be able to evaluate and what they need to do to improve
  • receive specific praise for what they have achieved
  • be taught how to make independent decisions and organise their work effectively
  • take on responsibilities
  • understand differing viewpoints

Equality Statement

Teaching and Learning takes account of our race, gender, equality and disability policies.

Assessing impact

Impact is assessed through:

  • Termly and end of year data analysis for all groups of children
  • Lesson observations
  • Work scrutinies
  • Annual parent and child questionnaires

Monitoring Teaching and Learning

We monitor by: discussion of planning, outcomes in children’s work, learning environments in classrooms, talking to children and focused observations of teaching by HT, Subject Leaders, Head teacher reports to Governors and Governor visits with subject leaders.

School Vision and Aims

At Reepham Primary School our aim is that we all care for ourselves, others and the world.

Awareness of ourselves.

☺I am confident and feel good about myself

☺I can do things by myself and know the things I am good at, and the things I could do better

☺I am not afraid to try out new things, and can decide if something is risky. I can cope with change


☺I will always try hard and do my best

☺I will keep on learning for ever

☺I will always try to reach for the stars

Life Skills

☺I will learn to talk with other people so that I can tell them what I think, sort out my own problems and help others if they have problems

☺I will think for myself and find out where to go if I need help

☺I know that sometimes I will make mistakes and I will try and learn from them.

Being with others

☺At school I will make sure that no-one gets left out in class or break times

☺I will work hard to try and get on with everyone at school

☺I will work with everyone to make our school fun

Looking outwards

☺I will do things that keep me healthy and safe

☺I will think about how to help others in this and other countries

☺I will look after our world

School Characteristics and Present Context

Reepham Primary School is a popular school and serves a small but thriving rural market town and surroundingvillages. The following statements outline the school's characteristics and present context:

•Our NOR is currently 2013. We are over-subscribed in several year groups and there have been appeals for admission in Key Stage 2. There are approximately 30 children in each class.

•Classes are structured in single age groups.

•The school serves a catchment area which has very low social deprivation; although percentage eligible for FSM has risen from 4.8% in 2009 to 8.6% in 2010 and 10.7%, its highest level, in 2012.

•Parents have high expectations of children's achievements.

•We have 1.4% EAL and .9% LAC children on roll.

•46 pupils (21%) are on the SEN register (above average), 4pupils have statements (average).

•Attendance has stabilised and currently stands at 95.6%. Although this is a decrease from previous years it should be noted that this reflects both the Norfolk and National trends and that our attendance is still above average in comparison with both. Steps have been taken to raise parent awareness to the importance of good and regular attendance, although this is something which our school needs to refocus on following a period of poor attendance due to sickness infection in 2011-2012.

•The school feeds into Reepham High School which has specialist status in maths, science and vocational studies, with which we have very good links.

•The school was awarded Healthy Schools' Award and Sports Mark in July 2008 and the Full International School Award in October 2009.

•The school has onsite provision for a Breakfast and After School Club, which is run by its own management committee.

•As part of the Reepham Cluster of schools, we have an Extended Schools Co-ordinator and PSA.

•The school encourages and supports the community use of its buildings for Slimmers, Aerobics and Yoga, community events and sports groups.

•New school vision introduced January 2008 with outward looking focus and centred around the sustainable schools agenda ‘Care for ourselves, each other, our world.'Curriculum Statement agreed by staff and governors July 2011. Full DCSF International School Award October 2009.

•New Headteacher started January 2010. Well established Key Stage Leaders and staff team. Two new NQTs started September 2012 and a member of staff has entered the SLT to cover a maternity leave in 2012.

•Curriculum re-modelled 2009 to develop a curriculum which is flexible, skills based, theme based and enquiry led, reviewed in 2011 and review on-going.

•Financial and H&S audits 2011, outcome positive.

•Ofsted May 2011, Good, with Outstanding features (Early Years Provision). Ofsted Subject Inspection Music June 2012 Satisfactory (Music).

Analysis of Data, Key Messages and Action to be Included in 2012-2013 SIDP

(Please note final 2012 results not yet published)

Foundation Stage

  • 85% of children achieving 6+ in PSE, slightly lower than 2011.
  • 67% of children achieving 6+ in CLL, slightly lower than 2011.
  • 59% of children achieving 6+ in CLL and PSE, down from 72% in 2011.
  • 59% of children achieved 6+ in PSRN, In Calculating 16 out of 27 pupils achieved 6+ (59%) whilst Numbers for Labels and Counting 25 children achieved 6+ and Shape, Space and Measures 26 children achieved 6+. Calculating is therefore an area that we need to focus on in EYFS.
  • BIC scores were not required in 2012, although teacher’s records showed a lower baseline on entry with 2011-12 cohort. To ensure baseline is accurate we have reintroduced BIC as a school for our own internal records from 2012. SLT have discussed ensuring a balance between free flowing activities and teacher led sessions.

Key Stage 1

  • Average points score for KS1 was 16.2 (2011 16.4 therefore consistent)
  • % achievement in Reading 2+ 93% (93% 2011),2b+ 90% (70% 2011), 3+ 28 (33% 2011)
  • Writing 2+ 93% (93% 2011), 2b+ 76% (80% 2011), 3+ 10% (17% 2011)
  • Maths 2+ 97% (93% 2011), 2b+ 86% (80% 2011), 3+ 24% (30% 2011)
  • Achievement in Reading and writing at 2+ and 2b+ is consistent, in Maths it is higher. Achievement at 3+ is slightly lower and may reflect the cautious nature of our SLT moderation this year.
  • The APS of girls was significantly higher than boys at KS1 (17.2% girls, 14.7% boys)
  • The Year 1 phonics test was introduced in 2012. There was no significant difference between the performance of girls and boys. 69% of all pupils achieved the standards, 68.8% of boys and 69.2% of girls. We have no further data available with which to compare our results.

Key Stage 2