Public Health Wales / Director of Communications Report June 2012
Director of CommunicationsReportJune 2012
Author:Chris Lines, Director of Communications
Date:18 June 2012 / Version:1
  • Public Health Wales Board document database (public access)

Purpose and Summary of Document:
The purpose of this paper is to provide the Public Health Wales Board with a formal report from the Director of Communications, which includes information on:
  • Internal communications
  • Stakeholder communications
  • Public communications

Date of Board meeting:28 June2012
This paper is for:
Information / X
Date: 18 June 2012 / Version: 1 / Page: 1 of 14
Public Health Wales / Director of Communications Report June 2012


This document reports on the key outputs of the Communications Team in the month of May 2012.

The structure is in line with that of the corporate communications strategy.

The Communications Team is undertaking some work to clarify the measurement and evaluation of its work. More work is being done and, when it is complete, this report will be adjusted to link outputs with outcomes.

Demands on the Communications Team continue to be very high particularly in relation to changes in health and healthcare improvement.

2Internal communications

2.1Information Exchange

The e-Bulletin was published and sent to all staff with a Public Health Wales email address on all four Fridays in May.


The top five most viewed pages on the Public Health Wales intranet site in May 2012were as follows:

Ranking / Page Title
1 / Interactive
2 / Web Forum
3 / Services and Teams
4 / Public Health Wales Policies
5 / Staff Directory

* visits to the homepage are excluded from this list

The top ten most viewed news stories on the Public Health Wales intranet site inMay 2012 were as follows:

Ranking / Page Title / Date published
1 / New administrative structures to be implemented / 03/05/2012
2 / Applications being received to attend public health conferences / 01/05/2012
3 / Consultation on Public Health Development Directorate structures / 18/05/2012
4 / Call for posters for Welsh Public Health Conference / 26/04/2012
5 / Social media strategy approved / 23/05/2012
6 / Public Health Wales prepares for London 2012 / 25/05/2012
7 / Public Health Wales issues hot weather advice ahead of torch relay / 24/05/2012
8 / Cardiovascular Disease Project continues / 04/05/2012
9 / Changes to the recruitment process to be implemented / 30/05/2012
10 / Teenage Conception Audit commences / 17/05/2012

The total number of page views for the Public Health Wales intranet site during May was 102,653. From 29 January 2010 (launch date) to the end of May 2012 a total of 2,637,994page views for the intranet site have been recorded.

Number of monthly page viewson the Public Health Wales intranet site

Twenty fournews stories were written and posted on the intranet site in May.


An evaluation of Pawb is being undertaken to understand whether the staff magazine is achieving its purpose – to show the human and friendly face of the organisation, highlighting staff achievements and stories.


Neither theSenior Management Forum nor the National Forum met in May.


In May there were sevenpostings on the Open Blog (four from members of the Executive Team) attracting two comments. In total the Open Blog wasviewed573 times.

2.6Web forum

The web forum was visited 4,672 times in May.

2.7Staff Conference

Planning has started for the staff conference to be held on Tuesday 9 October.


The Communications Team led two CPD sessions on communications organised by the Professional and Organisation Team in North and South Wales. The events were attended by 27 people, mainly from Public Health Wales.


Other internal communications work supported by the Communications Team included:

  • The administration review
  • Realignment project
  • New policies for consultation
  • Preparation for industrial action
  • On-call harmonisation project
  • Cardio vascular disease project

3Stakeholder communications


See reports under 2.2 above and 4.1 below for reports on intranet and internet site use.

3.2Public Health Wales News

The May issue of Public Health Wales News, the e-Bulletin for stakeholders and interested members of the public was distributed to more than 900 people.


The Communications Team provided support to the following work which involves stakeholder engagement (some others are listed under internal communications and public communications):

Screening Division

  • AAA screening project
  • Newborn Bloodspot Screening Wales project
  • Combined Downs Screening project
  • Digital Mammography project

Health Protection Division

  • Olympic preparedness
  • Seasonal flu vaccination campaign
  • Get Protected (long acting reversible contraception) project
  • ARCOPOL project risk communications planning
  • North Wales Warning and Informing planning on use of social media

Health Intelligence Division

  • Child Measurement Programme
  • Tobacco and Health in Wales profile
  • Population Health Intelligence Network

Health and Healthcare Improvement Division

  • Health Improvement Review
  • Champions for Health
  • Standards for Condom Cards
  • Breastfeeding
  • Cooking Bus
  • Cwm Taf smoke-free policy

Health board teams

  • Transformational change in the BCU area
  • Gwent Champions for Health


  • The Early Years Pathfinder Programme
  • Planning for the 2nd Annual Public Health Conference 2012
  • Planning for the Faculty of Public Health Conference 2012
  • NHS Wales digital communications
  • Social Media strategy
  • Public and Stakeholder Engagement strategy

4Public communications


From 1-31May the English language version of the website recorded 11,243 visits from 7,581 different visitors resulting in 36,522 webpages being viewed. On average, visitors viewed three pages per visit and spent two and a half minutes on the website. The number of visits during May 2012 is 25 per cent higher than the number during May 2011.

Weekly visits to the Public Health Wales website: 01/05/2012-31/05/2012 [blue] and 01/05/2011-31/05/2011 [orange]

For the Welsh language version of the website, 412 visits were recorded from 219 different visitors resulting in 1,152 webpages being viewed. Visitors spent on average just over two and a half minutes on the site and viewed three pages per visit.

The top fifteen most visited pages are given in the table below:

Rank / Page Title (English site) / Page Title (Welsh site)
1 / Home / Hafan (Home)
2 / Search / Canlyniadau Chwilio (Search)
3 / About Us / Problemau Iechyd Meddwl(Mental health Problems)
4 / Welsh Public Health Conference 2012: Registration Form for Non-Public Health Wales Employees Defining child abuse scenarios (CAS) questionnaireDefining child abuse scenarios (CAS) questionnaire / Rhaglen Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus (Programme of CPD)
5 / Local Public Health / Newyddion (News index)
6 / Services and Teams / Imiwneiddio a Brechlynnau (Immunisation and Vaccination)
7 / Together for Public Health: Welsh Public Health Conference 2012 / Cofrestru yn agor ar gyfer Cynhadledd Iechyd y Cyhoedd Cymru (Registration opens for Welsh Public Health Conference)
8 / News Index / Bwyta, gweithgaredd corfforol a gordewdra(Eating, Physical Activity and Obesity),
9 / Health Topics / Hyfforddiant Adolygu Gwasanaethau ac Asesu Anghenion (Service Reviews and Needs Assessment Training)
10 / Diseases and Conditions / Pynciau Iechyd (Health Topics)
11 / Publications / Amdanom ni (About Us)
12 / Welsh Public Health Conference / Ysmygu (Smoking)
13 / Shingles / Afiechydon a Chyflyrau(Diseases and Conditions)
14 / Data and Health Intelligence / Digwyddiadau (Events)
15 / Cryptosporidium / Gordewdra (Obesity)

4.2Media Relations

4.2.1Press releases issued

The Communications Team issued 12press releases in May, all of which achieved media coverage:

Health Protection Division

  • Wales achieves most new registrations in SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands Campaign
  • Public Health Wales issues hot weather advice ahead of torch relay
  • Parents reminded of vaccinations ahead of summer holidays
  • Teenage Conception Audit commences
  • Results of healthcare associated infections survey published
  • Cases of cryptosporidiosis investigated in Cardiff school
  • Plan for liver health in prisons launched

Health and Healthcare Improvement Division

  • Wales-wide drive to reduce harm from alcohol

Health Board teams

  • Local people become champions for health
  • Nefyn School achieves National Quality Award
  • Powys Public Health Team marks Stroke Awareness Month


  • Public Health Wales marks International Nurses’ Day

Screening Division

The Screening Engagement Team issued ten press releases during May.Eight were routine press releases promoting breast screening and two promoted bowel screening:

  • Rugby star tackles embarrassment of bowel screening
  • Appeal issued as bowel uptake drops

4.2.2Media enquiries

The Communications Team responded to 15 media enquiries in May, oneof which led to broadcast coverage on radio.

Of the enquiries,fivewere related to health protection, oneto health and healthcare improvement,five to health intelligence and four to screening.

4.3Incidents and outbreaks

Communications support was provided for an outbreak of norovirus.


Work was undertaken in May on the following (some of which included stakeholder communications):

Screening Division

  • Inquest on death of service user

Health Protection Division

  • The Hanson Cement investigation

Health and Healthcare Improvement Division

  • Future of Health Challenge Wales website
  • Breastfeeding Awareness Week planning
  • Skin cancer
  • Expert Patient Programme campaign for pharmacies
  • Planning and preparation of content for the Health Check Wales supplement
  • Workplace health marketing


  • Implementation of social media strategy
  • Implementation of public and stakeholder engagement strategy

4.5Health in Wales

From 1-31May the website recorded 69,754 visits from 47,901 unique visitors resulting in 188,775 web pages being viewed. On average, visitors viewed three pages per visit and spent over two minutes on the website. The number of visits during May 2012 is 16 per cent higher than the number during May 2011 (see figure 1).

Figure 1:Daily visits to the Health in Wales website: 01/05/2012-31/05/2012 [blue] and 01/05/2011-31/05/2011 [orange]

For Welsh language pages on the website, 859 page views were recorded from 648 visits resulting in 258 different page titles being viewed. Visitors spent on average just over one minute on a page and viewed four pages per visit.

The top fifteen most visited pages are given in the table below:

Rank / Page Title (English) / Page Title (Welsh)
1 / Home / Iechyd yng Nghymru (Home)
2 / GP Surgery Details / Cyfeiriadur (Directory)
3 / Post Code Search / Chywiliad Cod Post (Postcode search)
4 / Defining child abuse scenarios (CAS) questionnaireLocal Health BoardsVacancies Defining child abuse scenarios (CAS) questionnaireDefining child abuse scenarios (CAS) questionnaire / Manylion Meddygfa Meddygon Teulu (GP Surgeries details)
5 / Hospitals / Ysbytai (Hospitals)
6 / Directory / Cysylltu a Ni (Contact Us)
7 / Contact Us / Mynyllion Deintydd (Dentists Surgeries)
8 / Dentist Details / Archif Newyddion (News archive)
9 / Vacancies / Gordewdra (Obesity)
10 / Cardiff and Vale University Health Board / Ein Gwasanaethau (Our Services)
11 / About Us / Rhestr A-Z (A-Z Index)
12 / Health Topics / Awtistiaeth (Autism)
13 / Structure / Amdanom ni (About Us)
14 / Working for NHS Wales / Hygyrchedd (Accessibility)
15 / Statistics and Data / Pynciau Iechyd (Health Topics)

4.6Health in Wales on-line enquiries

Ninety five on-line enquiries were received, answered and closed during the reporting period. These included one Freedom of Information Request forwarded to Welsh Government on the advice of the NWIS Information Governance team, general enquiries, and service related compliments and complaints referred to the appropriate primary care and health board teams.

5Welsh language

The Director of Communications attended the first of a series of public meetings held by the Welsh Language Commissioner. She has published a consultation document on Standards for the Welsh Language which will be considered by the Welsh Language Committee.

The Standards are intended for implementation in April 2013 and, at that point, will supersede the Welsh Language Scheme.


Following a formal tendering procedure, Golley Slater has been appointed to provide communications support in the Health and Healthcare Improvement Division while structures and priorities are being developed.

Date: 18 June 2012 / Version: 1 / Page: 1 of 14