Mountain Men Research Report

Directions: Use the Internet to research at least two of these explorers, trappers, guides and other frontiersmen of the North American frontier from 1807-1848. Include in your report the biography of your men and their interesting adventures. Explain why they chose to live this lifestyle and their influence on the history of the United States. Required 1200 words minimum, hand written. (Dates below indicate Active Years) Key phrase to use in your Google search: (Name + Mountain Man). The site is useful. Another useful site is “Mountain Men and Life in the Rocky Mountain West – Malachites Big Hole”.

James “Grizzly” Adams 1849-1856 ______

John Albert 1834-1847 ______

William Henry Ashley 1822-1828______

John Jacob Astor 1794-1834______

Jim Baker 1839-1873 ______

James Beckwourth 1824-1866 ______

Charles Bent 1826-1869 ______

Jim Bridger 1822-1868 ______

Benjamin Bonneville 1832-1835 ______

Robert Campbell 1825-1835 ______

Kit Carson 1825-1868 ______

Jean Baptiste Charbonneau 1829-1866 ______

James Clyman 1823-1848 ______

John Colter 1803-1810 ______

William Craig (Active? Life 1807-1869) ______

George Drouillard 1804-1810 ______

George Ebbert 1823-1836 ______

Warren Angus Ferris (Active? Life 1810-1873) ______

Jacques Raphael “Jocko” Finlay 1806-1828 ______

Thomas “Broken Hand” Fitzpatrick (Active? life 1799-1854) ______

Lucien Fontenelle 1819-1840 ______

John Charles Fremont 1838-1849 ______

Andrew Garcia (?) ______

Hugh Glass 1800-1833 ______

Antoine Godin 1817-1836 ______

Miles Goodyear 1836-1847 ______

Isaac Graham 1830-1840 ______

Caleb Greenwood 1810-1834 ______

William Thomas Hamilton (Active? Life 1822-1908) ______

Boone Helm 1850-1864 ______

Major Andrew Henry 1809-1824 ______

Seth Kinman 1849-1864 ______

James Kirker 1822-1849 ______

Zenas Leonard 1831-1857 ______

Liver-Eating Johnson (Active? Life 1824-1900) ______

Ben Lilly (Active? Life 1856-1936) ______

Manuel Lisa 1782-1820 ______

Mariano Medina (Active? Life 1812-1878) ______

Joseph Meek 1820-1850 ______

Robert “Doc” Newell 1829-1869 ______

George Nidever 1830-1853 ______

Peter Skene Ogden 1809-1847 ______

James Ohio Pattie 1824-1830 ______

Osborne Russell 1834-1845 ______

George Ruxton (Active? Life 1821-1848) ______

Rufus Sage 1841-1844 ______

Jedediah Smith 1822-1831 ______

“Blackfoot” John Smith (Active? Life 1810-18??) ______

Thomas L. “Pegleg” Smith (Active? Life 1801-1866) ______

Ceran St. Vrain (Active? Life 1802-1870) ______

Milton Sublette 1823-1835 ______

William Sublette 1823-1832______

Thomas Tate Tobin 1837-1878 ______

Elbridge Trask 1835-1852 ______

Louis Vasquez 1823-1858 ______

Joseph R. Walker 1832-1863 ______

Pauline Weaver 1830-1867 ______

John Henry Weber 1822-1840 ______

William Sherley “Old Bill” Williams 1812-1849 ______

Richard “Dick” Wooten (Active? Life 1816-1893) ______

Nathaniel Jarvis Wyeth 1832-1837______

Harry Yount 1866-1924 ______