Special Meeting Minutes

Derby Middle School

10 Nutmeg Avenue, Derby, CT 06418

6:00 p.m.

August 6, 2014


a.  Opening Ceremonies

b.  Roll Call

Present were Mr. Stadt, Ms. Robinson, Mr. Kurtyka.



Ms. Robinson motioned that the Board of Education enter into executive session to discuss a matter involving a student that would likely result in the disclosure of public records or the information contained therein as described in Connecticut General Statute section 1-210 b, 2, 11 and 17. The Board invited Student A, the parent, Dr. Conway, Dr. Chambers, SGT Netto of the Derby Police, the Board Attorney Kyle McClain. Mr. Stadt seconded and the motion carried.


The meeting was reopened to the public.


Mr. Kurtyka motioned that the per Connecticut General Statue 10.233 (d) the Board of Education expelled Student A from attendance at Derby High School for the period of 8/6/14 through 8/6/15 for reasons presented to the Board in executive session. Further the Board directs the administration to offer alternative education opportunity pursuant to Connecticut General Statute Section 10.233 (d) (d) in a form to be determined by the superintendent during the period of this expulsion. Notwithstanding the period of the expulsion the student may apply to the superintendent for early readmission on a probationary basis at the beginning of the fourth marking period. As a condition of such probationary readmission the student must fulfill the following conditions to the satisfaction of the superintendent in the sole discretion: 1. The student participate and demonstrates successful advancement in the alternative education opportunity provided to him, 2: the student commit no violation of school rules or Board policy that constitutes an offense for which a student could be suspended or expelled, 3. The student participate in and demonstrate successful completion or satisfactory advancement of a drug counseling program approved by the superintendent. Such readmission shall be on a probationary basis and the superintendent shall be entitled to reinstitute the expulsion out of school if the student should violate any school rule or Board policy for which suspension or expulsion can be warranted. The Board also directs the administration pursuant Connecticut General Statute Section 10.233 (d) (f) to record the expulsion on the student’s cumulative education record to be expunged if the student graduates high school. The Board authorizes Attorney McClain to communicate in writing the Boards decision and the reasons thereof consistent with the Boards executive session discussion to Student A and his or her parents as appropriate. Mr. Stadt seconded and the motion carried.


Mr. Kurtyka motioned to adjourn at 7:13 PM, Mr. Stadt seconded and the motion carried.

Mr. Kurtyka and Mr. Stadt rescinded their motions to adjourn.


Ms. Robinson motioned that the Board of Education enter into executive session to discuss a matter involving a student that would likely result in the disclosure of public records or the information contained therein as described in Connecticut General Statute section 1-210 (b), (2), (11) and (17). The Board invited Student A, the parent, Dr. Conway, Dr. Chambers, SGT Netto of the Derby Police, Mr. Ciccarini Principal of Bradley School, and the Board Attorney Kyle McClain. Mr. Stadt seconded and the motion carried.


The meeting was reopened to the public.


Mr. Kurtyka motioned that the per Connecticut General Statue 10.233 d the Board of Education expelled Student A from attendance at Bradley School for the period of 8/6/14 through 8/6/15 for reasons presented to the Board in executive session. Further the Board directs the administration to offer alternative education opportunity pursuant to Connecticut General Statute Section 10.233 (d) (d) in a form to be determined by the superintendent during the period of this expulsion. The Board also directs the administration pursuant Connecticut General Statute Section 10.233 (d) (f) to record the expulsion on the student’s cumulative education record to be expunged if the student graduates high school. The Board authorizes Attorney McClain to communicate in writing the Boards decision and the reasons thereof consistent with the Boards executive session discussion to Student A and his or her parents as appropriate. Mr. Stadt seconded and the motion carried.


Mr. Kurtyka motioned to adjourn at 7:58 PM, Mr. Stadt seconded and the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Terri Kuskowski

Recording Secretary

These minutes are subject to the Board’s approval at their next scheduled meeting.