Minutes of IEEE Executive Meeting

April 24, 2002

at UWM (Student night meeting)


Section Officers: Larry Hause, Paul Tindall, Robert Molthen

Chapter Chairs: Jim Blaha (EMC), Hue Tran (Control Systems), Ivan Howitt (Communication & Signal Proc)

Section Directors and Other Chairs: Val Werner, Bill Henning, Peter McKenney

Meeting was called to order at 4:30pm by Larry Hause.

Missing (came late)


Jim Blaha gave a report to the committee on the EMC FEST that was held on March 13th. He handed out a result of the seminar survey. The results were outstanding. Jim then went over the financial report for the meeting. In summary, the total income for the meeting was $16,173.74, expenses 9,033.21 and therefore a profit of $7,140.53 was made.

Treasure Report

Jim Blaha gave a treasurer report, He handed out three pages of information. One page review the current Milwaukee Section checking account which after the deposit of profits from the EMC Chapter has a balance of $16,318.43. The second page was a review of the 2001 and 2002 finances with reserves. For the year to date the Section has an estimated income of $9,790.00, expenses of $10,945.01 and therefore has a negative balance without the rest of the years expenses considered. The financial report also showed the balance of the Marquette Savings Bank CD at $9,708.37 and a Bank One CD at $6220.35. The third page was a projected budget for the Section in the year 2002 which estimates total expenses at $12,635.05. Jim commented that the expenses of printing/mailing and the holiday party need to be address in order to keep the budget in line. He also made the suggestion that the summer picnic be canceled for budgetary reasons. The suggestion was brought up for vote and passed.

Paul Tindall handed out an estimated budget for the Fall seminar scheduled for October 2, 2002. The budget is a virtual break even.

Awards Ceremony

Val Werner gave a report on the status of the awards ceremony stating that the expenses on a per person basis will be greater than the fee charged. He estimates the cost to the section will be $1,125.00 and estimated the profit to be $1750.00.

News letter and Mailings

Bill Henning discussed the costs envolved with the Section’s printing and mailings. He reported that because of the advertisements, the news letters pay for themselves. He reported that the post card mailings cost approximately $650.00 for the near 2200 mailings. He also mentioned that because of timing problems with the last mailing that it hard to mailed out at first class rates in order to be received on time.

Larry Hause call for a motion to adjourn. Paul Tindall made a motion to adjourn and Ivan Howitt second the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 5:35pm.